MUST-WATCH VIDEO: Charles Mangion will be a Labour government minister next week (as he was in 1996)

Published: March 5, 2013 at 6:45pm

Forget the effing hopeless acting, and look at the raw material.

This video opens with a (fake) telephone call in which Charles Mangion, who will be one of Muscat’s ministers NEXT WEEK, tells somebody that he will help him out with X and Y and find a job for his wife.

Thirty-five years on and the first thing he refers to is nirrangalek ghal dik u ghal ohra, literally fossilised. I like the way he smiles at the caller at the end of the phone conversation. The caller must have appreciated that.

Typical Maltese – he opens the gate, passes through, then leaves it swinging open. And I should have thought that the two girls would have turned back and run a mile when they saw that strange man approaching.

Liberal? Progressive? Change?

It’s 1960s Puglia, for heaven’s sake.

Charles ‘DNA’ Mangion does not realise what’s wrong with doing this, this extreme form of clientelism, and he actually uses it advertise his wares.

“Nirrangalek biex il-mara issib gopp.”

Jason Micallef u Charles Mangion wara Sant

50 Comments Comment

  1. Bulitz says:

    He’s not even good as an actor.

  2. toni says:

    “Il-Paga ma twassalx” – nice highlights, kemm huma dawk mhux xi €50-100? Ghandek xirja ikel hemm, ruhi.

    For the love of Christ, dawn il-videos tal-qtugh tan-nifs.

  3. Censa says:

    I only watched the first minute and a half. At first I thought it was a spoof, but the cretin is actually advertising himself. I don’t need a Minister to find myself a job or to better myself thank you very much.

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this Change PL are talking about. You know what, the PN have invested heavily on education and different aspects of the economy and everyone was able to take an opportunity and change.

    The only people who want change are those people who were lazy enough or completely misguided in their wishes not to be able to change their situation using the opportunities we have been provided since EU accession, and this thanks to the PN.

  4. stephen says:

    Bhal li kieku ghadna fi zmien li jsiblek xoghol il-ministru.

    Hawn kull opportunita biex tistudja u tahdem fejn trid bil mertu tieghek, u ma tkun obbligat lejn hadd.

    Miniex bzonnok, grazzi.

    • John Forsythe says:

      Check the latest recruit with AirMalta, Cargo Sales Head, and you have your answer to your comment.

  5. Esso says:

    Mangion really doesn’t get it, does he? Scroll to 13’30” to see who endorses him.

  6. vanni says:

    The poor starving fella drives a Lexus. At least something is right in HIS DNA.

  7. CB says:

    Ha Ha Ha !! I was literally in stitches watching this video. Truly unbelievable…

    Mr DNA plays the part of a good fairy who will solve all your problems. In a sordid way I actually WANT to see PL in power… kemm se jaghfgu!

  8. M.. says:

    Tiehux hsieb, nghiddielek kelma u nirrangaw.

  9. Last Post says:

    Kos, kemm servietek tajjeb il-professjoni ta’ nutar. Milli rajt, mhux biss materjalment imma anke personalment.

    Min jafek l-Universita’ ma jiftakrekx bhala xi wiehed tinteressa ruhek fil-politika, wisq inqas fid-diskussjonijiet dwar is-socjalizmu,

    Mhux bhal per ezempju Evarist jew Mario Vella, inkella Alex ScEberras-Trigona (imma dak pezza ohra, sakemm iltaqa’ wicc imb’wicc ma’ Mintoff waqt il-krizi tas-Servizzi militari nglizi fl-1971-72).

    Imm’ghalkemm dak iz-zmien ma kontx fil-klikka taghhom int xorta sibt l-istilla tieghek fil-Labour. Il-kuntatt mill-qrib ma’ Mintoff bis-sahha tal-‘cronies’ tieghu sabulek in-nicca doppja tieghek: l-eluf tal-liri dehlin mill-kummissjonijiet tal-kuntratti tat-Tarzna fuq naha; u siggu mal-‘gurus’ tal-Labour dwar il-finanzi u n-negozju.

    Naqra naqra ma domtx wisq ma sibt ruhek ministru tal-gvern ta’ Sant. Hasra li ma tantx gawdejt il-Ministeru ghax kellek tirrizenja. Haddiehor warajk irrizenja minn jeddu ghax ma setax jaqbel ma’ Sant.

    Forsi propju ghax ma tantx gawdejtu li ghadek b’din il-herqa li terga’ ssir ministru. Kos hux, anke l-poter hu ADDICTIVE, mhux is-sigaretti biss!

    Tibzghax, taqtax qalbek, (mhux ghax ghandi xi dubju li llum jista’ jigrilek hekk) forsi fl-ahhar ma tafx kif….

    Nitolbok biss, twahhalx fid-DNA tieghi,

    • Angus Black says:

      Dan mhux l-istess wiehed li tant qal kontra l-progett ta Pender Place gol-Parlament imbaghad sirna nafu li kien hu n-nutar ta Pender Place fix-xiri ta l-art?

      Kollha ta l-affari taghhom tal-Lejber. Ma x’biza! Alla jilliberana minn dawn il-korrotti.

      Min jaf min ghandu xi haga hazina fid-DNA tieghu?

      • maryanne says:

        Kont qed nistenna lil kandidat Silvio Schembri jaghmillu endorsement ghax jaf kemm ghandu qalbu tajba Mangion fejn jidhlu l-impjiegi. Mangion eru jhobb jghinek.

  10. Jozef says:

    The travelling salesman.

    Sabiha l-kcina combajnd fuq ir-rustiku.

  11. Neil Dent says:

    Two minutes in and I have to ask, why is it staged? Thought it was going to be a proper ‘day in the life of’.

    Might continue watching later. Might not.

  12. Another John says:

    04:42 “bniedem issiblu impjieg”……. grazzzziiiiiii ………

  13. bob-a-job says:

    Charles Mangion in – My DNA

    Just a reminder

  14. Dumbo says:

    Imma dan-nies veru wicchom imcappas.

    Charlon Gouder ifahhar lin-Nutar Mangion ghall-fatt li bejn 1996 u 1998 hu kien irrizenja biex igorr ir-responsabilita politika ghal zball ta’ haddiehor.

    Mela Joseph Muscat xi jmissu jaghmel ghall-“izball” li ghamel hu stess (mhux haddiehor) meta tant issielet biex Malta ma tissiehebx fl-Unjoni Ewropea? Imissu isparixxi.

  15. S Borg says:

    Il-paga tieghu waslet biex ghandu dik id-dar qisu.

  16. Oscar says:

    Daphne, what a stomach-churning clip. Tenks ta hi. You made me very, very sick.

    I doubt if I’ll ever forgive you.

    Kenneth, where are you, sweetie? This is the guy you’re electing to be your minister of whatever next week.

    Jolly good show honey, you have impeccable taste.

  17. M. Cassar says:

    He states that he is a good listener, did not listen much in the first telephone conversation did he, unless the person on the other end could only utter monosyllables. Nice to see that the persons who complain of their wages not carrying them to the end of the month could in fact afford nice hair cuts, hair colours, presentable clothes, make-up and BMI.

    Aren’t labour harping about the masses close to the poverty line? Do the house interiors shown reflect such?

    The couple worried about education had a graduation photo in the background, would their daughter have graduated 25 years ago?

    Nice to see computers everywhere. Has everyone forgotten that it was the Labour government who made sure we did not have computers when the rest of Europe did?

    Sorry, had to stop at 8:47 because I found the whole thing as deceitful and nauseating as the mobile which rings when switched of.

  18. bystander says:

    A glimpse into how Malta will be run under Joseph

  19. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    OK, just heard it from the horse’s mouth.

    Joseph has just confirmed that he is a bigoted liar.

    He has admitted on Bondi Plus that yes occasionally, very occasionally, a politician must say the truth and that he expects the Nationalists to support him in government for the good of the country.

    Convenient to expect support when all he did over the last four years is obstruct. And interesting how politicians must lie the majority of time.

  20. just me says:

    Sorry, I could not watch more than a few minutes. The guy is such a fake.

    Or maybe there is something wrong with me. Maybe there is something wrong in my DNA.

  21. puxa says:

    Dawn bis-serjeta? Qed nara kemm hawn faqar u guh. Kulhadd underweight qieghed hawn Malta.

  22. Claude Sciberras says:

    Are you watching Lawrence Gonzi on Net in Gozo? He’s on fire!

    • Matthew says:

      Yes on fire. Saturday he will get burnt. Sunday he will be extinguished. Monday we will just find the ashes as PN will be already trying to find an alternative leader. Even though he stated he will not step down, he will still need a vote of confidence.

      • Angus Black says:

        Just wait till Sunday and we shall see who’ll be burned.

        The NP will have no difficulty finding a new leader, but only if and when Dr. Gonzi decides to step down. On the other hand the LP will have great difficulty replacing Joseph, although he is thick skinned enough to try and survive an election defeat. Just remember that the last time the LP needed a new leader, it reached down the barrel and pulled out a callous Super One reporter! The choice was so poor in 2003, that after Sant stepped down he was begged to stay on after two election defeats and a referendum fiasco.

        Who else? Karmenu Vella? Leo Brincat? Joe Debono Grech? Louis Grech?

      • zizka says:

        Ara ma jisimakx Joseph ta hi, ahjar ma ktibtux dal-comment ghax jaghtik punishment. Mela ma tafx li TAGHNA LKOLL.

      • zizka says:

        Matthew, you missed the last bit … we did with Anglu.

      • Matthew says:

        I am no diehard LP supporter. I voted PN several times. With you reasoning we may have tyranny instead of a democracy. Maybe put Gonzi as king.
        INsomma ma nohidiex bil-kbira li hawn hafna hawn li jaqblu maghha din.

  23. george grech says:

    “Charles ghandu lealta’ kbira lejn il-Partit Laburista” u addio Malta Taghna Lkoll.

  24. Tabatha White says:

    Goodness, if they believe in meritocracy they should, as David Thake pointed out, all disappear off the political scene.


    That a person who talks, acts, behaves like this can even aspire to belong to the vanguard of politicians that lead the country is setting very, very, very low standards.

    A well-educated primary school pupil would have a better sense of principled political direction and elocution.

    • Ta' l-istilla - mhux Grillo says:

      In the old days politics were like that. people grovelled in front of a minister to get a “lazy job mal-gvern”.

      Little by little people learnt that you can get any job if you really want to. But Labour liked people to grovel for a job, a flat etc.They were against Local councils because it lessened their power.

      But some people’s mindset, from both parties, is to rely on patronage from ministers for varied things. And they feel happy that the minister granted their wish.

  25. Lupin says:

    Seems that the f*ck me shoes are standard at Labour.

  26. Ivan says:

    “L-iktar haga li tinkwetani d-dejn tal-pajjiz…” Min jaf kemm hawn cittadini komuni jhabblu mohhom fuq id-dejn tal-pajjiz. Get a life!

  27. G Borg says:

    Imma hu zgur m’ghandux problemi biex ilahhaq mal-hajja, in-Nutar! Having said that, good luck to him, as there’s nothing wrong in earning money through toil and legitimate means.

    That’s the problem with Labour, that their way of thinking is nurtured by their envy to those who are more successful and better off, rather than pulling up their socks to gain better standing. P. S. “Ahna bhala genituri dejjem interessajna ruhna fl-edukazzjoni, u heggejnihom . . .” – if this were true they would not be still voting Labour.

    • puxa says:

      G. Borg Very well said. You couldn’t be more precise and highlighted the big problem with Labour.

      “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”.

      Winston Churchill

  28. john says:

    No Daphne , he wouldn’t. Cause they are gonna lose this one again

  29. manum says:

    Daphne seriously, when is anyone going to expose this money-grabbing individual who can’t resist stopping his car to pick up a cent lying on the street?

  30. Helene says:

    Yes, Charles Mangion, all Malta believes this was your most truthful moment.

  31. old-timer says:

    I think the word “education” is not being properly applied by the general public

  32. Ghar u Kasa says:

    We’ve been there, they’ve done that! Incredible! This mustn’t be taken lightly at all.

    We used to witness tens of people waiting to speak to the Minister back in the eighties asking for all favours including a ‘ job mal-gvern, jahasra ‘. PN’s reply was the Job Centre and nearly full employment nowadays, and all this when other contries in Europe are failing miserably.

    Switchers? No, just misinformed.

  33. Tulipana says:

    Ma niflahx narah kollu…kont se naqla’.

  34. billy goat says:

    I live in his district and found a DVD in my mailbox. Somehow I think it is this video but did not bother to play it.

    I also got a DVD from Marie Louise Coleiro Preca with a piece of paper in the sleeve that said: “ix-xoghol fil-Widien”, as if it was thanks to her. Pathetic.

    Mangion’s DVD was by far better presented though, with proper DVD printing. Talk about wasting money.

  35. Picassa says:

    We were waiting for his best friend Beppe Hili to appear.

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