Malta taghna lkoll update: and this while they are still in Opposition

Published: March 7, 2013 at 1:23pm

This account of the incident was posted on Facebook.

This account of the incident was posted on Facebook.

17 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:

    Even in their old age they have to suffer the incumbencies of the Labour Party.

  2. Ooooops says:

    What a heartless woman.

  3. Tabatha White says:

    That’s just the beginning, all over again. I feel sick and cold just hearing about these hives of partisan intentions and actions.

  4. The Shadow says:

    Il-first lady in waiting hija akkumpanjata minn Jessie Fabri, ex-Sindku lejburista tal-Pieta`. Xempju tal-hamallagni pura.

  5. Catsrbest says:

    Indeed, if God forbid is elected, expect to go back to the dark ages, which incidentally they call the golden years.

    That era when vindictiveness and partisan attitude were the order of the day.

  6. L.Gatt says:

    How ridiculous. I mean even politically it does not make much sense.

    They could perhaps win over a few by being nice to all of them instead of just the ones who were going to vote Labour anyway – very dumb tactic. Imma ajhar ma naghtuhomx idejat.

  7. Village says:

    Typically Labour. Nies imdejqa w inkapaci jaghqduh il-poplu.

  8. Plutarch says:

    What a shallow and petty woman – sheer unadulterated HYPOCRISY.

    And this is the woman who said of her children: “…meta jikbru t-tfal inkun nista nghidilhom li l-papa taghhom kien il-bniedem li nehha l-firda….”.

    She started that work by bullying old people. First Lady of the gutter.

  9. Natalie says:

    What sort of sick person would do that? This is extremely shameful.

    Malta taghna lkoll indeed. They even bully helpless elderly people, let alone the rest of us who are actively pro-PN and willing to put up a fight.

  10. dg says:

    As my mother always used to say, mal-Laburisti jgawdu l-Laburisti biss, man-Nazzjonalisti dejjem gawda kulhadd.

  11. taxxu says:


  12. mattie says:


  13. maltawarrior says:

    Why are you all surprised?

    Expected anything better?

  14. Joseph F Cutajar says:

    Hemm hi ir-rebha yuppi!!!! Xandara issa

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