Broadcasting Authority debate on TVM: GO, BEPPE, GO – PUT THOSE LYING RATS IN THEIR PLACE

Published: February 27, 2013 at 9:39pm
This is what happens when the Labour Control Room doesn't round up a crowd.

This is what happens when the Labour Control Room doesn’t round up a crowd.

The Labour Party is represented by that doctor Chris Fearne and by Luciano Busuttil.

Immediately they came on screen I received two messages: ‘The cabbage is on television’ (no, I replied, the kohl rabi is on television) and then another one, ‘Harguh il-gidra.’

I can’t wait to hear him talk. Chris Fearne opened the debate, with the usual nationalistic crap (and then they say that Labour isn’t right win).

He gave us a retro Mintoffian spiel about how one of his most precious childhood memories is being taken as a child to see the British flag go down and the Maltese flag go up in 1979 and how proud and emotional he felt.

Of course, he also had to tell us that he was still a schoolboy at St Aloysius College (that’s the non-Mintoffian bit), giving the impression that he had been taken there by the school. Oh right, as if St Aloysius College would have taken a busload of boys to Birgu to watch Mintoff and Gaddafi play at flags.

The only reason he brought St Aloysius College in is to impress the watching switchers – so that they might think, oh, this guy is One Of Us.

How lucky I am that I wasn’t raised by Mintoffjani, leaving me free to think for myself and see things clearly. Look at Chris Fearne: he goes to medical school, trains as a paediatrician, mixes with the great and the good, is presumably intelligent enough to work in medicine…and still he’s a Laburist Mintoffjan because of all that early brainwashing. As a paediatrician he should know something about the effects of this kind of thing in one’s formative years. It doesn’t affect everyone – but he’s a prize example.

Now look at Luciano Busuttil – an idiot. So really you can’t blame him. He’s talking now, in his best courtroom voice. His tie is an aggressive violet. He’s very well rehearsed and is trotting out the same old arguments, in what is obviously a speech written by somebody else. We’ve seen what he writes on Facebook and Twitter. They will probably work on people like him, because there are many.

GO, BEPPE, GO! Put these LYING rats in their place. what a difference it makes when a man speaks from the heart, with conviction, because he really believes what he says. Chris Fearne and Luciano Busuttil read from rehearsed notes. Beppe has really let rip and I loved the bit about how the New Party of Unity is the party that had his family home smashed up because his father was Leader of the Opposition.

I WONDER WHAT CHRIS FEARNE’S PARENTS TOLD HIM ABOUT THAT AT THE TIME. Go on, Chris – do tell. I bet that, like so many other Laburisti, they pretended it didn’t happen and they hid it from you. How old were you when you finally heard about it?


These people are so blatantly malicious that you just want to switch the television off to save your sanity. Chris Fearne, of all people, talking about how the Nationalist Party doesn’t cooperate with those of different political sympathies, unlike his beloved Labour? HIS FATHER WAS PROJECTS DIRECTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MCAST AND HE WORKED DIRECTLY FOR PN MINISTER LOUIS GALEA. Nobody told him we don’t want you because you’re a Mintoffjan.

Can you imagine a Labour minister putting a committed Nationalist supporter in a position of responsibility like that? Exactly. It’s never going to happen.

57 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Isn’t it ironic that they’re so keen on promoting 31st March as Jum il-Helsien?

    What Chris Fearne failed to mention is that Mintoff’s paymaster, Muammar Gaddafi was a guest of honour at the ceremony in Birgu.

    Does he remember that bit?

    I do. And I went to St Aloysius too.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      I went to St Aloysius too. My second year there, in 1984, was the year Joseph Muscat joined the same school, the very same year that it was closed down for two whole months, thanks to Joseph Muscat’s Malta Kollha Taghna Labour Party.

    • Joseph Caruana says:

      They should remain it as:
      Freedom Day from Western Ideologies.

  2. Helene says:

    Here’s the link to TVM live

  3. Esteve says:

    Beppe started out great until, in my view, he shot himself in the foot by coming out all proud and righteous that this government gives out medicines without looking at political orientation.

  4. maryanne says:

    At the commemorative plaque unveiling: (from left) Principal-designate, Prof. Maurice Grech, chairman, Victor Scicluna, president, Board of Governors, Paul A. Attard, Minister Louis Galea, Principal and CEO, Frank Edwards, and projects director, Frederick Fearne.

    The projects director is Chris Fearne’s father and he worked for many years in Louis Galea’s ministry.

    Doesn’t Chris Fearne acknowledge that a Nationalist government did something right?

  5. Election Mode says:

    Apparently Luciano read his own article (that is if he actually wrote it) titled Face Off. No wonder he was well rehearsed.

    Joseph with his teleprompter and his imbeciles with a script or article. Prosit kemm jafu jaqraw hey.

    And please, I just cannot hear the word rowdmep again.

  6. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    AD are anything but democratic and are definitely not an alternative.

    I understand that they wish to implement the tax on financial transactions. That’s it – let us completely fuck up our financial services industry.

    Honestly, these communist, Marxist, extreme leftist are really not the solution for Malta. And trying to disguise themselves as the liberal green party is mis-selling to the extent that it is criminal.

  7. Charmaine says:

    Go Beppe, remind them of their history. How MLP ruined our childhood….yes MLP had ruined Malta, our education, our childhood, our families etc…..NO I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR LABOUR!

  8. QahbuMalti says:

    No fucking idea – Luciano Busuttil’s phone went off….il-vera nies baxxi bla idea!

  9. Kevin Zammit says:

    Ma tefix il-mobile dak il-pastarda.

  10. Mandy Mallia says:

    It was a pleasure listening to Beppe talk with such heartfelt emotion and conviction.

    I still can’t fathom how people of our generation, who lived through those awful times – and I can think of a few such people – can think of voting Labour or not voting at all. Some people never learn.

  11. QahbuMalti says:

    How simple for AD to talk about one-off issues as though that single issue is the be-all and end-all of our problems and future growth – pathetic!

  12. paddy says:

    This Chris Fearne forgot to mention his father who was given space and trust by the Nationalist Govt at the Education Department – these people do not change- same old Labour.

  13. Spiru says:

    Even Franco Debono went to St. Aloysius. And got 92 in Religion. Even Joseph Muscat went to St. Aloysius.

  14. judy says:

    I just exclaimed those exact words out loud. Go, Beppe!

  15. Nina says:

    Mr Chris Fearne should also acknowledge that it was only possible for him to specialise in paediatrics at Great Ormond Street Hospital (London) in the early 90s under a PN government.

    • Spock says:

      As a medical student in the student-worker scheme of Mintoff , which scheme was modelled on the barefoot- doctor” system of Communist China and North Korea, Chris Fearne must have enjoyed his worker-phase washing the floors in the kitchen pantries of the St Lukes wards and giving bed baths to bed ridden patients in order to get an M.D. that , thanks to teh antics of his hero Mintoff ,was not recognized by the medical schools of every civilized country on earth, It had to be ‘the Nationalist government who worked hard after 87 to ensure that young medics like Chris Fearne eventually got places in recognized training posts abroad to enable them to specialize.

  16. A. Charles says:

    Chris Fearne’s father was a very well known Mintoffian here in Marsaskala.

  17. Spiru says:

    And did anyone see the interview with Joseph Muscat at Ghadira? His scar was so so visible.

  18. Mallia says:

    Did you hear that bombastic turnip state that in Malta you find work if you are a Nationalist and if you are a Laburist you are not given a job. What an asshole.

  19. malti says:

    Can anyone explain to me what type of politicians is the Labour Party presentingon every TV debate or so called debate?

    Do they always need to read prepared notes? Most of the time they put me to sleep with their useless and empty arguments.

    Beppe as always was magnificent. He really inflicts the pain in every argument and Simon is a master in front of the cameras.

  20. Mario Mercieca says:

    Fredrick Fearne what Director General of Education for a long long while.

    Kif jista il-konsultant pedjatrician jghid fuq il-blues u ir-reds?

  21. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Il-Laburisti li qed jaraw id-dibattiti fuq it-televizjoni jafu li t-tfal taghhom marru l-istess skejjel man-Nazzjonalisti, hadu scholarships bhan-Nazzjonalisti, hadu l-istess servizzi tas-sahha bhan-Nazzjonalisti u hadu l-istess jobs li hadu n-Nazzjonalisti.

    Min hu onest jaf li l-Partit Laburista ma jitwemminx.

    Malta ila Taghna Lkoll mill-1987.

    Trid tkun beccun biex tixtri l-hut fil-bahar.

  22. Lupin says:

    At one point I thought I was seeing Luciano Busuttil reading news on Super 1. Reading and reading with a quick look at the camera.

    And by the way, did you see the part when Simon Busuttil was talking and Chris Fearne pretended to bend and write some notes with his eyes trying to look for the camera checking on him. Priceless.

  23. Reporter says:

    One thing I fail to understand. The guy who was Secretary General of the MLP at the time when Fenech Adami’s house was ransacked was groomed and promoted by the PN in government.

    • vanni says:

      Simple. The Nationalists have always believed in meritocracy (before it became a buzzword) and historically always went out of their way to be even handed, and non partisan. They even named their newspaper in-Nazzjon Taghna, so as to show how non divisive their policies were.

      That this practice, whilst acknowledged as commendable, has irked a few Nationalist voters, who like the great majority of Labour voters, expected political favouratism, was by and large, ignored.

      Reconciliation, and nationalistic integration, as opposed to the previous Mintoffian policies that rewarded soley Labour supporters (TVs, telephones, employment etc), was infallibly the reason given to the indignant Nationalist supporter when he expressed his disappointment at the lack of political patronage.

      To even further remain aloof of possible patronage, the Nationalists Goverment divested itself of grassroot influence by enacting the Local Councils as a buffer between itself and the citizen.

      Thus the time when my father had to run after a Labour Minister, who currently is seeking reelection, to repair a street lamp that had been broken for donkey years. was over.

      BTW, said lamp was eventually fixed on the eve of the 1981 election, and this great endeavor prompted a home visit from this Minister, who whilst claiming that it had been his personal intervention which had effected the bulb’s replacement, promptly asked my parents for their vote.

      But what really sticks in quite a few Nationalist supporters’ craw isn’t that labour supporters are considered equal. They do not expect that the Labour supporters turn overnight into rabid Nationalists either.

      Nor do they expect gratitude. After all, as long as the better man or woman won, who can argue with justice? But they do object most vociferously to are people like Marlene Mizzi and her ilk.

      This lady, who, despite her Labour tendencies, was elected as director of Sea Malta from January 1997 and later its Chairman in April 1997. She occupied the Chairmanship for 9 years until June 2005. So how can this worthy turn around and claim that Labour supporters are discrimninated against because of their political beliefs?

  24. George Orwell says:

    Luciano Busuttil, like the rest of them, has been reading 1984 over and over again for tips.

    Its the Ministry of Truth:

    “People building a career in IT and then not finding a job”

    Since when? There’s 100% employment in IT, unless you’re a bloody cabbage. We’re advertising for staff overseas now…. Just imagine if Smartcity had been finished and up and running already.

    Well, it appears they have modelled themselves completely on the fictional party in the book, mottoes and all:

    Freedom is Slavery
    War is Peace

  25. Kris Fern jaqra mit-Torri ta' Lucjan says:

    Kemm jaf jaqra Chris Fearne, imbierek Alla. Jaf li Louis Galea ghamlu nies lil Missieru? Geddidlu fuq li geddidlu wara li ghalaq is-sittin? Chris ifakkarni fit-tifel tal-President. Dak iehor gentlom.

    U xi nghidu ghas-Sindku Luciano Busuttil, ex Sindku tal-Hamrun. Kontu tafu li fil-Hamrun hemm bajja mill-isbah? Tant li fil-Kunsill kellu flus ivvutati ghal din il-famuza “BAJJA”. kemm jaf jaqra wkoll. Dak min kitibulu d-diskors poetiku li qara? Nergha nghid, kemm jaf jaqra. Tal-Labour kollha hargu tajjbin fil-qari. Possibbli li mhux kapaci jaghmlu diskors ta’ hames minuti minghajr ma jaqraw dak li jkunu kitbulhom?

  26. CIS says:

    The dear Leader is appealing for supporters to vote early. I wonder why?

  27. Jozef says:

    Is it me, or was Luciano reading Joseph’s Sunday speech in the third person?

    Carrat il-poster tal-firda, Luciano Luther King. .

    Biex mbaghad kixfu Beppe.

  28. Joseph F Cutajar says:

    With reference to your part: “Of course, he also had to tell us that he was still a schoolboy at St Aloysius College (that’s the non-Mintoffian bit), giving the impression that he had been taken there by the school. Oh right, as if St Aloysius College would have taken a busload of boys to Birgu to watch Mintoff and Gaddafi play at flags.”

    When I was a schoolboy they took me to wave the flag on the 21st Sept 1964. That was supposed to be the independence day of our country. When all the forces, airport, telecommunications and broadcasting were still controlled by the British empire! The ironic was that while the NATO HQ were in Malta, they did not accept as a member.

    Merryandrew, that should you tell your readers, not just only criticizing.

    [Daphne – Yawn. And what do you mean by ‘Merryandrew’?]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Yes, because we’ve done such a fine job “controlling” ourselves since.

      You people disgust me. Mortx tapplika ghal xi Commonwealth Scholarship ukoll?

      • Joseph F Cutajar says:

        If you are asking me – here is my answer: Le ma mortx napplika għal xi Commonwealth Scholarship.

    • Wozatuni says:

      Forgive my trivial pursuit of thought, but I was both fascinated and amused by the term ‘Merryandrew’.

      I spent a few minutes (very well, and then some) trying to understand what could have been meant by it, but concluded that it must be some sort of scholarly expression that’s beyond me.

      You know, ghax Malta m’hix taghna Lkoll just yet, so we cannot be expected to understand Big Boy jargon. But I’m sure these erudite persons will enlighten us, come 10th of March.

    • rjc says:

      Your St Aloysius education didn’t do much for you Mr Cutajar.

      The ‘British empire’ was long dead in 1964. Actually it was dead in 1949:

  29. TROY says:

    Beppe and Simon were exceptional, as always.
    They make me proud that I’m a Nationalist.

  30. Natalie says:

    Chris Fearne is an intelligent man. He’s a Laburist because it suits him to be one.

    He knows that his kind is rare in his party and so makes the most of it to manipulate his fellow Labourites.

  31. Philip Micallef says:

    The Nationalist Party never looked at the political colour of people they put or found in strategic positions and there is an endless list starting from Konrad Mizzi at EneMalta to Louis Grech who Minister Josef Bonnici kept on at Air Malta to Mr Fearne at MCAST. The same cannot be said of the Labour Party.

  32. Guzi Borg says:

    What makes me angry (actually very angry) is that people like Fearne who was within the ‘klikka’ at Education in the ‘black’ 80s was promoted and enhanced by Louis Galea.

    Fearne served as Director, Perm Sec and was even kept after pensionable age as consultant – was he such a rocket scientist with his A level as qualification?

    There were other ‘reds’ who continued in full glory under Louis Galea too. Conversely, we were treated very badly till 86 – I personally got even up to four transfers in a scholastic year as a teacher, and always sent to the worst schools – and did not even get to see justice!

    Qisu se jkunu jafuhulek xi darba dawn – ma tarax kemm darrieh sew lit-tifel?

    And it seems that some people never learn the lesson – it seems Frank Fabri has been appointed Director of Education, after he was appointed Principal (after some days that he was not chosen for Assistant Head) a few days before last election.

    I will not let these stupidities push me towards not voting PN, because I am in my right senses, but f’gieh kemm hemm, can we give the normal PN people their dues without enhancing unduly (when they do not deserve it, and when there are better people) those who will eventually shoot us.

  33. Ian says:

    And his father-in-law, a committed Mintoffjan, was appointed Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and then Malta’s first Ombudsman, Joe Sammut. Le, in-Nazzjonalisti ghal taghhom biss jahsbu.

  34. Daisy says:

    Gvern tal-klikka? Isn’t this Narcy Calamatta’s daughter.

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