The party of plastic hypocrites

Published: March 1, 2013 at 11:36pm
Joseph decides it's time to take his Manchester tan to hitherto uncharted territory.

Joseph decides it’s time to take his Manchester tan to hitherto uncharted territory.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Soppa tal-armla says:

    So, finally, the kid gloves are off. And not a moment too soon.

  2. Tennessee Williiams says:

    The only thing worse than a liar is a liar who that’s also a hypocrite.

    • Robert Attard says:

      The real hypocrisy is that Daphne enjoys the freedom to speak her mind but fails to publish opposing opinions on her own Blog.

      [Daphne – I hardly get any, Robert, just some insults.]

      • Jozef says:

        Opposing opinions would cancel each other out leaving Daphne with nothing.

        That’s the Bernard in me.

      • Lestrade says:

        Robert Attard : Why don’t you set up your own blog and speak your mind?

        By the way, this is not where your type congregate.

      • Neil Dent says:

        You obviously don’t come here very often, Robert. True this blog has more contributors who mostly share Daphne’s opinions, but she has NEVER shied away from publishing comments those who oppose.

      • Robert Attard says:

        I always try to present my opinions in a polite manner. People who resort to insults usually never have a solid argument.

        I have tried to post numerous times but they never get passed the moderation phase. I enjoy debating people.

        [Daphne – If you posted anything about AD, yes they are all still queued up. There’s a reason. I’m going to have a few posts about that subject over the weekend, and I am going to transfer all related comments there so that people can read them in a coherent manner.]

        I don’t think that it would do anyone any good if this blog was just a sermon on the mount with nobody debating the subject at hand. That is the very nature of a blog.

        Lestrade, I really don’t have time to set up my own blog. I don’t really know what you mean by ‘my type’. Politically, I am just a float voter.

  3. Gorg Borg says:

    This clip is so true.. Shows the true Labour.

  4. Gahan says:

    Wara d-disgha ta’ Marzu jaqghu il-maskri u naraw l-ucuh veri tal-Laburisti.

    Haga semplici li ftakart dalghodu: ftit wara li tela’ l-Labour fil-gvern fl-1996 u kellna lil-Charlie Mangion Ministru tal-Gustizzja, kienet waqghet il-maskra tal-Labour, ghax ircevejt karta mil-qrati Maltin bit-theddid tal-multi tas-soltu fejn kienu qed jitolbuni inhallas ic-citazzjoni tat-traffiku li kont appellajt u tlift bicca minnha.

    Jien kelli l-ircevuta tal-hlas tal-multa, ghamilt foto kopja u baghttielom flimkien ma’ hasla kliem f’ittra rregistrata.

    Issa ahjar immur nara fejn hallejt dawk l-ircevuti.

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