Franco has found somewhere he feels comfortable at last: with Labour
March 4, 2013 at 4:39pm
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Nutless nutbag
Goes without saying.
Dazgur, ghax L-Italja ma tridux.
Are the Form II C rivals both finally coming out?
id-deluzjioni li ha jiehdu Alla biss jaf!
Bniedem medjokri miekul bl-ghira.
Illum wara nofs in-nhar kien ghaddej minn Triq ir-Repubblika. Kemm hu bniedem antipatku. Jimxi kwazi mal-hajt tal-hwienet, mhux arani min-nifs it-triq u jberraq b-dawk l-ghajnen jifli lill kull min jaghddi. Nahseb biex jara jsellimlux xi hadd.
And of course, if Franco feels comfortable with Labour, then…
Poor soul. He literally threw himself away. An entity encapsulating masochistic self destruction. He was right about a few things and he let them get to his head.
Lanqas jisthi minn dawk li kienu vvutawlu hames snin ilu.
Ja gakbin!
A textbook example of a psychopath:
— in psychology, a person who has no feeling for other people, does not think about the future and does not feel bad about anything they have done in the past
Very well said, and narcisstic people can be psychopaths too.
I am still waiting for Franco Debono to condemn Labour violence at Hamrun and Gozo.
We know you’re voting to take Malta backwards, that’s why we’re doing the opposite.
I look forward to another display before Xarabank, on some Friday evening in 2017.
“Ghax ma tridx tiddibatti, Joseph? Mort tinheba fl-aquarium, Joseph! Kissruh pajjiz! Ohrog miinn hemm Joseph!”
I look forward to Norman Hamilton’s Bla Agenda on Saturday evening soon after that. Do you think Norman will invite Frankie Tabone?
In that event, I don’t think he will exit the PBS ofices in one piece – reaping the whirlwind, it’s called, no?
It would have been news if he said he will vote PN.
He and his family didn’t even go to vote for the Hal-Ghaxaq Local Council Election , when he was just a candidate, so that potential competitors were nipped in the bud.
It’s all about him!
What a jerk. He was there all the time, on the PL side I mean.
Like you said Daphne, he has all the elements and characteristics to make him a Mintoffjan.
This guy has been a let down, one after the other. Pathetic. Veru miskin. In Italy he would be at home too. He belongs with the buffoons: Grillo and Berlusca.
Veru pulcinell.
U mhux qed jghid hazin. Lura sew tmur Malta jekk jivvota Labour u jirbhu.
What has Franco Debono has to say about the despicable acts done by Labour Party supporters on a PN woman supporter at Hamrun?
I wish you can raise this up Daphne because no other paper or website except the PN press did so.
This is a serious infringement of objective journalism.
Furthermore I wish you can raise the following points, Daphne. Alfred Sant as leader of the opposition was relatively clean. He even closed the Marsa PN club when there were allegations of drug abuse there and even reported the matter to the police.
It remained closed for around seven years. It is a totally different ball game with Joseph Muscat.
Sant also reported Labour Party supporters to the police when they molested an old PN supporter at Floriana the day after the MLP won the elections in 1996.
So far, Joseph Muscat has said nothing about this incident.
Daphne, thankfully your blog is more popular than most online publications bar and, both of which are Labour-leaning while pretending to be unbiased, and doing a disservice to Maltese journalism. I know your blog is PN-leaning but at least I know where i stand with you.
PN leaning? Cannot agree completely. PN were criticised several times on this blog for their faults. Just look at the divorce episode.
Being true to facts, and the PN often being on the right side of history and facts, does not make this blog Labour-leaning.
I don’t think this blog is PN-leaning at all. Anyone can comment, and some of the most prolific contributors are Malta’s most inflexible Labourites, Mintoffjani even (Kevin Ellul Bonici, for starters).
And if I read Daphne correctly, and after six years in her salon littéraire I think I do, she is anti-Labour rather than PN-leaning. Just like me.
Minn dejjem buffu u qziez kien Franco. Jien niftakru jigi l-games room tas-sixth form meta hu kien l-universita u qed nghidilkom kien idardar il-games room kollha. Anke shabu 3 guvintur ohra li wiehed minnhom halliena f’incident tat-traffiku, kienu jsikktuh u jghidulu biex jieqaf imma hu kien bully u jibqa jiddardar.
Bilhaqq, ghax naf li taqrah dan il-blogg Franco. Hu go fik. Nies bhali jafuk u int taf ghal liema zmien qed nirreferi u jekk ghandek xi dubju jew inkella insejt x’kien jisimhom shabek, jekk kienu shabek wara kollox, jien malajr infakkrek ta.
Ja buffu. Int ipprovajt iddajjaq minghalik imma kollox gie lura f’wiccek.
Tajjeb li nfakkar lil Franco waqt il-home visits li kien jaghmel qabel l-elezzjoni ta’ 2008 u lill-votanti PN ta’ Bugia kien jghidilna-ALLA HARES JITLA L-LABOUR.
Min jaf Franco kienx jmur jigri wara Beppe Grillo meta kien jmur l-Italia.
Veru persuna bla principju: jekk ma nilghabx nhassar.
Jiena lil Franco kont irrikmandajtlu biex ma jhallix l-Labour juzah- webbes rasu u fl-ahhar harget l-verita-l-lupu ma jbildx sufu-lili u votanti bhali tal-5 distrett ittradina.
Issa li ivendika ruhu min Malta minghalih li sejjer jidispjacina ghal dak li ghamel. Ried jilhaq l-ghemba u ma irnexxilux. Sfortunatament uza t-talenti tieghu hziena u nharaq.
Tistghu tirrealizzaw x’gieghel lil Franco Debono jaqbdu pandemonju? Mela ha nghidilkom jien.
Franco huwa bniedem ghajjur, dan huwa stat ta’ fatt u hadd ma jista jmerih.
Minn meta lahaq Joseph Muscat kap ta l-oppozizzjoni tah panic.
Hu jaf li qatt ma seta jilhaq kap ghax la huwa fdat u lanqas huwa kapaci.
Ma ninsewx li it-tnejn kienu studenti flimkien u dejjem kien hemm pika bejniethom it-tnejn. Ma jfissirx li Joseph Muscat jista jkun Kap tajjeb lanqas, ghax milli jidher dritt ghal gol-hajt immorru jekk jitla hu.
Franco hekk jaf jaghmel, JGHIR anke ghal nemla biezla, flok ihallija jipprova jghaffiga, basta f’mohhu jahseb li hu qieghed ahjar. Minn kollox ghamel biex iwaqqa l-gvern u sa certu punt irnexxielu ghalkemm tard hafna.
Issa zgur li ha jipprova li l-isforzi kollha li ghamel jigu rrikonoxxuti minn gvern laburista, jekk Alla jghogbu li jikkundannana b’dak il-mod.
I have noticed many times during this long campaign, and i am not only referring to the 9 week, but this has been going on since Franco’s antics started to take pace.
People like Cyrus, Albert Gauci Cunningham, Manuel Mallia and even the ridiculous William Mangion, always emphasized on how comfortable they felt, and how welcomed they were in the Labour Party.
When you come to to think of it, and try to read between the lies you will realise the real message they are trying to give here.
First of all, any party wanting to win the election would welcome any Labour voter wanting to vote for PN. I wouldn’t imagine a labour voter, walking in the PN head quarters, pledging that he will vote for PN and this guy will get kicked out of the place. So what is all the fuss about? Our politians spend months going around houses, knocking on doors, with their routine house visits promoting themselves and the party. Now when someone like the names mentioned above come knocking on your door why shouldn’t they be welcome, why shouldn’t they feel comfortable.
However the names above did not do so in secrecy, they wanted all the world to know they are making the switch. And this is where i make my point, all the awe and surprise that they mention, of the PL being so open an welcoming, in reality would be meaning; We were surprised, that such a big party as the PL is not noticing that we are making the switch, not because we really believe in their values, or their politics but because they look like the possible victors and better be on their side. Surprised at how stupid can they actually be to give us so much coverage, so much airtime, never thought it would be so easy. Never thought they will fail to realise they we are blood sucking rats, wanting to be on top of the mountain, without actually climbing it’
Whether their plan worked or not, we will have to waiting another couple of days.
Morally, they already lost ages ago.