Muscat insists we need a change in direction. I think he has a lousy roadmap.
A quick scan of today’s news:
HSBC makes 95 million pre–tax profit
MIA reports record February profit
Lufthansa plans best-ever summer schedule
Scotts announces Eur12 million investment
Forum Hotel site to be redeveloped
First phase of Maghtab rehabilitation completed
Health centres opening hours extended
Internet usage continues to grow
Muscat insists we need a change in direction. I think he has a lousy roadmap.
And then there was a bit of news that went ignored last Friday. On a government bond offer of €120 million with an over-allotment option of €80 million (€200 million available in all), the DEMAND WAS FOR JUST UNDER €300 MILLION.
That’s right: €300 million in liquid cash chasing €200 million in government bonds.
Quote from the Treasury press release:
Fixed Rate Malta Government Stocks
4,912 applications/bids having a total nominal value exceeding Euro 292.9 million against the authorised sum on issue of Euro 120 million (subject to an over-allotment option for an additional amount of Euro 80 million).
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The Pilsbury Dough Boy.
didn’t he die of a yeast infection and aunty Jemima delivered the eulogy?
Ghax m’hawnx gid fil-pajjiz.
Le, qed nistennew lilu jghidilna kif nofquhom.
Soppa ta’ l-armla b’xejn ghall-kullhadd! Grazzi, Me Shall.
If I had a new Ferrari, I wouldn’t change it for another car.
Ma rridux ninsew il-flus li ngabru mill-Istrina, PN u PL. U dawn kollha fi zmien xaghrejn jew forsi xaghrejn u nofs ta. Il-figuri ma nafhomx ezatt, imma nahseb kullhadd ikkontribwixxa hux specjalment f’ta l-Istrina.
Jekk Joey ghanu problema biex jaghmel is-somom jibghat post u nibghatulu calculator ta.
Nahseb li Joey mhux biss colour blind imma anke figures blind hu kif ukoll dawk il-qabda cwiec li jemmnuh.
Ghidlu li Joey hi.
The main problem Muscat has to face, is Malta.
Ja bicca reporter. Jghir ghal-gid li gabu gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti ghax jaf li mhux kapaci daqshom.
Wara kollox ma ghandux nies ta stoffa. Ma jafx kif ser jehles mid-dinosawri ta zmien Mintoff u l–godda Alla bis jaf x’jiswew.
Wicc tost iwieghed l-ilma jizfen u xi cwiec jemnuh.
The only campaign that lejber could persuade all the Maltese that we really are living in misery should have been a very easy one: cheap and mean advertising with a very convincing speaker.
But they resorted to advertise the wealth Malta is living under a Nationalist government. This wealth is reflected in expensive internet adverts billboards and very lavish parties, to top it all up, they have a puerile mediocre speaker for a leader.
I can’t believe the thinking behind the so-needed change! Total brainwashing.
People are crazy if they opt to trust Joseph and his fossil cabinet with our future.
Tista tkun cara izjed minn hekk li l-pajjiz sejjer fid-direzzjoni it-tajba? Jekk iva, ivvota PN ghax din hi il-vera roadmap.
Taf xi tfisser li l-HSBC ghamel dak il-qlieh kollu… tajjeb hafna… imma dik kienet decizjoni hazina ghaliex il-qlieh flok baqa hawn marru ghand il-barranin, kieku l-gvern kien jkun f’posizzjoni li jnaqqas 95 miljun Euro mit-taxxi taghna.
This really helps us understand what is wrong with Joseph Muscat’s leadership. It also highlights the fundamental difference between Joseph Muscat and Lawrence Gonzi.
Muscat insists that he has a roadmap. The problem is that that does not mean that he knows his location and his destination on that roadmap.
Gonzi always insisted that he has a vision. Ipso facto, that means that he knows where he is located and is clearly walking towards a destination.