Joseph – he makes babies cry
Go to the video in the link below, of a report on Joseph Muscat’s visit to Hamrun, and the “enthusiastic welcome” he received (from 20 or 30 random people so obviously rounded up by the partit).
There’s a scene in which one woman hands Muscat her toddler. IT IS SO VERY TELLING. Muscat, the father of twins who are still really young, behaves like a man who has never held a child before. He holds the child backwards, doesn’t even bother looking down at her, still less looking her in the face and talking to her, and carries on looking straight ahead and grinning at his admirers, as though he has been handed a box. The child howls hysterically in fear and panic and instead of looking down at her and saying something soothing, or cracking a joke, he hands the ‘box’ back to its owner.
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There was only a small cluster of people, not a crowd, and the street was not “closed for traffic”, vehicles were moving regularly along the street as is clear in the video.
The constant pro-Labour bias in The Times reporting is sickening, the more so in light of the arson attack on Strickland House under a Labour government and that the ministers then in Mintoff’s cabinet are now once again set to be back in power should the PL be voted into government.
That poor girl was petrified.
The Times found it imperative to headline the news as an”enthusiastic welcome for Joseph Muscat”.
Rachel Tua sure does have impressive remora-like qualities. She seems to be well in.
To be fair, he nearly got a flying kick in his jewels.
So far we know that Joseph Muscat doesn’t have a way with babies and animals.
Notice the lack of the human touch! He cannot show emotions with a kid, what is he going to do with the electorate when Malta runs into trouble? But then again, Malta will get the prime minister that it deserves!
Maltatoday seems uneasy with investigations carried out through established channels.
According to them it was either for the PM to investigate or keep himself in the picture.
Spoilt their scoop, no telephone calls or memos to speak of.
Imagine if he did.
Ah, but according to the Kasco Times, it was an “enthusistic (sic.) welcome” and the road had to be closed to traffic! Tal-biki!
just imagine if it was this thing holding the kid!×348.jpg
Hi, my name is David and I’m all in.
That was all meant biex “johdilha wahda mat-tifla!” Aren’t these people meant to be starving under a Nationalist government? They are all obese.
He’ll be making all of us cry very soon.
Beautiful metaphor for what is going to happen on 10th March.
What biased reporting.
“Raptorous welcome”, when it looked that the crowd was organised. I do not go around carrying a PN flag so that if by any chance I encounter Lawrence Gonzi doing the rounds I start waving the flag.
And the report says the street had to be closed when it was clear that cars and buses were still going along.
I cannot understand why everyone still expect The Times to have a sense of proportion.
It’s not as if the space hasn’t been taken up already.
The small little girl was the only one with a right reaction afraid of the socialist
He will soon be making all of us cry.
This one’s well into the incoherent babbling stage:
A very good opinion piece by Austin Bencini. The main argument is that “we have no idea of what socialist ideas Muscat has in plan for us, should he win…and fairness dictates we be made privy of Muscat’s socialist vision of our economy before deciding on how to vote.”
Austin Bencini jidher li diga qabduh imsarnu bil-biza, miskin !!! Imma ma jibzax imur fuq ONE TV taparsi opinjonista indipendenti !
Kemm intom volgari, int u n-nies tat-tip tieghek. Il-metafori taghkom kollha funzjonijiet intestinali, body odour u affarijiet disgustanti.
Should he be afraid of airing his views, even on ONE TV, Eddie?
Issa anke l-One dejqek Privitera?
Baxxter, why are you surprised? They called themselves a Movement.
Bloody hell, you’re right. And Joseph Muscat was graded on the University of Bristol scale.
Joseph, he makes adults cry.
If the electorate goes barmy and votes in a Labour government, Joseph will make us all cry.
L-unika zaghzugh/a fil-filmat hija dik il-povra tifla, ghax il-bqija qishom hargu minn Has-Serh.
M’ghandekx kuragg turih il-kumment li bghattlek , hux ????
Daqstant ghandek kuragg ?
[Daphne – Oh do please eff off, Eddy. Unlike you, I am not a retired person. I do not sit on this machine waiting to upload your comments as they come in. Go on, buzz off.]
Haffeff Daphne, aplowdjalu l-kumment ghax dak dalwaqt ghal gol-kaxxa!
Kien donnu heda jitkellem wahdu fuq l-Independent.
Jaqaw, Privitera, skoprejt xi bravura ala ‘Maltastart’?
This silly old fart is a perfect example of a Labour imbecile. Unfortunate they’re so many of them.
Ara, Eddy Tana Lkoll. At your age, you cannot say that life is not long like toiletpaper. In your case, used, of course.
The part when he’s seen carrying the baby speaks volumes about the man’s character – he didn’t even look at its face – how shocking.
Might has well been a puppy, Oops, doesn’t like dogs either.
Hi, I am a toddler, and I’m NOT in.
Check out this video. If you like it please share.
Was watching TVM program before the news in which according to MLP candidate Alex Sciberras and AD Mario Mallia, the dry-docks are a strategic industry for Malta.
At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised that we exhume Kappar as a strategic industry.
Daphne! How did you hack TOM’s video?
How did you manage to insert the screaming sheep at the very end of this clip?
Which babies, Belgian ones?
Non Hamrun residents would not have noticed that the supposedly spontaneous welcome was held in front of the Saint Gaetan band club, a veritable hub of Labour support in the town.
It probably gathers more Labour supporters than the Labour Party club of the locality. They must have probably waited for hours inside the club for the great leader to deign Hamrun with his presence.
In two week’s time he will make all of us cry.
Joseph Muscat comes across as someone who has no emotions – his body language says it all.
Tajba Kevin, dak ilu gol-kaxxa ghal dawn l-ahhar 25 sena u fadallu 5 ohra miskin.
Joseph – he makes babies.
[Daphne – Actually he doesn’t. He told us so himself repeatedly.]
Dear Daphne, very soon Dr. Muscat is going to make you cry too.
[Daphne – How so, Carmel?]
What I find intriguing in Joseph’s encounters with his fans chanting “Taghna Lkoll,” “Joseph, Joseph”, and the classic “Viva l-Labour, Viva l-Labour,” is how he avoids any inter-personal contact with them.
He comes across as if he despises them, does not enjoy their presence, and rushes through to get away from them as quickly as he can. You can almost read his expression saying “Who the hell is this marmalja?”
Daphne! How did you hack TOM’s video?!
How did you manage to insert the screaming sheep at the very end of this clip?