Important message for H. P. Baxxter

Published: February 25, 2013 at 7:40pm

Should you decide to let me know who you are, you might be pleased to discover that I have a long list of propositions, proposals of marriage, indecent proposals, enquiries re friendship and requests for dates/your name/your identity/your telephone number backed up here.

If I throw a Meet H. P. Baxxter Party my house will probably be mobbed, and I won’t have to give away free socks or earrings like Silvio Parnis to reel them in.

On a regular basis, I am besieged by your fans (thank heavens I have no ego issues) who think that perhaps if they ask me nicely enough then I will take them into my confidence and tell them who you are.

When I say that I don’t know, they don’t believe me.

Men never understand it when told that women don’t really go for looks, that other considerations take over even when good looks exist. But really, this is taking things to extremes: I didn’t know it was possible for an invisible man to have sex appeal. It’s fascinating.

U ghax issa xbajt: You must believe me, ladies. I really don’t know who this man is. But he claims nobody fancies him.

61 Comments Comment

  1. ta'sapienza says:

    Daphne’s own Stig.

  2. spa says:

    he might be a woman

  3. Manuel says:

    Well, I sure fancy the way he writes :) Well done, Baxxter.

  4. Me says:

    Daphne, we must not let this man’s genes go to waste. But somehow he seems to suffer from very low self-esteem.

    I wish you could do something about it. After the 9th of March, perhaps?

  5. M Falzon says:

    I think he is short, slim, about 42 years old, nerdish but with a good sense of humor, intelligent, intellectual and has full control of himself.

    But the most important thing is that he will be voting PN.

  6. Tinnat says:

    The intellectual and witty version of Christian Grey. Why, Michelle might be interested.

  7. Jozef says:

    Alfred and the crucifix eh?

  8. Blokka Silg says:

    H.P. Baxxter must be someone who is retired and has nothing else to occupy his/her mind all day long.

    Otherwise he would be cheating his employer!

    [Daphne – No, definitely not. The language and references are all wrong for somebody over 60.]

  9. Miss O'Brien says:

    I do!

    • Alfred Bugeja says:

      Since this is becoming a dating site, if you’re the Miss O’Brien from Downton Abbey, I’d really like to meet you over a coffee.



  10. Min Jaf says:

    And, to top it all, Joseph Muscat is also probably hanging around in the wings.

    • M. says:

      Muscat is probably trying to figure out how, fake hair and all, he seems to attract anything but women. Michelle must be relieved.

  11. Edward says:

    Oh dear. Have the little Elves jumped to another one of their conclusions and tied themselves up in knots again?

  12. Wilson says:

    Baxxter, you cracked it.

  13. anna caruana says:

    I have a feeling that Baxxter was on TV this morning.

  14. Matthew says:

    U bil-pozi u n-n*jk tighu kollu, Joseph Muscat mhu kapaci jigbed lill-hadd hlief lil Kenneth Zammit Tabona u s-segretarja ta’ Alfred Sant.

  15. Karl Flores says:

    I love reading Baxxter’s comments and I am surprised when he criticises himself.

    He must be very charming indeed therefore it is no wonder that he attracts the opposite sex.

    [Daphne – Self-deprecation is part of the appeal, Karl. But it has to be done the right way. If there’s one thing that scatters women it’s a self-satisfied arsehole like Muscat.]

    Could it be he doesn’t know of this and maybe lacks self-esteem? It’s like you said, women go more for brains than looks and what is beneath the belt.

  16. ciccio says:

    Baxxter, you’re in trouble now. If I were in your shoes, I would wait until 10 March before disclosing my identity.

    You wouldn’t want the newly elected National Socialists knocking on your door.

  17. Ian says:

    Definitely a retired CEO or GM. Educational background in engineering.

  18. Anna says:

    Baxxter, I love you too.

  19. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    Much as I would like to take the credit, in the light of Anna Caruana’s comment I have to say I ain’t he…

  20. Abulafia says:

    You hardly have to be an astrophysicist to work out who he is.

  21. thinker says:

    Who says Baxxter is a ‘he’? Perhaps it’s a ‘she’ pretending to be a ‘he’.

  22. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What have I done now? Was it the 1980s glam rock?

  23. Futur Imcajpar says:

    I’ve always imagined Baxxter to be a ‘he’. There’s something very masculine about his writing, hence the female following. And of course, he has brains and humour – now how many of those do we meet on a regular basis?

  24. TROY says:

    Troy knows who Baxxter is and Baxxter knows I’m not bullshitting.

    And don’t even try to dare me.

  25. Didi says:

    Given Joseph’s constant obsession for food, he probably fancies H.P. Baxxter too – reminds him of the sauce

    • TROY says:

      H.P. has nothing to do with sauce, but you’re close.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Yes, I’d say Baxxter loves reading, experimenting with different dishes and has an occupation which gives him the freedom to be here, there and everywhere…Another novella before the 9th Baxxter?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You got the dishes wrong. And I no longer read. Attention span’s not what it used to be.

  26. bookworm says:

    Daphne, you should definitely organise a bottle party for the 10th of March and play guess who. As for H.P. Baxxter, I definitely admire his wit and sense of humour. He also is some kind of fashionista, don’t forget his constructive criticism where suits are concerned.

  27. maryanne says:

    Where’s Harry Purdie when you need him?

  28. one of us says:

    Kenneth doesn’t love him.

    [Daphne – Kenneth goes for looks, not brains. Despite being gay, he’s evidently still a certain kind of man.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Oh, Kenneth has, on occasion, been amused by my company, and I by his. He shares my tastes in music and I respect him for dragging Malta out that ghastly fin-de-siècle Sicilian provincialism which is the Astra-Aurora repertoire.

  29. manum says:

    May I be jealous?

  30. Wormfood says:

    He’s a man all right and he shares my views about existentialism. Shame I can’t read his blog any longer.

  31. Prue Freeder says:

    And it’s not just straight women and certain gay men who fancy the guy. I know a couple of straight men and gay women who really admire him. Something about the way he writes…

  32. funny says:

    I bet he is Joseph Muscat

  33. Nicky says:

    Lou Bondi?

    • Anna says:

      No way. I imagine Baxxter to be single, living alone, early 40s, not handsome (sorry Baxx) but very attractive in the kind of way only a woman can understand.

      Intelligent, great sense of humour (British?) and possibly an introvert, unless he’s writing. How many points have I scored?

  34. thehappyone says:

    Dear Daphne,

    It`s because he is invisible, that makes him more attractive.

    He has a great sense of humour and we are free to imagine what he looks like.

  35. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Rather than a bottle party, could we have something a little more lucrative – for me as well as your publications? A win-win business deal. You give me a regular slot in Flair or Taste. And I’ll write about anything you wish. Really. I know how to stick to editorial rules. The best journals all have anonymous writers – Bagehot in The Economist, or the Daily’s Mail’s fashionista (who’s finally revealed her identity).

    Against payment, of course. I’ve got a wife and child to support, and a little coup d’état in Hong Kong to fund, right?

    [Daphne – But then you’ll have to tell me who you are. Oh, and with that wife and child business you’re just wiped out half your fan base.]

    • TROY says:

      Nice try Baxxter.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I’ve no problem telling you who I am. I’ll just have to trust your professional integrity. For my sake, not yours. I’ve no wish to be imprisoned for libel.

      OK, a future wife and child then. When I can afford them.

      [Daphne – Imprisonment? Why – what were you thinking of saying about the cut of Joseph’s trousers?]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        This is Malta. If you call someone an imbecile, or a clown, or a bastard, or a thieving rogue they can sue you for libel. I have no faith in our law courts, and I can’t afford a defence lawyer.

        Besides, while I would never bite the hand that feeds me, there are some hands I’d wish to be fed by that have been the target of my vitriol – their fault, not mine. I know things the average public doesn’t, and there is no other forum for criticism, which drives me up the wall. The last thing I need is to be put on everybody’ black list.

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