What does Franco Debono have to say now about his Joseph not separating the police and justice portfolios?

Published: March 13, 2013 at 11:46pm

It was a reason to vote against Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici and tell him ‘hekk, hu go fik’.

But now that Joseph has done it too, it’s just fine and dandy.

Here’s Franco, being carried shoulder high by a small mob of Labour supporters in his home village of Hal Ghaxaq, and off to the Labour Party club, last Sunday when the result of the election became known. Mamma mia, what a tool.

The Times makes a Freudian slip of mammoth proportions on its Facebook page:

Tom on FB_Former LABOUR MP Franco Debono celebrates Labour victory

42 Comments Comment

  1. Grezz says:

    Tghid ituh post fuq xi bord?

  2. sunshine says:


    [Daphne – Oh my God, what a tool he is. Owen Bonnici reports to Manuel Mallia, which means that Mallia is RESPONSIBLE for Justice (and answerable to his prime minister for that portfolio) while Owen Bonnici, as PS, DOES THE DOGWORK.]

    • sunshine says:


    • Jozef says:

      Owen Bonnici must have been asked to fill that post at the last minute, he spoke about everything but justice during the campaign.

      Herrera got Kenneth Zammit Tabona to deal with culture, the national orchestra…’F’**** il-barokk tieghek’

      • Jozef says:

        Astrid Vella!

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Timmaginaw lil José Herrera waqt performance to John Cage, 4’33?

        Tkun world premiere, fejn l-ambient noise jikkonsisti f’dagha fahxi, in basso continuo e sostenuto.

        A triumph of contemporary art. So exquisite, my dears.

  3. canon says:

    Daphne, life under the Nationalists was getting a bit boring. But with the coming of the Labour Government you seem to have a field day. Thank you for everything and keep it up.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Canon, these are only the appointments. Wait till the fuckups begin.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Do you realise we have 5 more years to go until we can do anything about it? That’s at least 1825 days.

        I’ve gone off joking. How will we ever survive?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        OK, my friend, we’re all upset that the plastic reds won.

        Time to give them a chance to exhibit their incompetence. Won’t take too long.

        Unfortunate that we will all suffer.

        Don’t lose your sense of humour, your brilliance keeps us together.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        It’s not the Reds, so much as stupidity. That’s why I’m upset. I’ve seen my country get dumb and dumber these last ten years.

      • La Redoute says:

        The dumbest thing about this country is that everyone thinks they can’t do anything about this lot for the next five years.

        Hold them to account, scrutinise their every move, question their connections, motives and decisions, expose wrongdoing, remind them someone’s watching them.

        Why did Mario Cutajar’s appointment pass without a whisper?

  4. Tesla says:

    He’s barking up the wrong tree, at night, in a desert and hallucinatingly alone.

    The denial of his own irrelevancy to current events is unbelievable.

    No one cares what you think any more, Franco; your rival average Form 2 Joe is now Prime Minister, partly thanks to you.

    So what did he get in return? At least tell me he bartered for something.

  5. george grech says:

    Come on, boys, come on, girls.

    Imma jien boys biss qed nara jitghannqu u jbusu l-xulxin.

    Anqas ghand Tom Bar ma narhom dawn ix-xeni. I guess I’m frequenting the wrong bar and should start heading to the Ghaxaq PL club on Saturday night.

  6. ken il malti says:

    Does the whole town wear those 1980s polo shirts?

    • Frodo says:

      Yes, they still live in the 80s; 80s clothes, 80s mentality.

      Hal Ghaxaq is known as ‘ta’ tielet dinja’ in neighbouring towns, except Gudja, dawk ta’ tielet dinja wkoll.

      Franco, int mir-rahal ta’ tielet dinja, bhal ommok.

      Ara missierek, miz-Zejtun, mar lura bhal granc miskin.

      In-nannu s-Sakristan min jaf x’jitqalleb fil-qabar.

      • Frodo Froga says:

        Sa fejn naf jien hargu kandidati tal-PN fuq dan id-distrett.

        Dawn ta’ tielet dinja ukoll?

  7. TinaB says:

    I am finding this whole thing so hysterically funny notwithstanding the extremely sad situation that we currently all find ourselves in, thanks to our fellow countrymen and women.

    Thank you, Daphne and please keep them coming.

  8. Gahan says:

    “Come on boys , come on girls in this crazy crazy world….” a fitting song I must say.

  9. Bubu says:

    I guess he deserves his last moment of glory. Hope he enjoyed it.

  10. ghadni nazjunalist u kburiii says:

    Ja f*ckin’ Gakbin. Ara ma jitlax xi kap gdid tal-PN u johrog b’ l-idea li ingibu lil JPO u lil Franco Debono ….. I would never vote in my life again, I swear.

  11. old-timer says:

    I could not understand why Herrera did not shake the Prime Minister”s hand.

    If Herrera was disappointed (and I think rightly so) he should not have accepted the appointment.

    I presume he was informed beforehand what his role in Government would be; he could (and should) have said “thank you”. As it is Herrera, has proved to himself that he is limited in self respect

  12. Adam says:

    Daphne, you were right all along. Debono’s place has always been right there, in a Labour Party Club. What a buffone.

  13. Zunzana says:

    Jien nghid ghalija, kien jidher skomdu il-boy. Safrattant, kien hemm xi hadd qed joghllilu idejh biex ixxejjer meta kien gewwa l-club tal-labour.
    Issa imissu jikkritika l-gvern fuq li rega ghaqqad il-ministeri tal-gustizzja u l-intern flimkien.

  14. Manuel says:

    So much for the shoulder carrying of a piece of sh*t like Debono. His true colours were finally completely revealed. Mintoffian from the womb.

    And to just help stirring his memory, here is what Hererra said when Debono came out with the proposition about the separation of powers:


  15. jack says:

    When fishes flew and forests walked
    And figs grew upon thorn,
    Some moment when the moon was blood
    Then surely I was born.

    With monstrous head and sickening cry
    And ears like errant wings,
    The devil’s walking parody
    On all four-footed things.

    The tattered outlaw of the earth,
    Of ancient crooked will;
    Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,
    I keep my secret still.

    Fools! For I also had my hour;
    One far fierce hour and sweet:
    There was a shout about my ears,
    And palms before my feet.

    • observer says:

      With thanks to G.K. The last stanza, however, does in no way fit the idiot (subject of this title).

      That creature’s was the ‘hu go fik’ hour!

  16. verita says:

    I have a feeling that there will be minister no 15 in a short time. I am referring to Dr Michael Falzon It seems that the justice ministry is being left vacant for him when elected in the casual election

    • ciccio says:

      Good point.

      It is so blatantly obvious that Justice cannot be inferior to the Ministry of Home Affairs that I too am starting to suspect that Joseph Muscat is playing one of his usual tricks on Franco Debono, and us.

  17. E CALLEJA says:

    They made a whole story about the 500 raise . Now they made 14 ministers when the PN had only 8 . That means 23000 each from our taxes.

    • The Mole says:

      €23,000? What about their staff, secretaries, drivers, security, office, car, perks, stationery…

    • Ghal-Go Hajt says:

      Very well said. Ajma x’inhu gej.

    • Angus Black says:

      Let’s not forget that the root of Gonzi’s problems started on day one when he appointed too small a Cabinet and each minister’s portfolio was a bit too much for most.

      If Joseph didn’t learn much in five years, he sure got this one solved, even if the number seems an overkill.

      [Daphne – Oh come on, Angus, we’re talking about two small islands with a population under half a million, for heaven’s sake.]

  18. Stephen says:

    This is what Franco has to say in response to someone pointing this out to him on his blog: “l aqwa li gonzi bye bye”. Says it all doesn’t it.

  19. sarah says:

    Is that a pony shirt again? He sure loves his polo. At least he’s wearing blue…then again all Labour’s campaign was a play on the colour blue.

  20. OMG! says:

    Min jaf kemm hassu tajjeb fuq l-idejn. Dear Franco, even tal-Ajkla ghollewh fuq l-idejn. Now you have the answer yourself to what I mean.

  21. Matthew S says:

    Did you ever see the Nationalist Party fawning over Gaddafi like Mintoff did on Republic Day?

    Did you ever see the Nationalist Party courting the Kim dynasty like Labour did throughout the 80s?

    Did you ever see the Nationalist Party celebrating with Dom Mintoff (despite him bringing down a Labour led government) like Labour did with Franco Debono last weekend?

    Labour: virulently whoring itself since 1971.

  22. VICTOR says:

    Does it make sense to destroy your integrity so as to destroy your perceived enemy?

    Maybe Franco doesn’t understand.

  23. MARY ANN says:


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