Sale! Sale! Sale! Sale kbir ta’ kandidati Laburisti! Skont ta’ 75% ha nehilsu mill-istokk antik!

Published: June 4, 2009 at 4:42pm

You won’t believe it, but this video is not a Nationalist Party production. From the use of pink so as not to scare us off with red to the cringe-making soundtrack, it’s straight from the Mile End kwartieri.

It opens with Muscat doing a wet-and-ginger imitation of Dom Mintoff, with his ‘ghandi bzonn is-suldati tal-azzar’. Don’t let that put you off. Take the time to listen right through to the end and you’ll hear:

Power to the Peepil.

If I were Edward Scicluna or Marlene Mizzi I would be writhing on the floor with embarrassment.

Take note of the fact that Louis Grech and John Attard Montalto are not included.

30 Comments Comment

  1. Ivan F. Attard says:

    And Louis Grech?

    [Daphne – Gosh, yes. John Attard Montalto wasn’t there, either.]

  2. clive says:

    Hi Daphne .. You will be pleased to know you have been awarded your very own box in Joseph Cuschieri’s magazine.

    [Daphne – He owns a magazine?]

  3. Clive says:

    No… it’s his campaign leaflet but its quite a large publication. .. found it in my mail … it will find a happy home at the bottom of my cat litter later on today.

    Reads as follows:

    Daphne Caruana Galizia

    Kulhadd F’ Malta wera ammirazzjoni ghal Joseph Cuschieri, li x’aktarx kien l-uniku membru parlamentari full-time f’dawn l-ahhar 11-il sena. Kulhadd hlief bniedma wahda: Daphne Caruana Galizia. Din is-‘Sinjura’ kitbet hekk, f’The Malta Independent tat-2 ta Ottubru 2008:

    “Jekk hu Manwel cuschieri spicca bla xoghol ghax joey taghna hadlu s-siggu, allura Joey taghna jista’ jaqbad u jinpjegah hu stess. Jista jdahhlu bhala kap tad-dipartiment tal hrieqi f’dik il zgur isejhulha r-‘residenza Muscat’ jew jista jitfghu jiknes l-art il-kwartieri l-Hamrun. x jimpurtana? Mhix bicca taghna”

    Lanqas in-Nazzjonalisti ma nizlu ghal dan il-livell baxx! Ghaliex dan kollhu min ghand Daphne Caruana Galizia kontra Joseph Cuschieri u kontra Joseph Muscat.

  4. Joachim says:

    Oh look! Sharon Ellul Bonaci is wearing a ‘Burberry’ check scarf! I guess, Burberry is still attracting chavs.

    • kev says:

      Wow Hwakim! These chavs wearing Burberry scarves…! Wot nekst? Green velvet?

      [Daphne – Chavs don’t wear green velvet. People like me do.]

  5. David Meilak says:

    No need to comment…………..the video says it all…………….power to the people my *ss………….

  6. Josephine says:

    It looks like Muscat is posting something down the “well-built” woman’s cleavage.

  7. Jo says:

    What does chav really mean? I get the gist of it but can you be specific. Thanks.

    [Daphne – ]

  8. Tyron says:

    YOU miserable, grumpy,whinging, vulgar lot. Get a Life!

    [Daphne – Difficult. We’re too busy SMELLING THE COFEEEE!!!????!!!!]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Tajba din. The PL has conducted its entire campaign moaning and griping about absolutely everything and you are calling us “whinging”. Perhaps you don’t know what the word means. What we’re doing is not called whinging but poking fun at your lighter-than-air leader.

  9. Albert Farrugia says:

    From today’s Malta Today, regarding the last PN electoral activity:

    “Among the other speakers was environmentalist MEP candidate Alan Deidun, who came dressed in an unusual turquoise T-shirt bearing the words “I have European DNA” on one side, and “I don’t burn EU flags” on the other.”

    This DOES sort of “say it all”, does it?
    On the serious side, I think wearing such a T-shirt in a European country, those which Deidun would like us to believe he loves so much, would probably either land him a fine or even prison. Racism, anyone?

    [Daphne – Racism?]

    • Corinne Vella says:

      Albert Farrugia: Are you serious? Malta is a European country. And why would anyone be fined or jailed for saying he doesn’t burn flags, rather than for actually burning them?

    • Andrea says:

      What’s a European DNA, anyway?

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Albert, what is unacceptable is not saying you have European DNA but saying that “the others” have something wrong in their DNA. Mangion, anyone?

  10. Mandy Mallia says:

    They would have us believe that Glen, Xerin, Marlene and the rest of the ghastly line-up have solutions to the world recession:

    “It is a chance to let government know that you are not happy with the current situation. It is time to choose the candidates who are ready to challenge the powers that be for their helplessness in face of rising inflation, for their inability to stop the constant shrinking of your working conditions”

  11. maryanne says:

    According to the leader (and as reported in Maltastar): ‘do not count your eggs before they are hatched’.

  12. tony pace says:

    As usual, the bastards flaunt the law. Net ended their electoral programme as they should, at midnight ON THE DOT.
    Not Super One, of course, they ran over the time limit by a full seven minutes. They have to have the last word.

  13. S Galea says:

    Midnight on ONE TV; closing arguments of final PL political activity of this campaign –

    Miriam Dalli: “Joseph, mat-tokki ta’ nofs il-lejl tispicca il-kampanja elettorali, pero xogholkhom ma jispiccax hawn.”

    Joseph: “Heh (smirk + little bounce on his chair), le uzgur li xogholna ma jispiccax hawn.” And here’s the pièce de résistance – “Xogholna jispicca la darba jkollna gvern Laburista.”

    There must be someone with the mental capacity higher than a potted plant’s in his entourage to point out to this jerk that that’s when the real work starts! Incredible.

  14. Antoine Vella says:

    I know what this video reminds me of: a Father Christmas booth where children queue to have their photo taken with Santa.

  15. Rita Camilleri says:

    Are chavs similar to yuppies?

    [Daphne – Chavs can be yuppies and yuppies can be chavs, but not all chavs are yuppies and not all yuppies are chavs. Basically, chav is the English equivalent of the Maltese hamallu, but given that we’re not allowed to use that word….Also, chav is more evocative.]

  16. Debbie Mula says:

    Empty vessels make much noise…..Proverbial Meaning: Empty headed, stupid people make more noise than wise, thoughtful people.

    To all the people on this blog.

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