The last four days of the campaign, and Muscat reneges on his commitment to an hour’s interview on state TV

Published: March 4, 2013 at 5:32pm

TVHemm Screen shot 2013-03-04 at 16.28.53

Fit-3:54pm tal-lum gejna infurmati li l-Mexxej Laburista Dr Joseph Muscat mhux se jkun qed jiehu sehem fil-programm ta’ ghada t-Tlieta. Dr Muscat kien mistieden ghal intervista one-to-one ghall-programm shih.

TV HEMM offra lill-Mexxej Laburista biex jekk ma jkunx jista’ jattendi ‘live’, il-programm jigi rrekordjat f’hin iehor tal-gurnata, f’siegha li fiha jkun komdu l-istess Dr Muscat. Ir-risposta tal-Partit Laburista (mis-Sur Kurt Farrugia) tghid hekk:

“Jiddispjaċini imma minħabba impenji li ma stajniex inbiddlu mhux se jkun possibbli għal Dr Muscat li jipparteċipa f’TVHEMM.”

Louis Grech and Joseph Muscat are IN OPPOSITION and yet don’t find the time for or feel any obligation towards their democratic duty to turn up for debates and interviews (even when they have committed themselves already).

Meanwhile, the far busier Lawrence Gonzi and Simon Busuttil are right there, communicating all time.

46 Comments Comment

  1. AllIWantIsToLiveInPeace says:

    He’s probably figured that whenever he or the Labour Party opens his/its mouth, the polls go down.

    • AE says:

      You’ve hit the nail at the head. Every time they open their mouth they lose ground. So they are avoiding doing so, so as to win by default. Cowards.

  2. Mister says:

    Dr. Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta, fails to turn-up for the scheduled EU Summit in Brussels to discuss the recently approved treaty because of subsequent engagements that could not be rescheduled.

    God help us.

    • bystander says:

      Don’t blame him, it’s never his fault.

      His wife said he is very good at time management.

      How do they make love? She sits on his face and he tells lies.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Joke alert! (Or “attakk fahxi”, depending on your social background).

        Q: How does Joseph make love?
        A: Lying.

      • ciccio says:

        That’s quite an uncomfortable love position in case Joseph needs to blow his nose, unless of course Me Shall can blow it for him.

  3. Jozef says:

    Normal practice from next Tuesday.

  4. Wormfood says:

    Personally I find the comments and their pathetic attempts at rationalising his incompetence and cowardice even more disturbing. Bloody cretins.

    Come the first months of summer and all the disgruntled Dorises who want to stick it to Gonzi now will be strenuously denying that they voted for this arrested testicle and his Malta taghna lkoll.

    The diehards will have an even lower opinion of him then they have of Alfred Sant but they would still have had to vote for him of course, being the leader of their cult and all that.

    They’d vote for an actual pig were someone to nominate it as a Labour candidate.

  5. jack says:

    We all know that Louis Grech and Joseph Muscat are hopeless at debates. They have been trashed within inches of their lives at all debates, and simply can’t handly anything outside the ONE studios.

    Having said so, if I were enjoying a commanding lead at the polls, I would stongly advise them simply to disengage. Frustrating as it is, if you’re this bad, simply steer away from trouble.

  6. ciccio says:

    “Fid-9 ta’ Marzu, Gvern Gdid Laburista, apparti li jnehhi l-VAT u nergghu ninnegozjaw il-pakkett mal-Unjoni Ewropeja biex naghmlu Partnership (ghax partnership l-ahjar ghazla), ikun ekkawntabil u trasparenti.”

  7. TV Marlene says:

    The Times is at it again. A mother gets hit with a Coca Cola bottle by socialist thugs in Hamrun yesterday and the Times reports it at 1444 today. Three other stories that got reported earlier and are of much lesser importance are still on the front main window but this violent incident story is already 3rd in the other, lower window and am sure will disappear by this evening. Oh, and BTW, the Hamrun incident has already attracted 239 comments as I write.

  8. tinnat says:

    Chicken, chicken, CHICKEN.

  9. Mallia says:

    And we’ll soon be lumped with these people as leaders of this country……THINK PEOPLE

  10. Simone says:

    Go to Mummy Kangaroo, little Joey. She’ll keep you safe.

  11. Min Jaf says:

    Cluck, cluck, cluck. Joseph Muscat now publicly aspires to hold the EU presidency, but then repeatedly chickens out of a 60 minute TV debate.

    Imhadda hoxna mimlija riex, bla sustanza, bla stamina, u bla bajd.

    Contrast that with Lawrence Gonzi who survived 36 hours non-stop at the EU negotiating table with his 26 counterparts and secured double the budget originally allocated to Malta.

    And that while simultaneously running the country as prime minister and energetically participating in a months-long and crucial electoral campaign. Par idejn sodi, futur fis-sod tassew.

  12. Wormfood says:

    Is it a wonder why he admires China’s government for its suppression of freedom of expression and restrictive policies when it comes to the media.

    • Last Post says:

      Minfejn gibtha din, man? Ma niskantax li fil-qalb ta’ qalbu jammira l-gvern Ciniz, imma jekk veru esprima din l-ammirazzjoni, allura l-futur mhux biss imcajpar imma tal-biza’.

  13. Adrian says:

    Jibża’ li jkompli jaqa’ għan-nejk

  14. Gahan says:

    Mintoff lil-Borg Olivier kien jghajjru ‘Chicken’ ghax ma kienx irid jaghmel dibattitu mieghu.

    Issa ghandna ammiratur u successur ta’ l-istess Mintoff jibza’ minn gurnalist !

    Biex se nghabbu?

  15. ciccio says:

    Seems that TVHemm have been flexible, offering him to record the interview. Couldn’t they offer to email him the questions today and let him bring his teleprompters along?

  16. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Communiqué to all European and world leaders:

    You will shortly be receiving a short, tubby, waddling prime minister with the name tag “Joseph Muscat”, sent by air mail from Malta. Kindly see that you wipe the floor with him. If he says anything about the economy, Angela Merkel may walk across and slap him, hard.


  17. ali says:

    How can people believe that PL have changed their politics? Why are people so brainwashed into thinking they can make a positive change?

    What do they understand by Malta taghna ukoll? Have they been refused education, jobs, social services or healthcare? This is honestly a big fat joke to me, the more I hear the phrase the more I think they are all delusional.

    But, one thing we can guarantee is that Joseph Muscat will not deliver, no matter what he does, he cannot live up to the image he has portrayed.

    I read some comments on FB the other day, PL supporters telling Simon Busuttilthat they are scared to leave their house because of all the immigrants roaming our streets – load of bollocks if you ask me, jahasra how pathetic!

  18. QahbuMalti says:

    He’s a coward – there’s no other word to describe him. He has NO STORY TO TELL. He has spent 9 weeks talking generically and expecting the electorate to trust him. How can you trust a man who wants to be PM but refuses to attend a current affairs programme?


  19. A Montebello says:

    … are they silently and ineffectively boycotting Dr Busuttil?

  20. cikka says:

    Not turning up for a debate on the eve of elections? How would we Nationalists feel if our dear Prime Minister turned down a debate at the last minute on the grounds that he is otherwise committed or too busy?

    I would certainly feel let down. The PL have wool knitted so so tight over their eyes, faces and every other part of their body that they can’t see reality.

    • Neil Dent says:

      Exactly – I would too. This is the big difference.

      Joseph’s supporters, rather than feel ashamed, will blindly defend him and Labour, with their skewed reasoning of “B’daqshekk? Aghmel sew Joseph. Dawk min huma bies jghidulu x’jaghmel? Eniwejj, daqt ntajruhom minn hemm dawk ta’ Lubondi”

  21. Election Mode says:

    Jahasra if he could only skip one session at the gym he’d have enough time to attend. But one must keep fit I suppose. Keeping up appearances is important.

  22. Selit says:

    Pathetic chickens. If they win this election, all malta is doomed.

  23. M.. says:

    What has Joseph got to hide; maybe he’s worried that he is unable to keep up the fake front.

  24. just me says:

    Joseph should replace his Fearless Leader mug with this.

  25. ciccio says:

    In a press conference held by the Broadcasting Authority on PBS this evening, one of the journalists asked Joseph Muscat a question about Jason Micallef and his dominance over Muscat.

    Muscat avoided the question altogether and instead spent 3 to 5 minutes praising Labour’s “meticulously” detailed proposal for the energy sector.

    X’ghandu x’jaqsam Jason mal-gass, Guz?

  26. Augustus says:

    Ma nafx kif ma bghatx lil Me Shall.

  27. GodwinPaul says:

    If Labour win the next election, Joseph promised to start work on the new power station immediately.

    Labour have also said that they will be using only 25% of the capacity of the new cable interconnector with Sicily.

    Therefore, under this plan, 75% of the interconnector, equivalent to 150 MW of electricity, will be kept idle while we shall be building a new power station with a capacity of 200MW.

    Why are we opting to build a power station to give us 200MW while we keep the interconnector idle in respect of 75% of its capacity? Does this make economic sense?

    If we use the interconnector fully, we do not need a new power station. It only makes economic sense if the cost of the electricity generated by the new PL gas plant is so much cheaper than the interconnector rates that it justifies the investment.

    • Jozef says:

      It can never make economic sense, not when the investment on the interconnector’s already done and the rate of 9c6 as defined by konrad Mizzi for his gas plant doesn’t include the operator’s profit.

      Interconnector rates envisaged at 11c. Capital employed 200million euros to be offset.

      Gas bunkering, now that’s something else. Italy buys gas in spring-summer, stores it in depleted wells, tanks and even ships, to resell during the winter months.

      This is what Labour’s after. Konrad mentioned it a couple of times, naming Shell, Total and Trafigura, that’s why he doesn’t seem particularly troubled by the location of the storage facilities.

      Labour never said it will be two tanks, they always spoke about capacity and economic feasibility. If 65,000 cubic meters has to go up to 120, 200, 1.5 mega cubic meters so much the better.

      Noticed how Joseph chose to make the comparison with the PN’s floating terminal option only?

      Yet he’ll consider the pipeline, of course, like anyone privy to the real details, the pipeline could be used in the opposite direction. Feed Sicily.

      The difference here then, is whether Audrey Harrison, Mepa officer, resident of Marsaxlokk and Labour testimonial would like to have the terminal on her doorstep or out at sea on Hurds bank.

      Choose between those who came clean immediately on their two options and Muscat who won’t. If he thinks he can apply for funding using this tactic he’s an idiot.

      It will have to be public money not some multinational.

      The terminal cannot be defined by Malta’s requirements, the overheads related to design, safety and insurance wouldn’t allow it.

  28. Il-Kajboj says:

    EXPOSED: the “impenji li ma stajniex inbiddlu”

    DATA : It-Tlieta, 5 ta’ Marzu 2013

    ĦIN : 10:00 hrs

    POST : ONE Radio

    SUĠĠETT : Il-Mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat jieħu sehem fi programm tar-radju

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