More red-hot definite articles from Labour: the Google and the Bing

Published: June 4, 2009 at 3:28pm


Read all about the Google and the Bing on Maltastar – where else?

It’s interesting, because you can tell which bits have been cut-and-pasted from an international news item or press release (the bits without ‘the’) and which bits have been written by Kurt Farrugia’s ace team (the bits with ‘the’ and the ones that pose as a threat).

We’ve heard it many times before. The anti-Google is coming, but it never turned out to be a serious threat to the simple and efficient Google.

However Microsoft’s latest search engine product, the Bing (, actually poses as a threat. The Bing is quite precise, offers the user many alternative searches and looks much sleeker than Google. New technology, such as previewing a page or a video, is very useful when trying to find the right answer to your search.

It’s not better than Google – search results for obscure queries show that Google is still more reliable than the Bing. But analysts say this is not something which would put people off from the Microsoft search engine.

Google has always kept a clean, simple page in order to make it faster for users to load. However with internet speeds always improving, there will be little difference between the Bing and Google as regards loading time.

In general, the Google will be marginally better than the Bing, but with a few tweaks by Microsoft the new search engine can yield a better searching experience than Google.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Graham Crocker says:

    They should hire me to write this stuff; I have a better level of English and I’ve been using Bing since it came out mostly for its superior product, image and video search, although I stick to Google when I need to research something.

    Not one mention of Live Search, the search engine it replaced.

    Then again, what do you expect from The Maltastar?

    This is what a real article on technology looks like, guys:

    • Pat says:

      I discovered (the) Lifehacker only a few weeks ago and It’s already an invaluable source of some daily escapism.

      (The) Bing looks pretty interesting. Coding-wise it’s far ahead of (the) Google already, but I think it suffers from the stamp of its lowly origin in the form of (the) Windows (the) Live Search.

      • Graham Crocker says:

        It’s a great ezine, theres always something good to read or download.

        Bing is heavy on scripts (little functions), which is why it is less clunkier than it should be and its hardly coding – except for maybe the preview video….I’m still trying to figure out what they used for that. But overall I think its quite nice and a good alternative.
        It’s definitely going to attract people who are looking for results and not web pages.

        If you like Bing, then I suggest you search for Wolfram alpha … now that’s something.

      • Pat says:

        I don’t find it clunky at all. The html output is really clean and solid, in comparison to Google who relies completely on in-line code. It makes Bing able to manage all those functions really efficiently for the browser. It also outputs the core result first, then loads additional items via ajax scripts and does it flawlessly. They even compress the code on-the-fly, which is probably the reason for the high speed.

        Hadn’t seen the video preview. It’s quite a nice touch. I think they just stream the original video source. Doubt they would have cached them all. Could be wrong though.

        Have been looking at Wolfram Alpha as well, but it’s for a completely different purpose. It will never replace quick and easy everyday searches, which forms the bulk of the traffic in Google and Windows Live Search/Bing.

      • Pat says:

        On second thoughts, I think they are cached. Zooming in shows that the resolution is much lower than the original video and considering the speed they load it must be a lot smaller. Neat!

  2. Lino Cert says:

    Wasn’t it president George Bush who first came out with the phrase “the Google?”

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