Where’s that Hollande testimonial again, Joseph? Maybe this is what you want Malta to be like.

Published: March 8, 2013 at 6:35pm

5 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You all know Hollande’s fabulous 11% unemployment rate. Among young people, it is 22%.

    To paraphrase Napoleon after Borodino, “one more socialist victory, and we’re fucked.”

    • Tabatha White says:

      Let me give a concrete example of French Socialism in practice: restaurant covers down from 350 per night to 75. Takings per table down by 50%: no aperitifs, sometimes starters and no main course, no dessert, wine by the glass, tap water, no digestifs. Staff on contract cannot be fired. Overheads not fully covered. Quality of ingredients is the first thing to suffer. The consequence: two bad internet reviews are enough to push business down further.

      Worst of course is that there are no jobs available even on the service scale, unless it’s for a temporary job with definitive potential that’s purposely brought to an end before the three months trial period elapses.

      Testimonials from other businesses in France, Spain, Cyprus, Greece and Italy are similar.

      Why should Malta wish to opt for “socialism.”

      Reality, past and present, is enough testimonial.

      Why continue lying to the electorate Joseph? Tahseb li n-nies daqshekk cwiec?

  2. just me says:

    The men protesting are Goodyear workers in France who have lost their jobs as the plant where they work is being closed down. It seems Hollande’s government did not do anything to prevent its closure.

    In contrast, in Malta when some factories and companies were in trouble, the Nationalist government stepped in and helped them to prevent closure. Thousands of jobs were saved.

    If Joseph Muscat becomes prime minister and a similar situation develops, will he act like Hollande or like Dr. Gonzi?


  3. J Abela says:

    Yesterday I was watching Hollande’s testimonial during the evening news then I switched channel to Euronews just in time for the ‘No Comment’ section to watch this … Fanatastic anticlimax.

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