Joseph’s ‘positive’ campaign is just fabulous: Lawrence Gonzi hanged at Labour mass meeting
March 4, 2013 at 10:20pm
So Joseph Muscat spends five years using his own mammoth media machine and all other resources made available to him to denigrate and disparage Lawrence Gonzi and anything and everything his government did, including its massive achievements in the face of adversity and opposition from rats like him.
Then he spends a couple of weeks telling us he’s positive, and that he campaigns positively, and a bunch of blethering idiots takes that on board.
We shouldn’t wonder that some of his supporters turned up to the mass meeting yesterday with a hanged effigy of Lawrence Gonzi.
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Imagine what it would have been like if the PN did this.
Labour would play the part of the victim! But what hypocrites!
I was not so happy with the way the PN treated their own supporters over the years, and even favours that they did to Labour supporters.
But I will be voting for Dr. Gonzi and let us hope he gets the last laugh especially against these arrogant people, headed by an arrogant leader who is playing the part of a meek servant. Anglu Farrugia of course knows otherwise!
Simon vs Toni Abela now on Close Up.
Up till some months ago I was going to vote PL.
Up to some days ago I was going to vote AD.
Today I will vote PN.
What convinced me? Il-fanatizmu tal-Laburisti li jikkritikaw kollox u allahares tazzarda tghid xi haga favur Gonzi jew kontra Muscat ghax jaqbzu fuqek.
U dan issa, ahseb u ara meta jkunu fil-gvern. Apparti dan, OK hemm korruzzjoni, OK hemm arroganza, OK hemm affarjiet li setaw imxew ahjar – imma kulhadd irid jirrikonoxxi li ta l-inqas l-ekonomija mixja sew b’hekk.
Ahjar hekk milli qaghad u ekonomija dizastru. Le, mhux se nirriskja, mhux f’ mument tant delikat ghall-ekonomija Eropea. Le, ma rridx li Malta tispicca bhal Grecja. Fuq kollox min jahseb li fil-PL m’hemmx korruzzjoni illuz.
U Alla jbierek, fuq dan il-blog ta’ Daphne ma tarax kif Dphne stess u l-ammiraturi taghha u ta’ Gonzi jaqbzu fuq min jikkritkaha jew jikkritika lil-Gonzi Hallina trid !!! Ftit xhur ohra tibda tghid , imn’Alla tela Joseph Muscat !
Go f*ck a duck. There’s a nice one leading the Labour Party.
Hekk hu, Privitera,
NAMMIRAWHA, mhux ghar-ragunijiet li tajt int. NAMMIRAWHA qabel xejn ghax hija INTELIGENTI , TIRRAGUNA u fuq kollox ghax KURAGGUZA!
Nemminha meta tghid li l-background taghha M’HUX Nazzjonalista (bhal per ezempju ta’ Franco Debono li jiftahar li hu nazzjonalist minn guf ommu).
Lanqas jien ma jien Nazzjonalist (ghalkemm nivvota PN), anzi kont nivvota Labour. Imm’intom il-Laburisti (u kultant xi nazzjonalisti wkoll) dan it-tip ta’ diskors u ragunar ma tifhmuhx ghax il-mentalita’ taghkom ghadha dik tat-tribu’ (minkejja l-isforzi li taghmlu biex tikkonvincuna li nbdiltu).
Dawwruni mhux in-nazzjonalisti imma l-Laburisti STESS, bil-partitarji u l-Partit, u fuq kollox bl-istragi ekonomika, in-nuqqas ta’ tolleranza, l-arroganza u l-inkompetenza li rajna minn gvernijiet Laburisti.
Ahna li ghexna gvernijiet differenti (u m’ghandniex obbligazzjonijiet lejn hadd minnhom) zgur nipprefuru l-PN (bid-difetti kollha tieghu) mill-Labour li minn zmien Mintoff ‘l hawn qatt ma rega’ sab ruhu.
Jien lilek ma nafekx mill-qrib imma minn dak li jghidu fuqek u dwarek ma nistenniex li kliemi se jhalli xi effett fuqek. Nista’ biss nappella lill-Laburisti genwini (u nazzjonalisti li qalbu) biex jiznu sew dak li se jaghmlu fl-elezzjoni li gejja.
Infakkrek biss fl-ammissjoni ta’ Mintoff stess meta stqarr li “kelli bzonn kont kapaci nohloq ix-xoghol daqskemm kont kapaci ngib il-flus.”
Fil-politika mhux bizzejjed li jkollok mexxej kbir. Importanti daqsu hu Partit li jkollu vizjoni u storja warajh ta’ successi u decizjonijiet ghaqlin li l-konsegwenzi taghhom jibqghu jitgawdew ghal generazzjonijiet shah.
L-istorja turi li l-mexxejja kbar li mlew il-pjazez u l-wesghat miftuha tal-pajjizi taghhom jigu u jmorru, inkluzi dawk li l-poter taghhom baqa’ jidwi tul eghxieren ta’ snin, kif rajna kemm il-darba bl-ezempji ta’ regimi sew faxxisti kif ukoll komunisti.
Kulmin ghandu ghajnejh f’wiccu u jara x’inhu jigri madwarna u l-il’hinn minnu, ghandu jizen sew x’tip ta’ gvern jaqbel lil Malta.
Jekk hux wiehed li bil-provi wera li, bid-diffikultajiet u d-difetti li kellu jiffaccja, kien kapaci jzomm il-vapur taghna miexi sew ‘il quddiem meta ta’ haddiehor qed jissara biex izomm fil-wicc;
Inkella hux partit/moviment li lest jaghmel kollox biex jirbah lura l-poter li darba kellu f’circustanzi li ghamlu hafna hsara lil Malta u l-Maltin.
Mhux bizzejjed li tul il-ftit gimghat tal-kampanja elettorali tippriedka l-ghaqda u tiftah idejk ghal kulhadd, meta tul il-5 snin ta’ qabel hlief bsaten fir-roti m’ghamiltx, bit-tama li twaqqa’ l-gvern.
Hames snin huma twal wisq biex tissogra futur li nbena fuq pedamenti tajbin u decizjonijiet ghaqlin li llum tirrikonoxxihom il-komunita’ nternazzjonali.
Bil-PN fil-gvern Malta kienet u hija stmata; bil-Labour dejjem kienet redikolata!
Yes, and likewise you are always so full of praise for your mighty Joe, no matter what deep sh*t he manages to get himself (and your modernised (sic) party), so expertly into.
Hello siehbi, zmien ilu jien ukoll kont nivvota Labour (ghax nahseb jien ikbar minnek fiz-zmien). Kont nemmen fil-holma socjalista (mhux ghax m’ghadnix) imma altru l-holm u altru r-rejalta’.
Int ghamilt assessment tajjeb tas-sitwazzjoni u nispera ma kienx difficli ghalik tasal ghad-decizjoni li ghamilt. Naqbel mieghek perfettament li bid-difetti kollha tal-PN, Malta dejjem marret ahjar minn meta kien hemm il-Labour. Nistghu nghidu li lil Malta kif nafuha llum bnewha gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti.
M’ghandix dubju li hemm ohrajn li ghadhom jahsbuha jitilqux il-Labour. Mhux b’opportunizmu imma b’ragunar dwar min hu l-ahjar partit biex Malta timxi ‘l quddiem.
It-track-record nazzjonalista huwa bil-wisq ahjar minn dak tal-labour. Ahsbuha sew. Tirriskjawx il-futur taghkom u ta’ wliedkom.
Muscat was on TVM just now and a journalist asked him why Jason Micallef first agreed not to contest the election and then did so. Joseph’s answer was, last year Simon Busuttil said he wasn’t contesting but now he is. T
hen he started prattling about being positive and how good their energy proposals are.
Bir-risposta lesta… but one that still totally avoided the answer.
The professional conman will only answer as he wishes. If possible he will use the opportunity to inform you about his next promise or project whilst steering you away from any direct question that is uncomfortable to him or risks denting his huge ego.
He has learnt this “surfing” technique so that out of every problem question he pulls out a marketing opportunity for himself or an opportunity to snidely diss his competition.
The slick snake oil artist will just slither on, aiming forever towards the next finish line: the next scam.
I found Joseph’s answer quite unusual as well.
Joseph is hiding something about Jason, or the other way round.
If it is true that Jason holds some secret about Joseph, Jason should know that the price of that secret is highest now that Joseph is not yet in power even if he is so close to it. If Joseph is elected as Prime Minister, any secret is likely to be worthless.
He needs Joseph to win the election.
Something this close to the elections will derail the whole campaign. Jason will start turning the screws when they are in government, Franco Debono style unless he’s given whatever it is he wants.
Why did PN stopped hammering about how unfeasible is the MLP’s energy proposal? Especially since most of MLP’s preaching depends on lower electricity bills.
“It is clear that the PL have concentrated most of their dirty tricks before the actual election campaign to then move to a more positive one during the last part of the campaign.”
This isn’t very positive either, is it?
Madoffi x’pacenzja irridu niehdu bdawn ix-xeba penzjonanti Lejbor u t-tfal li rawmu. Flok jirtieraw fuq xi bowt lussuza jew fejn iridu, le – iridu jergu jkollhom il-poter tal-gvern ta l-ahhar hux, halli isimhom zgur ma jintesiex.
Iridu il-bidla. Ghal fejn? Biex inzejnu il-palazzi bl-istijl kantri ta’ Michelle jew biex nikkrejaw iktar xoghol Marsaxlokk fl-impjant kolloss tal-gas, ghall-erba bazuzli Lejburisti.
Ahjar telgha Sant hames snin ilu, ghax kieku s’issa qeghdin diga nibnu il-Malta taghna lkoll.
Toni is insufferable. Pierre Portelli should have a gag ready as you cannot count on decency and basic manners from someone like him.
He just talk and talks and talks and then interrupts all the time. Not to mention the aggression with which he speaks. Positivity, my a**.
Simon is doing a really good job of not being rattled by him. If it were me I don’t think I would manage to keep steadfast and calm.
“Malta Taghna Lkoll” – the slogan with which Joseph tries to impress. Spare us O Lord, from the 70s and the 80s.
I am 60. I existed for 35 years and lived for the last 25.
Jiena nixtieq inkompli nghix u ghalhekk ser nivvota P.N. u inheggeg lil kull min jigi quddiemi biex jaghmel l-istess.
U biex jamilha tal-positive ha b’idejn Simon u Carmel? Ja pupazz.
Jaqaw Joseph qallek biex taghmel hekk?
Min jaf kemm dam jghidlek biex ma tinsiex tehdilhom b’idejhom halli tidher cool.
Halluna MLP, halli nghixu fil-paci.
Joseph Muscat and his so shallow that they are now using the ‘sacred’ Fenech Adami in their videos!
Wara li Muscat xeba’ jghajjar lil Fenech Adami fir-referendum, issa ghandu l-wicc juzah. Are veru bniedem bla principji – jidhaklek waqt li jtik daqqa ta’ stalett.
Labour has in fact been positive, I claim. They have not unleashed their renowned thuggery so far and that is some achievement.
No breaking down or ransacking of PN clubs yet. The Floriana one holding a record 19 such successful attempts. It was moved to a 4th floor safer location purposely to avoid the continuous onslaught of the positive Labour thugs over the years.
One word of advice though. Make sure your larder supplies are abundant as it may not be pleasant to circulate in your neighbourhood should Labour be elected next week and you may prefer to stay positively at home for a while.
How very progressive. I’m impressed. I see it’s back to the 1800s, not the 1980s, with these people.
Positivity my left foot.
Try tuning on Super One during the evening news. I dare you that you won’t stand it for longer than a minute. And I am being generous here.
Yesterday I was PL, this morning as well, this afternoon no way