Vote Labour for Change: Yana Mintoff
March 4, 2013 at 10:31pm
The Golden Years of Yana Mintoff: Yana ‘Patty Hearst’ Mintoff documents her father’s ingenious method of keeping water bills low – no water in the taps, everyone fighting over the nearest bowser and a Nazzjonlista expected to grovel in gratitude because a Laburista ceditila fil-kju.
An angry student wrote back the following week.
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Il-Bambin jilliberana minn dawn in-nies.
Niggieldu ghall-bowsers. Ahjar ma nghid xejn.
Nerga nfakkar anke hawn bhal ma diga fakkart go blogs ohrajn: March 4, 2013 at 5:42 pm
Nahseb ahjar infakkru naqra lin-nies kif kienet Malta “in Mintoff’s and KMB days.” I.E. 70′s u 80′s.
small letters = MLP Days
CAPS = PN Days
1. Toothpaste – No Way – IXTRI KEMM TRID ILLUM HI.
2. Cikkulata – Ta’ Malta kollha dud jew inkella jgibulek xi cikkulata l-qraba u l-hbieb mill-Ingilterra. ILLUM ISSIB TIXTRIHA BIL-KAXXA.
3. Zokkor (Sugar, biex ma jkunx hemm misunderstanding) – Igibuh is-suldati fl-ixkejjer u tmur tixtrih minghand tal-merca bil-kupuni (vouchers). NO PROBLEM TIXTRI KEMM TRID.
4. Colour TV – Jekk ma tkunx taf lil hbieb tal-hbieb minghajru kont tibqa. – NO PROBLEM TIXTRI KEMM TRID.
5. Telephone id-dar – No way jekk inti PN hi. L-impjegati tal-kumpanija tat-telefonija ta zmien Mintoff kienu kolla Lejber. ILLUM GHANDEK L-GHAZLA MINN FEJN TAGHZEL MA MIN SE TABBONA.
6. Komputer – Kapricc ghax Mintoff kien qal li bil-komputer jintilfu l-jobs. Mur gibna ghadna bit-”type writer” ejj. ILLUM COMPUTERS, LAPTOPS U TABLETS HI.
7. Taqra gazzetta ohra mhux “L-orizzont” jew “It-Torca” f’post pubbliku – No Way ghax mal-ewwel kienu jittimbrawk. – LIBERTA TA L-ISTAMPA U ESPRESSJONI.
8. Tghid li int NAZZJONALIST fil-pubbliku – Tkun qed tissogra li tispicca go xi frame up jew inkella partitarji ta l-MLP iharsu lejk qisek qtitilhom lil xi hadd ghaziz. LIBERTA` TAL-KELMA U ESPRESSJONI.
9. Edukazzjoni – Meta l-ghalliema ghamlu strajk biex jiddefendu d-drittijiet taghhom, gew jghallmunha membri tal-kumitati ta l-irhua ta l-MLP. ILLUM SMART BOARDS, LAPTOPS U TABLETS.
10. Xoghol – Transfers bl-addocc jekk ikunu jafu li int Nazzjonalist. ILLUM SAHANSITRA FIL-MEPA U HAFNA AWTORITAJIET OHRA HEMM NIES LEJBER.
U hafna aktar li jekk nibqa nikteb ma nieqafx.
Insejt il-fax machines. Biex ikollok wahda trid thallas Lm600 licenzja fis-sena.
It’s a shame you couldn’t get hold of Wi-Fi-enabled laptops, tablets and smart boards in the 80s. Tort tal-Lejber, mhux ghax kien ghadhom ma jezistux.
During those Golden years it took us 12 years to be given a telephone.
lectricity cuts were the order of the day. Rusty water in the taps. And pasta with little bugs (just in case we were not eating enough meat). Oh bugger off MintoffYana.
Don’t remind me, Selit.
Then they want us to stop mentioning the past and forget all about it.
You should have said “dirty” or stinking past
Have a look at my post as a reply to Natalie and you will soon rember what Malta went through during those years which weren’t golden at all.
The GOLDEN YEARS were under the PN government. Take out some of your old pictures from your closets and you will soon realise the difference.
U x’jidrikhom mill-parks ta Wied il-Ghajn, Siggiewi u Mellieha? Ahna bandli hodor kien ikollna taht Duminku u KMB ghax dak kien il-kulur favorit tal-papa ta Yana, Duminku u ta siehbu Gaddafi. Jekk kont titbandal xi naqra zzejjed tkun qed tissogra li, jew titqaccat il-katina msadda li kienet izzomm il-bandla, li l-maghqad gieli kien ikun ta l-injam u sahansitra gieli kien ukoll xi tajer ta karozza, jew li ddahal xi skalda ta l-injam ghax laqgha zebgha il-Bambin jaf meta kienu jarawha.
Alla jilliberana. Maltin, nitolbu ghal dik li qalet id-daqqa ta’ flixkun il-Hamrun biex il-Madonna tghinha. U bhalma kien qal Eddie “Marija Omm il-Maltin” idhol ghalina.
I have just been watching Simon Busuttil destroy (again) that despicable scum Toni Abela on Pierre Portelli’s programme.
Toni would not stop talking even though Pierre asked him six times, and when he did, he instead continuously interrupted Simon, trying – though failing badly, to destabilise his argument.
But how does Labour manage to produce such low-life creatures? Those clamouring for change had better be aware of what the Labour Party would throw at the country in a week’s time.
The letter about the Telephone on In-…Taghna brought me memories. In 1986 I had to plead with George Agius of the GWU to obtain a telephone line.
We had to wait seven years for a phone. Emergencies were the worst moments. And do you remember how often a phone call turned out to be a conference call?
A time when people had to use pen names when writing to the In-Taghna….freedom of speech at its worst!
What’s more worrying and worth noting is the letter next to it about waiting four years, and in another case eight years, for a telephone line. This, together with your post about today’s news should put PN in government by default as long as we live.
Scum like her father.
Toni will have to resign on the 10th or 11th March. It would be poetic justice if he does it on the 15th. But then perhaps I would be asking for too much.
But would he resign if his party wins the elections? I doubt it.
Whether he’ll resign or not, we will still be in the dark to what happened the white block.
In Sliema in the 1980s, we did not have water five days of the week, so I used to go on the roof early morning to check what amount of water got filled in the night, that is if we were lucky.
One day across the road, I saw this top civil servant, who was a very respectable prim and proper gentleman, stealing water from a neighbours tank.
He was desperate and miskin he almost dropped dead when he saw me. This was the state that we were in because of Yana’s bastard father.
Too tired now to mention the hundreds of more serious incidents. No wonder I just cannot stand that red flag with the flame which shall be out on the streets soon.
Incidentally it was not far from Briguglio’s house where the Mintoffian family lived. If I remember correctly it was given to them after being requisitioned.
U kemm kienu ghajtu bir-“raba rebha” fl’ 1987 imma baqghet ma waslitx.
First time voters would know very little about the state of the basic infrastructure which the PN inherited from the Labour government of the Golden Years in 1987. Electricity and water supply disruptions were the order of the day.
Through successive electoral victories, the PN governments lifted this country from the status of a third world country to a developed and proud EU member state.
Il-gass bil-vapuri, u l-ilma bil-bowser.
Ghax is-socjalisti ma jemmnux fi privilegi, mur obsor.
Mbaghad glieda mal-Arriva u kulhadd fuq it-trakkijiet tal-armata, u m’hemmx kulur min jispicca mdendel wara.
Ghax Malta taghna lkoll.
These little islands like Malta and Cuba and Mike Manley’s Jamaica make perfect prisons to torment the inhabitants and make a ton of money off them.
Little island + socialism/communism = good sadistic fun and profits galore for those in charge of the prison island.
What horrible memories.
In the 1960’s, under a Nationalist government, we did not even have water tanks on our roofs because we always had a supply of water in our taps so they were not needed.
When the Labour party was in government after 1971, water supply in our homes became more and more scarce.
Sometimes we did not have water in our taps for a whole 2 weeks. We used to leave a tap open at night with a bucket underneath with the hope that the few drops which come out would fill the bucket by morning. At this stage, everyone was placing water tanks on the roofs.
However, even when there was some water in the pipes, the pressure used to be so low that it failed to reach the roofs and fill the tanks. So water bowsers used to go round the houses to fill the tanks on the roofs.
When a PN government was elected in 1987, reverse osmosis plants were built and the water problem was gradually solved.
I was an ostracised MAM doctor compulsorily retired from public service because I wouldn’t join in the alliance between the police and the MLP thuggery. I was deprived for years from having a telephone to serve my patients when telephones (of sorts) were being forced on senile labourites who did not know how to use them.
Still shaking from the memory that the paper clippings above have evoked in me.
Days without flushing the toilet, washing with well water (for those who had the luxury), and long hours without electricity.
One Christmas Eve we had a power cut from 5pm till 10am the following day, and we had to throw everything we had in the fridge. One reason why we cannot forget that Christmas Day.
Golden days indeed.
Ah yes, you just brought back memories of how our telephone application was ‘lost’ 3 times back in 1982 and we finally got our line in 1985. It also brings back a few more details I wish I had proof of….
These cuttings show how far we have come from those days which when you read the date are not that far away. Some things that stike:
a) The Heading In… Taghna – PN’s newspaper could not use in-nazzjon taghna.
b) A student and Mintoff’s daughter speaking about a water bowser – someone young would say what are they on about but we remember that in the glorious days of Mintoffian economics and the days when the bright sparks ran our water and electricity production it was very normal to have no water for days on end (not a couple of hours) andso people had to queue up with buckets and bottles to get some water (third world country style)
c) Another person is pleading that he had been waiting for a telephone 4 years – yes 4 YEARS (not days or weeks) – if these were the glory days…
d) Yana Mintoff writes to tell off a nationalist who was grumbling. She says she is a true socialist who believes in rights not privileges. A true socialist would have been slamming the government for reducing the population to begging for water.
And yet so many are trying to re-write history. This is the real face of Mintoffianeconomics.
And on the seventh day, God created man, in his image.
Filthy rich champagne socialists are the worst , they enjoy socialism because it keeps their ilk firmly at the top .