L-ahwa, listen up! Joseph ghandu roadmep konkret li hu kosted
Still watching Xarabank. What an insufferable little tw*t that Muscat is. He looks like Barbie’s Ken’s short and flaccid ugly plastic cousin with accessories.
There’s something really freaky about the Labour Party. Too many of its men are looking increasingly botoxed, waxed, Vaselined and over-groomed. But not in a good way. At all.
They’re beginning to take on the appearance of something that features in Kenneth Zammit Tabona’s watercolours, or some Roman emperor’s catamites washed and waxed for the nightly debauche.
Oh, did you see his legs at the gym, incidentally?
Really sexy. I mean, the guy WADDLES.
You know, it’s just occurred to me that it’s a good thing his parents sent him to San Alwigi. Had they social-climbed a little more and sent him to St Edward’s, he’d have been ripped apart in the locker room. The wedgie would have gone right up to his eyebrows, and that’s just the start of it.
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Oh come on, Daphne. This guy goes to the gym daily.
[Daphne – U mhux hekk biss! Dak jiekol is-soup u s-selit li taghmillu Michelle. Helti hafna. Ghalhekk fett daqshekk. Forsi ghandu xeba’ hormones igenglu.]
Dak ohxon ghax m’ghandux DIXXIPLINA.
Irid ikompli bil-lifestyle tal-yuppie Malti ta’ wine-tasting, receptions, dinners, business lunches and breakfasts, five-star hotel buffets u hmerijiet minn dawn. Mur ghidlu jiekol biss egg whites u pizelli.
Gonzi’s on FIRE! He is literally wiping his arse with Muscat.
Switchers may very well be switching back tonight.
[Daphne – Yes, and you have to consider that he’s literally on fire because apparently – or so I hear through the grapevine – he’s running a fever.]
He was fine when I spoke to him in the afternoon.
By Jove you are a fast writer!
[Daphne – Well, you know, I have a lot of practice. I average around 1000 words per 40 minutes.]
That is considerably faster than Joseph Muscat who has only averaged about 50 words a day lately when confronted by the media.
Good one..:)
There are more adverts than debate.
Ye almighty PBS kindly let us discover this concrete road map and deliver us from evil. Amen.
“A day in the life of “ plus adverts took over the best hour before I doze off, so when or where can I watch a repeat?
Any comment about the woman in the The Gold Market advert?
[Daphne – I was wondering about the gender, actually. But I didn’t really wish to bring it up.]
Daphne, so was I! Camera angle did not afford a look at the Adam’s apple though.
LOL Dak ix-xorts vera faqa – prosit, Joseph, kemm int messkjulin.
I bet the Snobby girls were stunned by that sight.
Ha ha. Good one. Snobby girls here comes Joseph with his sexy legs in the black shorts and black socks. Can’t stop laughing.
Lest tafdah ghal hames snin ohra lill Lawrence Gonzi? Jien lest nafdah ghal hamsa u hamsin darba ohra. Grazzi Prim Ministru.
Ix xewqa li andi jien ijja li narak fid dawl ta xemx minajr besqa make up fwiccek ax tant nistageb li tghajjar il kulhadd li naqtak ghandek selfestin wisq gholi eeeeee thossa wisq kemm tarak sabiha min 1 sa 10 DAFNI :-)
[Daphne – You have a good chance of that, malti u kburi, because I have worn make-up perhaps 10 times in my life, and one of them was my wedding day.]
If you are Maltese and so proud of it you should learn how to write the language, because your “selfestin” might be dented if someone tells you how many spelling mistakes you have there.
What’s “selfestin”?
Oh. Self esteem. Oh god in heaven.
Busli il bajd bu bu u ekk ha nerga niktiba SELFESTIN
malti u kburi, nista nbuslek il bajd jien pliiz?
“Selfestin” qisha xi kelma vvintata mill-Akkademja biex nuzawha minflok self-arranged birthday party.
Absolutely hilarious.
Very sad at the same time.
Baxxter, At first I rhymed it with “Westin”, as in “Westin Dragonara”. I couldn’t make heads or tails of what he was going on about.
@Malti u kburi
Nista’ nbuslek il-bajd minn filghodu sa filghaxija imma injorant kont u injorant ha tibqa’. Ahjar tmur tipprova ggib l-ezamijiet tal-“o” levels milli toqghod timmagina irgiel ohrajn ibusulek il-bajd.
Eeeeeeeee ok 10 times delikt mela u iva imnalla wahda min dawk it 10 times wadabt kemm flaht fil gurnata tal WEDDING ax bil garanzija li fuq lartal kien itih hashazin zewgek mwa xxxxx
[Daphne – Not at all. I was 20 and my skin was absolutely beautiful. I only wore it because I thought one was supposed to. And what sort of world do you inhabit where you use the same word for make-up that you do for plastering a wall?]
Ahjar min xaghar Michelle ta’ Joseph, ghax imnalla kienet gewwa. Kien johoda ir-rih bil qlugħ li ghamlet xaghra ghal Xarabank.
I have seen Daphne in person and without make-up, malti u kburi, and I assure you that she looked fine – she looks just how any normal woman should look and much prettier than at least half of the Maltese women of today.
I’m sure that Daphne does not get her ‘selfestin’ from the way people like yourself define beauty because her intelligence and great sense of humour, among other things are already enough to make one confident of oneself.
I do not expect you to understand, of course – I bet that to you and your ilk the likes of the Snobby girls and the lovely wife of Herbert Vassallo are the perfect example of great beauty.
I’ve decided to do what I normally do whenever the Italians play. If I watch them, they lose. If I don’t, they win. So I’m not watching Xarabank.
At the moment I will do all I can to ensure that the waddler does not win.
A wedgie would expose furry, ginger butt cheeks.
Thanks for the image. There goes dinner.
Yes, however his voice wouldn’t go up a few octaves, as usually happens, since he has no balls.
You’re right, he wouldn’t have stood a chance at St. Edward’s.
Yep. St Edward’s turns boys into winners. St Aloysius’ turns them into god-fearing losers.
Fenech Adami may be god-fearing, but he is certainly not a loser. Ditto Gonzi.
Losers? Eddie Fenech Adami? Censu Tabone? Guido Demarco? Lawrence Gonzi?
Is it true they have one brain per classroom at St. Edward’s and pass it around as necessary? Did you happen to be holding it when the bell rang?
Gonzi wasn’t an Aloysian. Am I correct? Anyway my point was that St Edwards is still the best prep school in Malta and the last bastion of – or the closest to – British standards of education for boys.
Gonzi did go to St. Aloysius and so did DeMarco… but that’s because their parents probably couldn’t afford St. Edward’s.
Gonzi and DeMarco sent their kids and grandkids to St. Edward’s as soon as they were in financial a position to do so, i.e. St. Edward’s by choice.
George Orwell, what Baxxter meant was that in general, girls, err, boys who go to St. Aloysius turn out a little effeminate, whilst Edwardian’s are, let’s say, more robust, confident and in general more complete.
How come I find Edwardians the easiest to manipulate erm, subjugate, sorry, mould into drooling no, loyal, serfs, shit, collaborators?
Saint Aloysius gave us Eddie. St Edward’s gave us …?
[Daphne – Eddie’s personal assistant, Richard Cachia Caruana.]
From a god-fearing atheist of good ole SAC.
Jozef, because Aloysians were moulded by Jesuits, ergo, serfs only to the Jesuits and other Aloysians.
The Edwardians I know are mostly lecca you know whats.
Shall we move on to Stella Marians?
That’s funny because the last time I checked I was still an agnostic chap with enough brains to realise what a fallacy the church of G-Ziz really is….
Ah yes Stella Maris, camping, sailing and being mostly harmless.
Bimbos who’ll promptly ask Aloysians to stick up for them whenever an Edwardian’s around.
A bit like the Indios huddling around Jeremy Irons holding the crucifix.
(Wonderful piece, in the Franciscan tradition, the figure distorted to fit the sapling, agony of the flesh derived from the sign left by the wind carving the branches. Arteries of the faith against the brutality of nature)
Oh the glory in martyrdom at the hands of vulgar ‘Christian’ contempt. See?
I pity the people who attempt to discredit St. Edward’s. They probably don’t even know any Old Edwardians.
Edwardians run Malta – that part of Malta which isn’t politics – and probably provide most people with employment. In fact I would venture to say that 95% of Malta’s wealth is in the possession of ex-Edwardians. They don’t go into politics because they don’t need to.
That’s just puppy fat. Ghadu zaghzugh.
I am grateful that under Nationalist governments I was given countless opportunities that were denied under past Labour governments.
Unfortunately, the Nationalist will lose this election not because Labour is the better alternative but because the Nationalist government has become so bad.
In what way is the Nationalist government bad?
Corruption, corruption and corruption: E.g. MEPA In spite of the so called reform, no one can deny that there were gross irregularities in the issuing of a number of development permits. Take for example the issuing of a permit for a restaurant/information centre at Dwejra Gozo on ODZ/ National Heritage Site.
However I am not imagining that a Labour government would be corruption free but I expect more from a Nationalist government because I know they can be much better.
Mepa stopped works when it was pointed out that the structure wasn’t as proposed on plan.
And anyway that permit preceeded the reform. You’re either misinformed or elvish just turned all earnest.
You should get you facts right Josef. PN should thank God that the Labourites are too stupid to know where to look:
a) MEPA should have not granted this permit not only because the applicant had built illegally and according to current MEPA policy illegal structures are not even to be considered for regularization especially on ODZ land.
b) MEPA created a precedent when approved this structure given that it is partly built in wood ‘to limit the visual impact’.
c) An Information centre that was supposed to be crucial aspect of this project and used as the primary excuse to build this restaurant was never built.
d) Din l-Art Helwa had offered Dwejra tower to be the tourist information centre and given its vantage point should have been the most logical choice but this was turned down.
You confirm what I said, the structure was stopped as soon as illegalites were discovered.
The new regulations will have the structure removed. Although it will become sticky, legally speaking.
The reform will preempt any other mess caused by applicants whose ‘genuine’ intentions have become the prerogative.
The issue is to distinguish between the proposal and whether the applicant owns it. The first cannot remain hostage to perpetual modifications and sanctioning. It’s a vitiated way of doing things. The reform puts the onus on the applicant.
Karmenu Vella spoke against this concept, He thinks any responsibility for illegality, abuse and cynical distortion of the spirit of regulations should remain with case officers alone.
Nghaffgu u mbaghad ninhbew wara l-Mepa. It’s up to you to conclude why a particular type of ‘architect’ and ‘developer’ want this state of affairs back.
If you think that the “Nationalist government has become so bad”, what have you to say about other countries’ govenments? Do you know that Malta is doing really well compared to many other countries?
I commend the Nationalist government for Malta’s economic performance however being excellent in one field does not mean you have excelled in every area. Do you mean that Arriva, ARMS, MEPA reform were not fiascos?
I feel that this government main drawback was that it suffered from a moral deficit. This government could have done more to fight corruption just read the national auditors report and judge for yourself.
Again I am not saying that Labour are going to be a solution. To the contrary I frequently ask myself, “If the Nationalist/practically our country intelligentsia after 25 years of experience screwed up what awaits us under a Labour government? “
Carlos, I get your point, but let’s establish a yardstick here (oh dear).
What you describe are not “fiascos”. The problem in this blasted country is all down to hyperbole. A fiasco is an unmitigated disaster. A monumental cock-up. A rout. A complete shambles.
Mintoff’s government was a fiasco. Fabrizio Faniello’s one point from Albania was a fiasco. But William Chetcuti’s Oympic shooting wasn’t. It was simply a below-par performance.
Arriva and transport reform wasn’t free from problems, but if you expect buses to run on schedule, in an island with the greatest traffic density in Europe, you must be dreaming.
ARMS? IT problems plus Maltese management. Granted, good management should solve these glitches. But then we should be voting out ARMS’s IT sub-contractor. That’s IBM.
MEPA is something else altogether. The root of the problem is that political parties are represented on its board (huh?) when it was set up in the first place to prevent political influence on planning decisions. Big mistake. THAT was the fiasco. Its performance and its decisions have been, shall we say, not up to scratch. But then you cannot expect otherwise when it’s run by a bunch of prima donnas who are related, or sleeping with, or best chums with, or somehow linked, to the very people who are applying for permits.
With Labour in power, it’ll be more of the same. Plus heaps more sleaze. If you think corruption is bad now, wait until a Labour government is installed. They already control the presidency, the law courts, most of the ministerial permanent secretariats, most government agencies, and big business. God help us all.
Carlos your choice should not be that difficult, someone said “It’s the economy stupid”, if our economy fails we all go down…and ironically there will be less corruption.
Corrupt people are dragged to court , that shows that the system works.
And rest assured that you find corrupt people everywhere in both parties and even the church.Easy money attracts everyone.
When one doesn’t hear about scandals one has to worry.
You don’t hire a burglar instead of a good chocolate factory manager because an employee took a box of chocolates from the factory when the manager wasn’t watching, you kick out the employee.
The Nationalists MAY lose because Muscat has brought all the scum to gether; all those who had left Labour because they idolized the person who was termed “traitor” Muscat has even pulled in his daughter, Joe Grima, Debono Grech – insomma – all the has-beens.
That’s why our hope is the group of about 25,000 new voters who might have been using their heads.
Gonzi is simply brilliant tonight.
I can train him to run a marathon – bet he can’t jog a single kilometre.
Ha! Dan irid jigi f’idejn Fabio Spiteri. Kieku jwahhxu.
Did you notice yesterday that Joseph Muscat was finding it hard to fill up his time.
My impression was that he couldn’t find enough arguments to match up with Gonzi’s time. He was almost always two minutes behind and when given the opportunity to speak could only master about a minute of empty talk.
Bottom line, and I know there a few businessmen among you: Would you hire this man?
I m surprised the oil and drugs scandal didn’t come out in the debate.