Come on girls, come on boys, watch the furrow between the brows

Published: February 25, 2013 at 5:07pm

49 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    Ir-responsabbilta’ ingarret b’mod shih. Kif?

    U tajjeb il-tort ta’ Gonzi wkoll.

    Dan it-tidwir ta’ diskors li jbezzghani jien.

  2. Wilson says:

    He already doesn’t live up to his word. Visions of worse are already scudding in my head.

  3. Sav says:

    How can we trust in PL when you hear this Interview.. He is trying to put the blame on Gonzi… Joesph Muscat…SHAME ON YOU

    • Neil Dent says:

      He’s doing this with every MLP scandal that surfaces. Either Gonzi or the respective Minister has to answer for MLP filth and eff-ups.

      Abela and Muscat cover up the original drugs case (cases?), and then blame the PN for, according to them, knowing about it since September but failing to go to the police with it.

      Not that that would have served much of a purpose, legally speaking, as the incriminating evidence had long been getting the Maghtab rats out of their skulls by then.

  4. observer says:

    Unbelievable. Simply sickening.

  5. ken il malti says:

    He is the Furrow-master of the deep lie.

    • dutchie says:

      An old dutch saying: “He schmiles like a farmer with a toothache!!”

      To me:

      A spoilt psychopathological child with a pent-up tantrum. He could be dangerous.. many of you are right.

      [Daphne – Yes, Dutchie, it’s one of the reasons women find him repellent. We can an instant sense of what it must be like to be in a relationship with him, especially from the way he reacts when confronted with remarks or questions that he doesn’t like, which he clearly ‘processes’ as accusations.]

  6. Adam says:

    Come on girls, come on boys, were heading straight into a ditch… today before tomorrow…

  7. manum says:

    Buy buy girls, come on boys we can sodomise you all.

  8. ken il malti says:

    What is Lying Joseph doing in what appears to be a farm?

    Purchasing some bullshit perhaps, to add it to his personal collection of poppycock and unadulterated bunkum.

  9. rjc says:

    What a barrage from the press. Hope they keep putting on the pressure.

    Joseph can’t take it.

    • Q&A says:

      “…kampanja negattiva li issa dejjqet lil kulhadd fil-fehma tieghi” – 1.30 – 1.35.

      Jidher li diga ddejjaq bil-kampanja elettorali. Tghid qabzitlu?

      Keep up the pressure. Toni & Joe must resign.

      • Giraffa says:

        Why does he start every response with “Jiena nahseb ….” which gives him the opportunity to say anything whatever the question. It is evident that this man is weak and can’t take the pressure – no wonder he did everything to avoid an open discussion with Lawrence Gonzi

  10. P Shaw says:

    In a few months, his subjects and in particular the kids, will be obliged to recite poems in his honour.

  11. Giovanni says:

    This man is going to be worse than Mintoff.

  12. Jozef says:

    I think the PM has all the grounds to drag this individual to court.

    Slander on video.

  13. Anthony says:


  14. Tabatha White says:

    Typical of the professional conman: when questioned about one of your lies and your fault, blame someone else; tarnish someone else’s reputation.

    Journalists/ reporters – that was better however, you need to hammer him with one question after another. Foresee these slippery answers going nowhere and pound him with the blame, guilt and shame that he needs to feel. One difficult question after another. Some shooting some fishing. All fishing allows him to waste too much time.

    The people around him are scared and worried – that is visible enough.

    You need to break his barrier once and he will be transparent to all. That’s when he will loose his stand.

  15. Harry Purdie says:

    Is he still clutching his portable urinator, as he preaches his Elmer Gantry bullshit?

  16. Censa says:

    Well you know what the Maltese saying is: wiccu u s****u l-istess…well now I understand what that furrow is. He spews bs non stop.

  17. Election Mode says:

    Remove the podium and teleprompter and he’s in deep shit.

  18. David says:

    Ghalijna huwa tidwir ta’ diskors, .is-segwaci tieghu jajdulek “ara x`mexxejj ghadna kemm jaf jitkellem! missu jisthi GonziPN” ..Imma x`tistenna min-nies ta mentalita fqira!

  19. Neil Dent says:

    Courage To Goat, Ek-tchu-willy!

  20. Nighthawk says:

    But no-one takes him to task for having the cheek to actually try to pin it on the PM. The fact is that it WAS reported to the police, but no thanks to him, and a year after the fact as soon as David Agius heard the recording.

  21. judy says:

    Did I understand correctly? “Il prim ministru imdorri itellaq wahdu” so the ones before you were what exactly?

  22. MxC says:

    He’s a broken record.

  23. Dunstan says:

    Notary Cilia seems to get away without even a mention! Was he not an OLD LABOUR too? They give me the creeps.

  24. bob-a-job says:

    How appropriate. This was filmed at tas-Silg, Marsaxlokk.

  25. ciccio says:

    Joseph and his “bullocks silg.”

  26. FreeThought says:

    X’responsabilita garrejt?

    Tiga ghadna prova x’ha jghamel meta ezempju il-power station ma ssirx fiz zmien li intqal jew tkun aktar gholja minn options ohra. Kull ma niehdu….. “ir-responsabilita ingarret”.

    L-aqwa li xi hadd li sponsorjali parti mill-kampanja ikun ha 25 sena garanzija li jithallas mit-taxxi tghana! U kemm ha ddahhal fil but Joseph?

  27. Gahan says:

    At Tas-Silg he was caught alone (no ‘spontaneous’ supporters) with the journalists who I must say deserve a round of applause for their good effort.

    When someone does not answer questions the journalist has a right to say: ”That was no reply”, or “you did not answer my question”.

  28. francesco says:

    What is Joe Lurch Cilia doing there ?

    Ser ilahhqu ministru ta l-okkult jew?

  29. Fran says:

    Il-veru ardit. Two weights two measures.

  30. Antoine Vella says:

    Every time Joseph Muscat finishes answering – more or less – a question he looks sideways and tries to turns away from the questions. It’s very clear he’s uncomfortable and wishing he was somewhere else.

    By the way, that dog statue with a collection box attached to its collar used to belong to the SPCA. Perhaps they gave it to Island Sanctuary.

  31. Wormfood says:

    Now that is one fake smile. It’s easy to see he’s straining himself to be positive, he’d certainly never have a long career as a poker player.

  32. billy goat says:

    Evasive, as usual. He is getting cornered time and time again. Eventually he will crack.

  33. Gorg Borg says:

    What a bloody chicken of a man.. He can’t even look at the journalists because the lies just show on him. He just rants on and on about everything except the proper answer.

  34. Libertas says:


  35. Hayl says:

    My God.. He really got on my nerves not answering the questions and repeating the same bullsh*t about a positive campaign.

  36. MxC says:

    Oh yes, look at his so-called “Kampanja Pozittiva” :

  37. puh-lease says:

    I just want to punch something whenever I see Muscat ‘smile’.

    Never a straight logical answer, madoffi – ask almost any question and get an ‘I’ve said all there is to say’ and a creepy smile. *shivers*

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