Joseph Muscat counts his eggs

Published: June 5, 2009 at 8:42am

Line up - the leader is going to count us

Joseph Muscat has said in an interview, when asked whether he will be celebrating after June 6: “Ma nghoddx il-flieles qabel ma jfaqqsu.”

The expression doesn’t exist in Maltese and makes no sense at all to those who are unfamiliar with the English expression ‘don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched’, and what it means.

Some of those people are – obviously – in the Maltastar team of ace writers. They rushed to report the witty words of the leader, and came up with this:

Joseph Muscat said he would not count his eggs before they hatch.

10 Comments Comment

  1. jim says:

    maltese translation:

    mhux ser jghodd il-bajd tieghu qabel ma jfaqqsu.

  2. David Meilak says:

    This translation on Maltastar reminds me of a youtube video I once saw where some Taliban guy points his shoulder-strapped bazooka the wrong way around and hits his own people.

  3. Pierre Farrugia says:

    You must admit that the guy has ***s or maybe they have not hatched yet.

  4. David Ellul says:

    This is the day of reflection and you still indulge in your political mudslinging. Give it a break.

    [Daphne – Go off and reflect then.]

  5. Drew says:

    Actually I believe the expression does exist in Maltese. It might not be an ‘official’ Maltese idiom but it is used colloquially. I’ve heard it numerous times anyway.

    What is hilarious is Maltastar’s translation: “he would not count his eggs”.

  6. Chav says:

    Mela ghandu tnejn?

  7. Wenzu says:

    Kieku kellu bajd x’jghodd kien ihalli l-Jason segretarju? Dak ghax bla bajd!

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