Malta taghna lkoll – but only if you conform to the Labour group-think

Published: March 9, 2013 at 9:16pm



23 Comments Comment

  1. just me says:

    Daphne the Nationalist party has posted this on facebook.

    AVVIŻ IMPORTANTI MILL-PARTIT NAZZJONALISTA: Infakkruk li l-ħin tal-votazzjoni jagħlaq fl-10pm. Nifhmu li hawn għajdut li qed jgħidu mod ieħor. Oqgħod attent – tista tivvota BISS sal-10pm!

  2. P Shaw says:

    Malta taghna lkoll … hlief dawk li ma jqimux id-dittatur il-gdid.

  3. anthony says:

    Hlief dawk li ghandhom mohh u li jafu juzawh.

  4. The Saint says:

    MALTA taghna lkoll
    Hlief ghal anzjani li ma humiex homor fid -Dar ta’ L-anzjani tal- Msida

    And as from next Tuesday for all civil servants except those who are notorious as being NAZZIONALISTI !

  5. Giraffa says:

    If the Labour Party believes that it is going to drag our country again through threats, bullying, organized violence with police connivance, for the next 5 years, they should not even try, because, thanks to the Nationalist Party, we are a member of the democratic European Union, and your government will be side-lined quicker than you can say ‘Malta taghna lkoll’.

    Of course investment and tourism will plummet, and we will all suffer together – again.

    • tee gee says:

      what a sad outlook you have on life giraffa!! i feel sorry for people like you who are about to waste 5 years of their life posting about the woes that may be if this or that happens. talk is cheap and the european parlament is a toothless tiger…..55% is a clear mandate…jew demokratici ghal-ghajn in nies u meta jirbhu in-nazzjonalisti biss?

    • robert pace says:

      Giraffa the threats and all rubbish is amde up by the PN die hards. They tried to sacre and bring in more votes , it all worked in faovur of the new movement of peace believfe me. Start working again and dont take any care of the vague words the Pn is saying. they will soon all have to leave the party and embarrass within a new breath of air and join in and work with the new movement.

  6. Josette says:

    Jimporta jgħiduli ta’ min kienet Malta s’issa? Malta tagħna lkoll … anki tal-aktar injoranti fostna!!!

    • Mike says:

      Malta kienet ta gonzi u l klikka biex jiehdu 500 fil gimgha ,u naqa commission zejda miz zejt … Issa DAQSHEKK .

  7. GeorgePN says:

    I’m not sure any more , it looking like we in for a massive defeat , even Lou is asking for police protection , anyone can shed any light on the situation

  8. tony street says:

    Daphne give also more importance to the threats that the PBS journalists received. Have any contacts been done with the police? regards

    • robert pace says:

      Tony these were all made up by Pn die hards. You wait and see everyone is welcome within the new movement that will unite Malta.

  9. ANTI GALIZIA :) says:

    Bir rispett kollu daphne … issa qasist tikka zajra l-alla … ftit ta .. mux hafna …

    allura mur indifen bil kwiet … :)



  10. Malta Taghna Ilkoll says:

    Issa tkellem ja bott zibel, ja hmieg ja qahba u kurnuta

    • Pumbaa says:

      M’intix qed taghmel isem tajjeb ghall-partit li tissapportja billi titkellem hekk.

      Kummenti bhal tieghek huma kummenti li jigu uzati kontra taghkhom bhala prova li ghadkom inbdiltux u il-username tieghek mhux qieghed jigi prattikat kif xieraq.

      Le m’inhix Nazzjonalist, imma qed nigbidlek l-attenzjoni ghal gid tieghek u ghal gid tan-nies li qed tirraprezenta permezz tal-username tieghek.

    • Last Post says:

      @ Anti Galizia u Malta Taghna llkoll:

      Kos, milli qed nara, kemm hawn Laburisti li ghandhom intern delikat. Jahasra, jekk ma tridux in-nar, tfittxuhx.

    • Il-Hajbu says:

      “Malta Taghna Lkoll”, tghid dan qallek biex tikteb il-Prim Ministru l-gdid?

  11. Josette says:

    I sometimes wish you’d put a like button on your page. Your reviews are always honest and a very good read. I hope the freedom of speech we have enjoyed so far does not suffer. Well done, Daphne, I so admire you.

    [Daphne – There is indeed a Facebook button: it says ‘recommend’ not ‘Like’.]

  12. Uncomforable? says:

    Today the company I worked for was open for business, in Paola. As I walked out of the office into the square I was given a warm welcome by the crowd for my hard day at work.

    A 10-year-old (estimated age) together with her mother and granny were shouting “Viva l-lejber, viva l-lejber….fejn huma n-Nazzjonalisti…dawk il-qatt l***….f’***x Gonzi…dak il-hanzir u l***”.

    Three policemen five metres away were admiring her. I really felt comfortable – Malta taghna lkoll.

    I agree with Labour that the education system is failing and that extends to the police force…and to her mother…and granny.

  13. laburist says:

    Nispera li l-gustizzja tilhqek kif jisthoqqlok Daphne. Joseph qalilna naghtu l-id tal-hbiberija lil kulhadd imma lilek nhossni skomdu noffrijielek ghax naf li tweggani sempliciment ghax jien laburist ! Nies bhalek isibu gustizzja fl-ahhar. Jekk mhux mill-bniedem minn Alla l’ghaziz.

    [Daphne – M’ghandix bzonn hbieb bhalek, laburist. “Joseph qalilna naghtu” – kemm intom msieken. Tal-ghageb. In-naghag ta’ Mintoff II.]

    • laburist says:

      Naf li ma ghandekx bzonn nies bhali u probabbilment qas tridhom ghax jien ma dhaltx hawn nattakkak pero sempliciment nghidlek il-verita u l-verita twegga. Jiena minix nghaga ta Mintoff ghas-semplici raguni li lil mintoff qas biss niftakru. Mhux se nehodlok iktar mill-hin prezzjuz tieghek ghax cert li ghad fadallek hafna nies x’toffendi u ohrajn x’tattakka. Il-gurnata t-tajba lilek.

      [Daphne – Ma ghidtlekx ‘Mintoff’, laburist, imma ‘Mintoff II’.]

  14. shelly says:

    Did the cat catch your tongue Daphne?? Got nothing to say since the corruption is out of government? Are you scared? I would be if I were you and I had posted the hurtful bull$hit you did. You better take a good look in the mirror and change your ways cos you’re in Labour’s time now and what goes around comes around, it’s called karma, bitch

  15. Ksenia says:

    Is it me or does Malta Taghna Lkoll ring alarm bells to anyone else? Their slogan even has communist undertones to me – implying that whatever is in Malta is of everyone – not of those who worked hard for it.

    The usual PL stuff – letting the mass of ignorant voters ride upon the fortunes others have painstakingly built.

    But as Daphne points out, it does not stop here. They want an “inclusive” government – which excludes those who do not wish be subdued by them.

    A worrying recipe for disaster brought upon us by those irresponsible voters who decided to jeopardise (or probably compromise) our future.

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