You lowdown, lying scum, Evarist…
Malta Today and the Labour Party hatched a plot between them: report that Ray Ferris (former Enemalta) man is being prosecuted for accepting a silver plate from George Farrugia.
Then argue that what is ‘good for the goose is good for the gander’ (sauce, you berks) and say that the Finance Minister should be prosecuted too for accepting that stupid homemade clock.
UNBELIEVABLE. Scum meets scum in a true scumfest: Malta Today and Labour.
They both know, even if it couldn’t be deduced through the application of sheer common sense, that Ferris is not being prosecuted for accepting a silver plate, because accepting a silver plate is not a crime.
He is being prosecuted for accepting that thing in consideration for doing something he shouldn’t. And that is the crime.
Evarist is a lowdown snake. He’s been a lowdown snake all his adult life. Now, in his bitchy, bitter old age, trying to have one last gasp at power before he collects his Kartanzjan this year after waiting and waiting and waiting since 1998, he’s getting worse than he ever was as Maria l-Maws the resident lanzit columnist at the Labour Wipex, KullHadd.
Maaa, mank jigri xi miraklu u jisplodilhom kollox go wicchom, ja qabda male bitches, snakes, korrotti, hodor u hamalli.
Evarist Bartolo
Il-pulizija qed tressaq il-qorti persuni li hadu xi ghotja fl-iskandlu tax-xiri taz-zejt. Mela l-istess ligi ma tghoddx ghall-ministri li hadu xi ghotja? Mela kif jghid il-qawl Latin: hemm ligi ghall-allat u l-ohra ghall-bhejjem?
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Is Manuel Mallia actually Jabba the Hutt in disguise, seeking to expand his criminal empire by contesting on an MLP ticket? It’s not like Labour was ever averse to getting chummy with gangsters and thugs after all.…0.0…1ac.1.5.img.U4BAGxucmX0&biw=800&bih=1280&sei=AEwxUZiuHsLBhAfli4EY#biv=i%7C8%3Bd%7C5O9JiKy0HXUdpM%3A
Is this man always angry ?
Yes, he seems to be so most of the time – except when posing for photos with Antonella types.
Oh dear, you’ve done it now. You should explain that having “things blowing up in your face” is an English expression which in no way means that is-sahhara qed tixtieqilhom bombi/vjolenza/Karin Grech/velenu/strategija ta’ tensjoni.
Those who know, would guess that Evarist’s wife “driving” him would not be confined to transporting him from geographical point A to point B.
Sources said it is also being claimed that Mr Ferris requested a sum of money from Mr Farrugia in connection with a favour.
The charges included demanding money in return of a favour.
Whoa! Do you really believe that whoever gave Tonio Fenech the clock didn’t expect anything in return? Pull the other one please, the one that, as il-bocca would say, has bells on.
On another note, judging from posts written on FB, by hunters who are on my friends list, it looks like there has been some sort of agreement between the PL and hunters. Bastards. This will be 1996 allover again, only worse.
Hopefully the PN will take the opportunity to cleanse itself of idiots like Fenech. He could have been good, but he is too greedy.
Whilst on the subject of shady dealings, insinuations etc, I wonder if there is any truth to the rumour that people have been buying up land in green areas and using a certain notary for the contract. Is this something that can be checked at the registry?
There was a rush on extensive ODZ around Zurrieq a few years back. Mostly seaviews.
Li kieku il-qerq jixghel, mill MLP nghamlu l-akbar power station.
Evarist – the typical – if you cannot achieve it, teach it…..
Just found this on Facebook – those who don`t learn from part mistakes are bound to repeat them.
I was a student protesting in 1997 – we had dreams when we entered university: our degree, our future in Europe, our stipend to help us in our studies.
But then, Evarist and his MLP shattered these dreams.
We were told that our stipends will become a loan, repayable after graduation. EU accession frozen. That’s a bleak future!
We felt dejected and most of us really worried that despite graduation, we would start working life with debts, and few opportunities being out of EU.
I still remember the parent of a friend of mine, telling me that history is repeating itself. When he himself was a student 20 years earlier, MLP didn’t allow him to start the course he wanted due to the 20 points system, and he had to go for a completely different career.
He said “Oh my god, MLP never had education at heart”. Thank God, MLP imploded and the PN were back in government. I don’t need to repeat what happened after that.
Thanks to the PN’s education mentality, I continued with my studies for a Masters (funded by STEPS) and my children (I am a parent now) are happy in government schools where investment was made in both refurbishment and resources.
How can I trust Evarist? He tried to ruin my past. Labour ruined the past of our parents.
I don’t want them to ruin the future of my children.
Evarist – I’m not In.
You don’t deserve to be an MP, let alone a Minister.
What a shameful type of journalism. True scum.
What Malta Today should investigate are those more serious queries that journalists seem to have no ba**s to investigate.
1. Who are the “investors” mentioned by Anglu Farrugia?
2. What is their relation to the PL?
3. Where is the PL getting all the money for its campaign?
4. What is Dalli still doing in Brussles? Will he come back when there is a change in government?
5. Why is a judge trying to prolong proceedings before an impeachment motion is taken against him?
6. Why are the two deputy leaders of the PL out of the scene?
7. What does Jason Micallef know that we ought to know about his leader?
8. How much MaltaToday is paying the GWU for printing its newspaper or is it done for free so that it can provide the PL with free propaganda?
These are the pertinent questions MaltaToday should ask. It has become the prolonged arm of the Evil SuperOne machine.
A couple of days ago what Balzan was able to come up with during this campaign is an open letter to Joseph about the kacca. Why? So that he gives us the impression that he is on the Green side? Pathetic. He should have written an open letter to Muscat on other, more serious going-ons. We all know how the kaccaturi vote, so Balzan can’t change their minds about it.
None of the above seems important to Malta(star-super-one)Today. Yet, a clock given by a genuine person – who entered into the story like Pilate in the Creed – to the minister is more shocking. Truly, Balzan and the lot at that newspaper, should tie a milling-stone around their necks and throw themselves into the sea. If they need a push, I, for one, will be happy to oblige.
Evarist is a coward if ever there was one.
Daphne vergni u martri ! Time for you to walk the plank.
I was a student protesting in 1997 – we had dreams when we entered university: our degree, our future in Europe, our stipend to help us in our studies.
But then, Evarist and his MLP shattered these dreams.
We were told that our stipends will become a loan, repayable after graduation. EU accession frozen. That’s a bleak future!
We felt dejected and most of us really worried that despite graduation, we would start working life with debts, and few opportunities being out of EU.
I still remember the parent of a friend of mine, telling me that history is repeating itself. When he himself was a student 20 years earlier, MLP didn’t allow him to start the course he wanted due to the 20 points system, and he had to go for a completely different career.
He said “Oh my god, MLP never had education at heart”. Thank God, MLP imploded and the PN were back in government. I don’t need to repeat what happened after that.
Thanks to the PN’s education mentality, I continued with my studies for a Masters (funded by STEPS) and my children (I am a parent now) are happy in government schools where investment was made in both refurbishment and resources.
How can I trust Evarist? He tried to ruin my past. Labour ruined the past of our parents.
I don’t want them to ruin the future of my children.
Evarist – I’m not In.
You don’t deserve to be an MP, let alone a Minister.
This man has taken to writing articles about financial institutions as if he is an expert. when he has no expert knowledge of finance or banking but is merely spouting what people like Paul Bonello tell him.