The bullfrog with three hats
February 24, 2013 at 12:37pm
In the ongoing controversy, some reporters have become fixated on a home-made clock, but have conveniently (or stupidly?) failed to notice that Labour star candidate Manuel Mallia is wearing three hats:
1. a Labour star candidate;
2. lawyer/legal adviser to George Farrugia’s siblings, in their case against George Farrugia;
3. unofficial legal defence to Joe Cordina, shareholder/director of the fiduciary company which handled George Farrugia’s money.
U ejja, Manuel, jail me as well! Mhux fier taghmel hekk lil Pawlu Borg Olivier biss.
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I appreciate his progressive credentials and courage in openly posting photos of himself in cross-dressing garb, a white wig and make up – I barely have the courage to look.
As J M Synge wrote: “Deirdre! Don’t do it!”
Is his position within Joseph & Co compensation for leverage exacted? Rigal?
Qal li ghandu 38 sena esperjenza bhal a avukat. Vera. Tlett qwarti minnhom lavrant tal-familja Demarco.
You might be right.
Could it be that after spending 30 years LAVRANT ….etc. he can’t take anymore seeing how the party has changed since than?
I don’t think I would be far out if I were to ask,
Would Guido feel comfortable in to-day’s party?
What Guido wouldn’t feel comfortable with today would be the way The Times has been apparently hijacked and rendered virtually ineffectual.
I say the paper is ineffectual simply because their targeted audience can’t even read it, while their traditional readers have stopped buying it.
Silvio, rest assured that the PN is still the same party.
It is people like Manwel who feel more comfortable within the new movement or whatever the PL has become.
Manwel is feeling the heat as he is now seeing the difference between defending a criminal in court, where he is the one asking questions and the political arena in which it is he who has to answer – something which he is incapable of doing.
Guido might have thought him how to be a criminal lawyer but Manwel never learnt what it takes to be a politician.
If only there existed one journalist with enough grey matter to burst your “Nazzjonalisti ta’ veru” bubble.
This is all about black immigrants, isn’t it?
Silvio I think you like frogs.
What would Guido de Marco feel about the retyping of emails and presenting them as though they were the original emails with errors in them despite a spell check?
Manuel Mallia insists a director shouldn’t shoulder any responsibility if he’s not aware what’s happening in his company.
This as he lectured journalists during the press conference yesterday.
There is such a thing as negligent behaviour, it carries criminal implications.
Ramona Frendo was one of Josette Grech’s guests yesterday, she denounced the ‘gratuitious attacks on Intershore shareholders’.
And these will be Labour’s testimonials. They’re absolutely right, Malta’s financial services are under attack.
Don’t bullfrogs have really long tongues?
As a lawyer for George Farrugia’s siblings, isn’t the Labour bullfrog professionally and ethically required to shut up and stay out of this?
His blabbering and his actions may compromise the legal rights of others involved in the legal disputes with his clients.
Daphne, please stop torturing us with these pictures.
Manwel Mallia should decicide which hat he wants to put on and stick to it if he wants to be credible.
Old Labour is still there and that should worry the people who are thinking of voting for them.
Manwel Mallia threatening to jail Paul Borg Olivier over a comment? No wonder he joined the Labour Party.
It does not console me knowing that a politician spends most of his time meeting top criminals as his clients.
I think a criminal laywer of this kind is not suited for politics.
So Tonio Fenech gets accused of barely talking to George Farrugia, and Manuel Mallia gets to hang out with criminals all day and no one can tell him anything because its his ‘job’.
When the truth comes out Manwel Mallia will have to eat a three course meal of hats.
Sleaze man. Qatt ma rajt bniedem mahmug fil-veru sens tal-kelma daqs Manwel Mallia. Meta kien l-ahhar darba li ha banju?