Simon Busuttil/Eddie Fenech Adami/Lawrence Gonzi: The whole of yesterday’s Floriana mass meeting on video
March 8, 2013 at 1:32pm
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I have been there and it is really beautiful. The Times did not even bother to mention anything about its opening.
Notice The Times title: VINTAGE Eddie Fenech Adami.
AD wants to have a voice in the Maltese Parliament and some people are believing this, telling us that a third party in parliament will be good for Malta.
Let’s do the maths.
In 2008 the PN was elected with a 1,500-vote majority (750 people) but got three seats fewer than the MLP. The constitutional amendment then kicked in to adjust the number of seats to reflect the number of votes, but it doesn’t kick in if a third party is elected to parliament.
Great show – great speakers – great NP programme – great disappointment if Labour wins – they absolutely do not deserve it.
Daphne, here’s my analysis of why even those people who want AD to elect candidates absolutely need to give their No.1 vote to PN this time round precisely so AD can do that. I posted it as a comment on another site (link below), but feel free to quote, adapt, rewrite or use it as you see fit.
“Let me explain why a vote (for AD) is not just a vote as you say. It’s the same way a chess move is not just a move, but also has far-reaching side effects. Say you spot a chance to capture your opponent’s queen. Awesome! But then you realise you are opening your own king to an attack that will most likely lose you the game. Suddenly what looked like a good move is not such a smart one after all.
The very same thing happens in Malta’s electoral landscape. If we had two equally good (or at least acceptable) options among PN and PL, then a vote for AD wouldn’t have such big side effects. As things stand, it’s sink or swim. Playing your cards wisely is not chickening out.
If you want AD to ever stand a chance and elect not just one or two, but several members of parliament, your best strategy is to bring about a real change in the PL so it does’t matter if they win or lose. I think a surprise PL loss in this election just might do the trick and lay all the old dinosaurs and hangarounds and the ridiculous Joseph Muscat to rest once and for good.
The alternative scenario is PL win now, do their thing for 5 years, and then PN achieve an overwhelming victory in 2018 or whenever, while the people never build up the confidence to give AD a chance.”
Why are ads still appearing on Google Search and Content? Isn’t this against the law?
I ran a search on “predictions for malta elections”
The text ad that appeared was:
Malta’s role in Europe –
A Labour government will make Malta’s EU presidency a success.
Our Top Pledges – Partit Laburista Candidates – See the Truth here
I don’t suppose whoever thought up the day of reflection could have ever imagined political adverts originating in a foreign country.
Let’s arrest Google.
Julian Fenech Adami on Facebook:
“Nannu, you have spent the past years of your life fighting for the best future for this country and have devoted every single fibre of strength in your body to see this country strive and achieve everything that we are today. Although the past 2 years haven’t been the easiest without Nanna, you’ve always found it in your heart to devote time for your family and even for this country.
The screams, shouts and even tears let out once you walked back on to that stage were simply incredible. Nothing can describe the shivers that went down my spine and down the thousands calling your name! Gonzi has mentioned your name many times but seeing you on stage does not compare to what was felt.
I thank you, on behalf of all those people who have achieved what they have today thanks to all the good that you have brought to this country.”
Julian, you have so so much to be proud of! Your nannu is one in a million.
Following Labour’s secret agreements with hunters and squatters, and after waiting in vain for the ‘costings’ to Delimara, AD should have been on that stage as well.
It’s called consistency.
Going by the priorities, the only party which effectively raised the minimum wage is the PN.
What’s wrong with training, Mario Mallia? It got us the aviation sector, Palumbo and others.
What matters is whether a principle can be put to good use.
The PN is the one closest to your idea of an organic MEPA. Cacopardo’s idea fully complemented by the PN’s sense of order.
Bagging Armier on the very last day of the campaign left you literally speechless.
Surely Joseph felt he could turn the clock back on the environment having assessed your erroneous chairman.
If Briguglio intends to vote Labour again, this time you cannot avoid doing the right thing.
On another note, but from Facebook too:
“The Electoral Commission notifies that on Polling Day, Saturday, 9th March, 2013, facilities shall be given to voters who shall be going abroad on that same day to skip the queue. These persons have to present documented evidence of confirmed travel booking to the police officer in charge at the Polling Centre.”
Who brought in the day of reflection?
Any back story to it?
If you have a link to the answer I shall be grateful.
Ghandom ghalfejn jarawh ikrah lil EDDIE ghax xeba jaghtihom tkaxkiriet.
I think that the best billboard the PN came up with is:
Halli nkomplu nghixu fil kwiet.
That’s it really. Living your life peacefully, knowing that there are competent people in charge of the things that really matter. And when you are in need of some service, you know that you will find the necessary support.
Voting PN is about choosing a peaceful, fruitful, interesting and free life. Nothing more, nothing less.
Can Daphne’s network of spies confirm what I saw in the VIP area at the back of the stage on the Granaries yesterday evening, wasn’t that Dr Anglu Farrugia accompanied by (I assume) his family?
[Daphne – Of course he wasn’t there.]
I don’t do mass meetings, but the ROAR that went up for Eddie Fenech Adami’s “Huti Maltin w Ghawdxin” was literally spine-tingling, even on video.
Here’s to every single ‘disgruntled Nationalist’ and ‘switcher’ he managed to pull back in last night.
It is case closed, particularly when he proclaimed his request for leadership to Lawrence Gonzi.
Now that someone’s in self-exile, Fenech Adami’s judgement isn’t to be taken lightly.
Stop counting your losses everyone, before you’re turned in for some other agreement hatched behind your backs.
The Times is not taking any political comments for today, it seems to be sort of helping us to reflect without reading any comments or arguments.
For all those of us who read the comments on the Times website , I just want to share one single thought with you about the grumbling elves and gnomes who invariably always told us that when Joseph is prime minister we will have :
better public transport
cheaper fuel
cheaper utility tariffs
no traffic jams
cheaper cars
a thriving economy
no power cuts
full employment
no precarious working conditions
no waiting in government entities
no corruption
efficient law courts
no floods
no local wardens
and no new taxes
In other words according to these PL apologists, as soon as GonziPN is brought down and we have JosephPL by default as our prime minister we will have all our wishes becoming Joseph’s command.
Come next Monday and you will find that these commentators will just disappear, their mission was completed by yesterday night, their mission was to make you feel that you are the only fool ‘bahnan’ who thinks that Gonzi was doing a great job.
Did they succeed in their mission?
But everyone will come down with a nasty case of hemorrhoids if Joey boy is elected PM.
You can show all the videos. What counts is next sunday ie the results. OK loserssssssss.
Eddie is still making the headlines on the BBC.
Proud to have been there. A moment to remember!
I was there yesterday…and I am proud to form a part of this very large family….and I am even more proud that tomorrow I am going to vote for PN yet again.