Nice one, Maltastar

Published: June 8, 2009 at 10:42am
This is a collation

This is a collation

While Muscat speaks about coalitions, his party website can’t distinguish between a coalition and a collation.

Speaking during a celebration during which the Labour party celebrated its landslide victory in the European Parliamentary Elections, Labour Leader Dr Joseph Muscat emphasised how a new movement had been born through the collation which the Labour Party had brought about.

17 Comments Comment

  1. D. Muscat says:

    This coalition will last barely seven days when the local councils election results are issued. Most probably the PN losses here will be minimal and Labour may actually lose two or three localities (with the exception of Mtarfa which is a unique case).

    This will be the shortest New Progressive Coalition Movement ever.

  2. ChavsRus says:

    If you visited that website you must have seen the photos there as well.

    I hope they didn’t spoil your breakfast too much.

    [Daphne – I don’t eat breakfast, Ettore Bono. Aren’t you on the state payroll? Better get back to work then. Bit of a waste of taxpayers’ money, hanging around on my blog being a pest.]

    • Justinian says:

      ahaahahahahahahhha nice one daphne!!

      [Daphne – When the euphoria has passed, you’ll see that I’m right. I’m not new to this.]

  3. Nigel says:

    Collation= collection; comparision; composition, etc.
    Coalition= affiliation; alliance;amalgamation;association; bloc; etc.
    In this case both seem to be correct and appropriate.
    Muscat is collecting (collating) a bunch of fools to form an affiliation or bloc (coalition) with.

    Can Muscat or someone please give me an explanation as to with whom the PL is trying to form this supposed coalition?

    Birds of a feather flock together, and if they mean AD, then God please protect us from more fools and horses.
    Both (the PL and AD) make a collation of inexperienced upstarts trying to jump on the bandwagon.

    • Tal-Muzew says:

      Nigel, some people who voted PL (but usually vote PN) may feel insulted calling them fools. It would be better to see WHY they felt the need to vote PL, unless the PN can do without their votes.

    • Pierre Farrugia says:

      It’s called collation Nigel, please use the correct jargon.

      • Nigel says:

        Pierre, I think that I have used the correct jargon and I gave an ample explanation of both the words “collation” and “coalition”. Unless you mean something else and I did not get your drift.

        Tal-Muzew, a lot of people voted for Norman Lowell (3560 first count votes) because they are fed up with illegal immigrants on their doorstep. Namely residents of Birzebbugia. It does not mean that they are going to vote for him in the general election. Same for the votes that these PN supporters gave to the PL now.

  4. Anna says:

    Oh, so that’s where Ettore was, hiding behind another name. Daphne, I thought he had scurried back into his hole when you had pointed out that you have a pretty good idea where he works.

  5. Pierre Farrugia says:

    Noticed the collation and coalition mishap yesterday and couldn’t help laughing hysterically. I was wondering when you’d notice and bring it on here. It took you longer than expected, then again you’re very busy!

    The next time I’ll notice something similar, I will draw your attention.

  6. Ernest Baldacchino says:

    I wonder whether il-Qahbu and Il-Qattus have been made aware that they are no longer PL militants but now form part of a progressive coaltion, with no affiliation to any political party, of people ready for change…

  7. Brian*14 says:

    U x’sar minnu l-Kev, kemm ilna ma nisimghu minn ghandu? Tghid imdendel ma xi salva-uomo?

  8. ChavsRus says:

    As usual, you hide behind the “moderator” function when things get sticky.

    You really are despicable. What a gutless coward.

    [Daphne – Hasn’t it ever occurred to you that I might just find you annoying and neurotic? You claim to despise me, and yet every time I open the comments section on this blog, you’re there, craving my attention and seeking to engage. Find somebody else to pester. I believe there are lots of fascinating blogs on maltastar, and there’s a huge comments board on Norman Lowell runs a forum. And so do the Ghaqda Kaccaturi.]

  9. maryanne says:

    Is the latest entry on Maltastar the work of Profs Scicluna? Why are they working alternately with percentages, head counts and first preference votes?

  10. V.Gauci says:

    Oh no :( Cassola is stepping down

  11. John Schembri says:

    Coalition : imxierka , imsiehba . F’dan il-kaz imxierka kontra Gonzi PN. Wara li jirbhulu -jekk jirbhulu-jibdew jissieltu bejnietom.

    Collation : fatra, ikla ta’ fil-ghodu , kilt wahda tajba dalghodu , hobza mixwija bil-butir idub fuqha gobon u perzut, belgha te ma’ tispicca qatt u bicca pudina tal-hobz biz-zbib , cirasa u x’naf jien.Fl-ghaxra w’nofs tuffieha. Mela jdum ma’ jibqa’ fuq l-istonku , donni ftaht l-aptit.
    Niccelebraw b’certu MODICUM qalilna Abela..UPS tfewwaqt.

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