The Labour family therapist’s brother seems to need his brother’s professional services

Published: March 8, 2013 at 1:08pm
Labour MP Charlie Azzopardi - not his brother's keeper, but this incident sure tells you just how independently and analytically he reached his decision to support Labour. Gej minn familja Mintoffjana sew, nahseb.

Labour MP Charlie Azzopardi – not his brother’s keeper, but this incident sure tells you just how independently and analytically he reached his decision to support Labour. Gej minn familja Mintoffjana sew, nahseb.

You know that absolutely ghastly Charlie Azzopardi, the ‘femili teripist’ who is forever on Super One TV telling us why we should vote Labour and best of all, vote for him?

Well, it turns out that the man being prosecuted for allegedly thumping that woman in the face with a bottle, in Hamrun, is his brother.

The Times chose not to tell us about this, just as it failed to mention that former Enemalta man Tarcisio Mifsud, who is being prosecuted in the oil kickbacks case, is brother to former Super One chairman Alfred Mifsud, who gave party leader Joseph Muscat his first job at Crystal Finance (where John Dalli’s daughter is a shareholder/director).

The Malta Independent has reported:

Emmanuel Azzopardi, 57 of Hamrun, was arraigned in court yesterday, charged with attempting to seriously injure Carmen Micallef last Sunday at about 8.30pm.

Azzopardi, who is the brother of Labour candidate Charles Azzopardi, was arraigned before Magistrate Neville Camilleri charged with committing an offence because of a political opinion, slightly injuring Micallef, threatening her with violence and frightening her.

25 Comments Comment

  1. attent01 says:

    And the only comment there was online stating that he is the PL candidate’s brother has been taken off. What is The Times’s agenda?

    • Beauty and the Beef says:

      To get the scum into government, simple as.

      Their reporting throughout this campaign has been nothing short of that.

    • Angus Black says:

      They must feel safer in an arson-proof printing press and offices, immune to attacks by thugs.

      Maybe Sabrina is helping with editing, by remote control or e-mail?

      • rjc says:


        That was my comment, and it was removed. Shame on The Times.

        How easily it has been taken over by the PL, forgetting how Labour thugs had once burned it down.

  2. Wilson says:

    Just to show us how much the Labour Party has changed and developed.

  3. AllIWantIsToLiveInPeace says:

    Not sure what’s up with The Times (unlike MaltaToday, so patently a Labour rag).

    I saw on the news at 11 or so last night that, in the oil scandal that Labour have been trying to pin to the Nationalist Party, George Farrugia started passing commissions to Alfred Mallia and Tarcisio Mifsud in **1996**.

    Typical for the corruption to have started during Labour’s watch and to Labour protagonists.

    I expected this to be reported in the newspapers this morning, but absolutely nothing.

  4. Bubu says:

    I cannot help but ask about The Times’ pretty much pro-Labour agenda.

    Are we talking another fifth column within the PN here?

  5. mattie says:

    Malta taghna lkoll.

  6. GABS says:

    Why do you still buy The Times? Very simple.

    Let all the illiterate Labour supporters buy it.

    • Scarlet says:

      You all think you are a superior race. Good afternoon you are not. You are a bunch of marionetts.

      • WhoamI? says:

        Scarlet, qalbi, honey, pupa sister. Your typos and lack of punctuation make you inferior to everyone else.

        Therefore, the rest are superior.

        Alternatively, the rest are normal, and you are less than that. Whichever way you want to look at it really.

        Issa Sunday mur aqbez bit-tenk top, hot pents u full mejkuppp qijsek xi karru tal-karnival.

  7. La Redoute says:

    Alfred Mifsud also had designs on the Labour Party throne at one point.

  8. Ishmael Dalli says:

    Dawn zgur hbieb tal-hbieb

  9. Suspicious Mind says:

    Well what sort of adjective is “vintage” that The Times used to describe Eddie Fenech Adami?

    I can just about guess the hidden agenda of The Times of Malta. Are they perhaps hoping for a change of government and consequently a change of leader?

    Andreotti said “pensar male è peccato ma ci si azzecca quasi sempre” – it is sinful to think badly of others but it is almost always true.

    • Melissa says:

      I thought that was lame! I sent in a comment about it too but it didn’t get published.

      If Dr Fenech Adami is vintage, then what about those PL pensioners? Certainly vintage but without the class.

  10. Natalie Mallett says:

    Stop reading it like I have done months back.

  11. Mark says:

    I didn’t realise Emmanuel Azzopardi had such a horrible brother.

  12. C.Portelli says:

    I posted a comment on yesterday. Nothing offensive, but since it was pro-PN, pro-Eddie, and made a dig at the current president’s decision to allow the “o-bama (taghna lkoll)” video be filmed inside the palace, they didn’t approve it.

    I’m guessing Keith Schembri is putting the pressure. Or maybe it’s just a discount.

  13. Manuel says:

    It is not the only thing that The Times left out of its recent reporting of the election campaign. It seems it did not want to shed a bad light on the

    The Times will lose a quite a few readers come Monday. Maybe then it will ask Gandalf Privitera and the other Elves to find new readers for them.

    When the country start falling apart under Muscat-old-nothing-new-movement, then one would hope that it says mea culpa since it would have helped a regime to get power.

  14. Anton Sammut says:

    Maybe now the man running the fourth floor of PL has now hijacked The Times as well and he is dictating what they can print and what not.

  15. Anton Sammut says:

    Perhaps The Times is trying to please the man running the fourth floor so that they can get a discount when they buy their paper.

  16. zorro says:

    One reason I stopped buying ‘The Times’ altogether.

  17. Steve says:

    Maybe that is why his brother started studying family therapy after all.

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