A third-person eulogy by Emmy tal-Moonies
I have to say that Maltese political life is charmingly littered with individuals whom I can most tactfully describe as interestingly different. And the more ‘different’ they are, the more inclined they appear to be to expose their eccentricities on their websites.
Take this eulogy that Emmy Bezzina wrote about himself on www.emmybezzina.org, for instance.
I’d forgotten that he had joined the Moonies. When I was growing up, all the parents were in a panic about them. You’d hear whispers in various kitchens: ‘Madonna, it-tifel ta’ X mar mal-Moonies. X’wahda din!’ And there would be dire parental warnings about brainwashing and strange Moonie sects. I thought it was all quite amusing, given that I had spent my life that far being brainwashed in a convent by nuns and had shown myself fully resistant to the effects. But now here’s our Emmy, becoming a
rebellious youth so late in life and following in the wake of the Reverend Moon (who he calls ‘Father Moon’ as though he is someone who regularly says Mass down at St Patrick’s). Perhaps they’ll marry him off to some Vietnamese chick at one of those mass weddings they enjoy so much, and we’ll be left in peace.
Do bother reading all the way through to the end, and you’ll discover that Emmy tal-Moonies has written the biography of the Reverend Moon. That should be the bestseller of the year.
EMMY BEZZINA, as Dr Emmanuel is popularly known in his native country MALTA , is an intellectual revolutionary who has fought hard over a number of years to bring out of its intellectual insularity his native country, the small Mediterranean island of the Republic of Malta.
Born in what is termed as a Middle Class background, a few years after World War II came to an end, Emmy `s mother JOAN was a dominantly – quiet woman, dedicated hundred per cent to the Family where literally the home was the traditional castle. Dr Bezzina is in fact the eldest of six siblings, five boys and a girl, the latter being a twin, all of which are still alive and all over fifty years of age.
Emmy`s father , Joseph Bezzina, was a very enterprising man who, coming from a business background, became a successful businessman himself. His hallmark was work, work and work intermingled with relaxation while still working. He died on January 31st, 2004, three years ago, aged 79 years. Emmy `s mother is still alive aged presently 85 years.
Dr Bezzina received his elementary, preliminary and secondary education in Catholic-run schools and colleges, particularly an eight-year period in a then highly-disciplined, Jesuit-administered College. At St. Aloysius` College, Dr Bezzina distinguished himself in personality, oratory and public-speaking. He was the Principal Actor playing the leading roles, among others, in the musicals The King & I as well as The Sound of Music. At College, Dr Bezzina won many prizes, the most coveted one being that of Best Aloysian for the whole eight – year scholastic period spent at college .
Meanwhile, Dr Bezzina had involved himself in a number of Organizations which helped him to appreciate the nobility of being of service to others. Eventually this training helped him to fit in like a glove with the Unificationists laudable objective instilled by Reverend Fr. Syung Myung Moon of living for the sake of others.
Then begun Dr Bezzina`s tertiary education where he obtained a Diploma in Effective English and Personal Efficiency in 1968 from The Regent Institute – London. In 1969, from The Royal University of MALTA, he graduated Bachelor of Arts. A short course in Social Sciences followed at Edinburgh University – Scotland preceded by a short course in the French language at Dijon University – France.
Meanwhile, Dr Bezzina because of his public-speaking prowess became involved with the Media, particularly in the field of broadcasting where in 1963 he had won a prize in a Civil Defence Course which entitled him to broadcast his own Essay. From 1963, Dr Bezzina remained involved to date with broadcasting programmes, in both production and presentation levels. Indeed over these years, Dr Bezzina`s name in Maltese broadcasting, radio and television, has become a byword .
Dr Bezzina is a Salzburg Alumnus. He was sent by the United States Information Service [USIS], as it was known in 1976, to Salzburg to attend a participatory Mass Media Course. The Course took place in Salzburg ( Mozart`s City ) in March 1976 ( at that time Italian ALDO MORO had been kidnapped and subsequently murdered by the Brigate Rosse ) at the idyllic Schloss Leopoldskron ( where substantial parts of The Sound of Music with Julie Andrews had been filmed ). At the end of the short course, as an
important incidental reference, every participating student is added to the List of Salzburg Alumni.In November 1976, Dr Bezzina obtained the Diploma as a Notary Public , now from the University of Malta. A year later, he graduated as Doctor of Laws (LL.D.). Hence 2007 marks the thirtieth year since Dr Bezzina begun his private practice as a litigious lawyer and also as a Law Consultant. His Doctoral Thesis then was on a socially-burning theme by the name of : Broadcasting Legislation – A Comparative Study.
In January 1978 , Dr Bezzina set up his own Law Office which over the years became Bezzina Law Services of which he is the Principal. In December 1979, Dr Bezzina married and he now has five children.
In 1980, Dr Bezzina obtained the Diploma in Sacred Theology from the Faculty of Theology in association with the Vatican. In later years, he obtained a Certificate in General Thinking Skills under the guidance of world – renowned creative / lateral / parallel Thinker, Professor Edward de Bono. Then, Dr Bezzina obtained a further Diploma in Canon Law relating to Marriage Procedure – Jurisdiction and Jurisprudence. This from the Maltese Catholic Curia.
In the eighties, Dr Bezzina departed from the acting roles in the theatre and radio & television broadcasting to concentrate on a then revolutionary concept in Maltese broadcasting, namely tackling very controversial and intimate issues. Though he produced many such programmes, hardly anyone was broadcast not to leave some sort of controversy in its wake – hence why Dr Bezzina became known as the revolutionary, controversial, broadcaster. Many were those who literally wanted his head off !
The eighties were a very dynamic period in the life of Dr Bezzina ranging from his private to his social and professional life. At this time, Dr Bezzina became involved in politics contesting the General Elections in 1987 and 1992. He pioneered live discussion programmes on hot issues, very often ending heavily arguing with some of his listeners in direct phone calls on air ! This made him loved by many and shunned by others, but Dr Bezzina knew all along that the silent majority were firmly behind him, though not yet ready to come forth in the open.
In his professional life, as a litigious practising lawyer, Dr Bezzina has particularly made a name for himself as a Family Lawyer, Constitutional Law lawyer with particular emphasis on Human Rights, the incidental Civil and Criminal lawsuits that emanate there from , and now since Malta became a full Member of the European Union in April 2004, European Union Law & Regulations.
Politically, currently, [until he discovers fresh talents, presumably] Dr Bezzina describes himself as a liberal-reformist democrat and indeed in the run up to the European Parliament Maltese Elections in 2004, Dr Bezzina founded the ALPHA Liberal Democratic Reformist Political Party of which he is now Chairman / Founder. ALPHA contested the European Parliament Maltese Elections in 2004 ; the Valletta Local Council Elections in 2005 ; and is planning to contest the Maltese General Elections possibly in 2007.
Dr Bezzina is also very interested in Non Governmental Organizations Legislation [ NGOs ] that is still non-enacted in Malta. He is indeed Chairman of a NGO, namely the Family Rights` Association – Malta.
Dr Bezzina is the author of many articles on socio-legal issues, some of which are reproduced in his website on www.emmybezzina.org. He regularly participates in Public Forums and is currently presenting and producing on a Maltese Private tv Station COURT Tv, a series of educational programmes about laws and Court legal Procedures.
Dr Bezzina became acquainted with Fr Moon `s Movement in the late nineties through the Malta Centre at Valletta. He has participated in numerous Conferences, Convocations, Seminars and Study Groups related to the Movement`s overall objectives. He was present at the inauguration of the Inter Religious and International Peace Council [ IIPC ] both in the USA as well as in Europe; at the inauguration of the Universal Peace Federation [ UPF ] both in Seoul – South Korea, as well as in Europe; at the investiture ceremonies of the Crowning of the King and Queen of Peace in South Korea and in Europe; participated actively in the formal visit of Mother Moon to Malta as part of her tour to several countries to spread Fr. Moon`s World Peace Message; was a VIP Guest at the inauguration of the Peace Kingdom Palace in 2006; and was an invited guest at Reverend Moon`s official birthday celebrations since True Parent`s 80th birthday in 2000.
These very intimate experiences with the Movement has made Dr Bezzina practise earnestly the noble principle of living for the sake of others. Dr Bezzina was one of the early Ambassadors for Peace to be appointed in Istanbul in 2001 – he is now a Senior, International Ambassador for Peace and the UPF – Malta`s representative of the local Ambassadors. Dr Bezzina sat on the Invitational International Council to organize Reverend Moon and Mother Moon`s respective international Peace Tours.
Dr Bezzina produced and presented a one and a half television programme about the Movement in Malta , as well as a three-hour radio programme. Both programmes were live and with phone-ins. They were a big breakthrough in Malta considering the tremendous influence in the Media by the Catholic Church.
Dr Bezzina has been assigned impromptu to deliver speeches at Conferences organized by the Movement at which he participates. He took part in two Middle East Peace Pilgrimages to promote PEACE in the Middle East. Thousands of Ambassadors for Peace have taken part in such MEP Pilgrimages which have been a huge success, despite the obvious risks and inconveniences: all for a most worthy cause.
Dr Bezzina has now contributed a study about Father Moon on the occasion of his eighty-seventh birthday celebrations. This biography has indeed been written also in association with this memorable celebration.
Dr Emmanuel D. BEZZINA.
Senior Ambassador for Peace.
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This is Emmy’s favourite Band
I think all the above self-made biographies need some updating… there is no mention of him being a hubby with Lowell… which, if a understand correctly all the hogwash written about himself, jars totally with the image he is trying to portray.
Pffff… file under attention-seeker… B for Bezzina comes before M for Micallef, correct?
Impressive CV, apart from one slight error: Aldo Moro was kidnapped and assassinated in 1978 not 1976.
@europarl il-kajboj – you’re right there. And is this a different europarl, or the same one in disguise. As a collector of Maltese pronunciation of English words, I can tell you that should be ‘kajbow’.
Yes, Daphne, europarl has taken the Kajboj character to meet the standards of this blog.
And, no, to my mind it has always been Kajbojz end Indjinnz. Kajbow is a type of bow-tie Emmy Benzina would wear.
” … Principal Actor playing the leading roles, among others, in the musicals The King & I as well as The Sound of Music”
Hilarious! – I was just imagining Emmy squealing in a high-pitched voice, playing the part of Maria (Julie Andrews). Extremely insipid, to say the least …
Dak ego daqs pjaneta Giezu Giez! Ara tithajjarx taghti l-privat fuq il-virtu’ ta’ l-umilta’ ha nigi ghandek mal-familja. Ghax ma tmurx tahsel rasek ma’ Norman Lowell!
Minflok tikritikaw lil Dr.Emmy Bezzina ,ghalix ma staqsejtux ghaliex jiehu interess fil-projetti mad dwar id dinja,tas Rev.SunMyungMoon?.
Jien ma naghara xejn tac-cajt,li Father Moon jissejah ‘Father’ ghax ghandu mara wahda u gherbataxx ulied;izjed fija cajta li issejah min iqaddes f’saint Patrick’s,kif tghid,isejhulu ‘Father’ u bla tfal:mhux hekk ohti?.
Jien naf hafna patrijiet li jiehdu lil Reverend Moon bis serjeta:li ghandu tfal kapaci u ta moral honest hi haga tajba li kullhadd japprezza.
Ejja nkunu daqsxejn wahda justi:ulied SunMyungMoon huma:avukati,teologians,doctors of commerce,philosophy,divinity u arts.
Ghandhu tfal li huma worldmedia directors,atricci u producers ta fims li giebu lura good governance & morals fis socjeta,for a change,minflokk fims b’vjolenza u hgieg bla skruplu:allura kif jghidu ‘you shall know them by their fruit’.
Allura,Daphne Caruana Galizia,,ghidilna naqra jekk uliedek humiex kapaci daqs it tfall tas SnMyung Monn jew izjed u jekk jghogbok iftah qalbek u mohhok qabel tiftah halqekk minghajr ittkun certa!
Dr.Denise Newsource.
p.s.errata corrige:’films li giebu lura ‘good goverance & morals’ fis socjeta,for a change,minflok films b’vjolenza u hmieg ‘ minflok ‘ ta fims li giebu lura good governance & morals fis socjeta,for a change,minflokk fims b’vjolenza u hgieg ‘.