If you had the slightest bit of doubt that the man isn’t normal
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who has made a big deal for months about ‘abstaining’ from voting in this general election, this morning decided to vote Labour, he said on Facebook, because the police arrested me last night and Lou Bondi (thank God for him and for the other members of the press who monitored what was going on) filmed it.
If you had the slightest bit of doubt left about this man’s psychology, well, then…
The Labour clique has a journalist arrested at night and held for questioning by an inspector of the homicide squad and another from the CID, and he decides to vote Labour because he doesn’t like that journalist.
Viva civil liberties and freedom of speech.
Remember how I used to tell you that Jeffrey is extremely right wing and not at all liberal, that he has no liberal values at all and that being OK with divorce does not make a person liberal?
There you go: the fascist/totalitarian approach to controlling the press.
Of course, he would have decided to vote Labour at the outset, because he’s completely in Joseph’s fold. He was just looking for an excuse to make himself feel better about it.
A piteous soul until the end. And that soul is rotting already in a hell on earth of his own making.
Labour’s collection of switchers gets more pathetic, cheap and disgusting by the day. Any decent person should feel ashamed to be associated with such trash.
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Will the police issue an arrest warrant against JPO for putting out that statement on election day?
Bingo !
As the saying in Maltese goes, ‘ara vera purcinell’.
Seems that JPO forgot that Malta was going to be put in crisis 5 years ago due to his lies and cries. PN is much better without these hypocrites.
Scrambling to twist facts. Ma jmurx jidhru koroh il-Labour u jintilef il-permess.
Bahnan u purcinell
Nesa kemm he cried five years ago in front of the cameras. He should know about teatrini, because he’s expert in the field. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Agree 100% with you.
I already said, not only his soul is untrustworthy but his whole being is untrustable because opportunism runs in his veins.
Why do I feel so good that five years ago I did not vote for this charlatan, weeping and all.
This year it seems that carnival has been protracted.
There are those who are telghin fuq il-karru GHAX JAQBLILHOM, wara li hadu li kellhom jiehdu mill-PN UKOLL. U ohrajn jikkompetu min jikkummiedja l-iktar.
Imma Jeffrey lanqas min Alla li halqu ma jisthi? Pulcinell is more than an understatement.
U issa nistennew li xi uhud mill-klikka tieghu jaghtuna xi lezzjoni fuq hate speech and other BS.
Naturally he has the right to act in whichever way he likes and deems ‘fit’ – he can do that as long as we remain a free country – but we also have the liberty to assess actions and think that he’s hopeless (not to incur in abusive terms).
And if I’m right, you have to see the poseurs gathering around Kenneth to get a piece of Valletta 2018.
They would be ready in, say, 2025.
Oh bugger JPO. Who cares what he says. He was going to vote Labour anyway.
What an utter surprise that JPO is voting Labour! Buffoon to the last!
Jeffrey nesa 5 snin ilu kemm beka minhabba l-progett tal-Mistra. Nghidlu li anke l-kukkudrilli jibku ta. Iz-zmien taghna parir hux. Kemm qal lil Alfred Sant li hu kien Labour u sar Nazzjonalist ghax geghluh il-Labour stess meta kien student l-Universita.
Insomma min jitwieled tond ma jmutx kwadru.
How more stupid can you get Midget?
How about some coaching of how to cry in public, JPO?
You’re such an expert at such theatrics.
What a CYNICAL little CREEP JPO is. Everything he does is calculated and studied.
He measures the blows he’s going to deal and then cries wolf.
Luckily, people with half a brain can see through him and his cynicism.
When Dante created his 9th Circle of Hell, it was traitors like him he must have had in mind. What an utter creep.
Oh, and by the way, Jeffrey, it is no coincidence that Dante reserves the 9th and last circle, where Lucifer himself features, for traitors like you.
In this circle, Dante learns that this level of sin is so evil, that the sinner’s soul is condemned to hell even before his body dies on earth.
What a total tosser.
So JPO`s “sudden” decision to vote Lejber is due to what he calls last night`s teatrin. That`s cool coming from the undisputed King of Teatrini.
As far as I know he had already decided to vote lejber. And gowzef made sure by promising him to keep his post.
Why did he have to find this lame excuse?
What a 22 carat plonker!
I know a few people who proudly voted the same way.
These people sound as if they are closing shop and leaving the island for good when in actual fact they are staying right here.
I don’t think it has crossed their minds that they are going to have to live under the new Labour government and all its horrors too.
Attention to the Fifth District voters , Hermann Schiavone wrote on FB that he will be voting PN , and if anyone had any doubts even Ninu Zammit did the right thing and voted for Gonzi.
Hermann was on the granaries watching and applauding his friend Eddie Fenech Adami endorsing Dr Gonzi.
What a true LOYAL gentleman Hermann is.
Prosit Hermann and prosit Ninu.
So let me get this right. Because Daphne was arrested and Lou filmed it, JPO decides to vote.
It has nothing to do about policies or electoral programmes or Joseph’s promise of retaining JPO as MCST chairman.
Kemm tahsibna cwiec Jeffrey?
I bet that in a year under Labour JPO will have started building Mistra.
Qieghdin sew dan u Albert, meta jkunu bil wieqfa fli-iskip, imniehirhom anqas illahaq sa x-xifer.
I am glad JPO voted PL.
That is precisely where he belongs.
Wonder what he would say if they went to arrest him at 9:30p.m. Would he have called One to go film?
Of all the reasons one may have had to vote Labour, this was the most reprehensible of them all. What a revolting spectacle he has made of himself.
I’m happy to say that I never liked the man and all his tree-hugging grand-standing – dunno why, but something was always “not quite right”.
li tamel il comments tajeb ima li tigi minn gol jungla u hlif tajar in nies li andek ghira kbira alijom ma tamilx sens qabel tigudika in nies aqbad hares naqra lejn il mera. U ara tinkirx u aqbad hali in nies jghixu hajitom daphnee tkunx hmieg aktar milli inti thx