Quick, everyone over to NET

Published: March 6, 2013 at 10:35pm

Repeat of yesterday’s mass meeting in Gozo. Fantastic atmosphere. Such a relief after listening to monotone Joseph with his now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t furrow and his horrible make-up and skull paint and hair gel and lies and roadmeps and yartstikks and kostid and soundbites in atrocious English.

38 Comments Comment

  1. robin says:


  2. Edward says:

    What’s going on? I can’t watch. I have no TV and being out of the loop is killing me.

    [Daphne – go to mychoice.pn and select ‘watch NET TV live’]

  3. Helene says:

    You can link up here


  4. just me says:

    It can also be found on YouTube.


  5. Wayne Hewitt says:

    I was there and the atmosphere was truly electric.

  6. Village says:

    Let’s go for it. Il-prim fiducjus.

    • Catsrbest says:

      Not just Dr Gonzi that’s positive, optimistic and hopeful, but even I am. My optimism is growing day by day.

  7. Min Jaf says:

    Heard Joseph Muscat speak in English to Libyans at the Labour Party meeting in Bormla. No wonder he addressed the European Parliament in Maltese.

    His spoken English would have presented a serious challenge to the interpreters.

    • Grezz says:

      In fact, what nobody seems to have picked up was the fact that he (thought he) was asking a question when he said “There are no interpreters”.

      In the link somebody provided elsewhere on this blog, it was, in fact, reported as though he made a statement, rather than asked a question. Manglish.

  8. Grezz says:

    Quick, quick! Scalp dye currently on One TV.

  9. R Camilleri says:

    Come on, vote PN and in a year’s time we’ll be saying Joseph who?

  10. stephen says:

    La semma l-horses, Muscat, taf x’ jghid l-Ingliz ukoll? Don’t change a winning horse.

  11. Randolph Peresso says:

    One of Gonzi’s best speeches during this campaign. He was extremely fired-up.

  12. Gahan says:

    Rumour has it that Eddie Fenech Adami will address tomorrow’s last PN mass meeting on the granaries in Floriana.

  13. just me says:

    Daphne, look at what I just found.


  14. Unfreakenbelievable says:


    Please have a look at this:


    He conveniently forgot to mention that all these projects are being financed through EU Funds, namely the LEADER Programme, part of the Rural Development Programme for Malta. Silvio is the manager of the Xlokk LAG which basically administers these EU funds.

    More information about the LEADER Programme can be found on the MRRA website: https://secure2.gov.mt/mrra-ma/leader?l=1

    and https://secure2.gov.mt/mrra-ma/downloads-links?l=1

    This is ridiculous. He’s taking credit for something he’s obliged to do because it’s his full time job.

    He’s basically taking all the credit for something which is being financed through public funding, without even having the decency to mention this.


  15. francesco says:

    Earlier today, I met one of those thousands who did not pick up their vote.

    After all the grumbling and moaning, he said that no-one called him to try to convince him to vote. He said in previous elections ”they used to call”.

    Tomorrow is the last chance to call these people, go to them and listen to what they have to say.

  16. Angus Black says:

    I may be wrong, but I think that the young men and women are even more enthusiastic this time around than they were in 2008. And the ‘big one’ is yet to come tomorrow.

  17. manum says:

    Glorious Gonzi – all the maggots and sleaze that Labour used to point out at the PN are now in the Labour Party. How much sleazier can you get.

  18. MojoMalti says:

    A message to undecided people and switchers:

    When the election is over and the dust settles and we get what we chose, the Nationalists will say they did their best, the Labourites will say they did not know any better, but what will you say? It’s an enormous weight you carry. Handle with care.

  19. ciccio says:

    If the meeting at the Granaries on Thursday will be as energetic like the one in Gozo, those Granaries may need reinforcement.

  20. Matthew says:

    Enjoy while it lasts people. Your last 4 days looking down on people. Its amazing how people get carried away. You know you are going to lose and still hope to win.
    Pathetic site for pathetic people.. Anyway i accessed this site only a week ago, and i admit it is entertaining. The line of thought of people here is really amazingly funny.

    • maria says:

      And yet, you felt that you need to comment.

      Aha, liberty of speech that the PN brought about in 1987.

      No PN supporter would have dared to criticise before 1897, or else he would have found himself beaten up, arrested or framed up by the police.

      To air our opinions, the PN had to transmit from Sicily. Grow up, Matthew, and open your eyes.

    • Wormfood says:

      Why? Are we going to be deported to a gulag so that you and your ilk find another excuse to avoid acknowledging your mediocrity and doing something about it?

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      Hadd ma baght ghaliek Matthew, tista titlaq minfejn gejt.

      • matthew says:

        Naf sal hadd ha noqod aw nahraqkom naqra.xhemm hazin. daqs kemm taqbdu ma nies intom u timmalfamaw. tibzax wara ma nidholx. oqodu aw ghidu fuq in-nies mahruqin.

      • Rita Camilleri says:

        @ anzi jekk jitla il PL aktar ikollna fuq xiex nghidu ruhi – serrah rasek.

  21. yoyo says:

    Was on stage too yesterday. The street was chock-a-block up till Pjazza Savina, something which unfortunately cameras did not depict and when watching it on TV one must have got the impression that there were much fewer. The atmosphere was truly fantastic!

  22. bookworm says:

    Fid-9 ta’ Marzu nivvutaw u fl-10 ta’ Marzu niccelebraw. Kemm ghogbitni din.

  23. Last Post says:

    Judging by the title of your post, Daphne, I say your enthusiasm “for the cause” is infectious.

    You said that hope is the last thing that dies and true to form here you are urging us to see/hear the repeat of Gonzi’s Gozo Mass Meeting.

    You’ve been telling us to expect Joseph Muscat and his cronies from the Labour skip to be our next government as from Monday and still you’ve been working so assiduously day in day out to avoid it.

    In this respect you are so atypical of the average Maltese character.

    I don’t usually attend meetings now, though I didn’t miss one after 1981. This evening I’m going to be there at the Fosos because I see this election as equally crucial.

    If only more people would realise that so much is at stake.

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