Mrs John Dalli is in Malta

Published: March 4, 2013 at 12:49pm

If the man has such a rare and debilitating affliction which is supposed to justify his treatment in a Brussels clinic and render him unable to take a three-hour flight to Malta, then why has his wife abandoned his bedside?

The real circle of evil:

Goodbye, Jeffrey - now even Labour is done with you

Goodbye, Jeffrey – now even Labour is done with you

photo 1

John Dalli, at home at Labour HQ

John Dalli, at home at Labour HQ

7 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Sceberras Trigona u Reno Calleja, O zmien helu.

  2. Adam says:

    Don’t worry Daphne, Gaddafi’s redundant Ukrainian nurse might be at his side.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Can we send a few Maltese covert agents on a rendition mission? I’d love to see him wake up in a container in the Libyan desert.

    “Sur Dalli, ghall-iskopijiet ta’ din l-interrogazzjoni, dan il-container huwa territiorju Malti. Qed tifhmini car? Tridni nirrepeti? Se tigi moghti d-drittijiet legali kollha, imma m’intix se tithalla tohrog mill-container. Qed tifhimni? Tridni nirrepeti?”

  4. zizka says:

    BIBLE STORIES.The top picture reminds me of the The Prodigal Son.

  5. zizka says:

    I meant third from top picture.

  6. Dejjem PN says:

    Some people are showing the true FACE NOW. Hope that if PN will be in power again notice this thinks, and show no respect to them.

  7. Xewka says:

    Oh, so many of a kind. Indeed ”Stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way”

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