So Kenneth Zammit Tabona’s minister is that decaying old queen, Karmenu (Il-Guy) Vella

Published: March 14, 2013 at 12:07am

I don’t mean to be fatuous, but they will get along famously.

I’m not quite sure I can say the same for his direct boss, PS for Culture, Jose Herrera. Herrera knows nothing of art, history, music, painting, literature or restoration. He’s barely articulate but he’s pretty good at cursing.

Serves you right, Kenneth. You were better off with Mario de Marco.

Kenneth Zammmit Tabona's minister - because as Kenneth himself told us, Labour has so much more respect for culture than the Nationalist Party does.

Kenneth Zammmit Tabona’s minister – because as Kenneth himself told us, Labour has so much more respect for culture than the Nationalist Party does.

And poor old Kenneth is now answerable to the man on the right, who knows a great deal about art and music.

And poor old Kenneth is now answerable to the man on the right, who knows a great deal about art and music.

26 Comments Comment

  1. Aunt Hetty says:

    Cursing – and drinking from what I heard.

  2. canon says:

    The most famous swear words being “F’ Gh— Gonzi”.

  3. edgar says:

    I am also sure that Kenneth will have a word with Joseph to patch up these problems that arose for not appointing him minister and Jose refusing to shake hands with Muscat.

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    Read Kenneth’s blurb in the Monday Times on the way back from Switzerland.. Full of ‘neutral’ BS.
    Wonder whether his new boss has ever heard of him.

    • Sufa says:

      They’re the same age and were from the same neighbourhood, and one can easily imagine how one mocked the other in their ‘formative’ years.

  5. ken il malti says:

    I wonder if the doughboy will give him that posh apartment in front of the Valletta co-cathedral?

    Speaking of queens, that Gozo eye doctor, Franco Mercieca, really lights up like Liberace’s candelabra when he is with Joseph Muscat.

  6. P Shaw says:

    One can already visualize a conversation between Kenneth and his darling minister:

    ” u issa Ken gej biz-z*** ta’ renaissance, baroque, u kontemp…whatever! Mhux kemm titfa u thallat naqra zebgha, u imxi u mexxi halli mmorru, u taparsi nkunu ghamilna xi haga”

  7. manum says:

    Kenneth Zammit Tabona has even gone further to expect the Vatican to consult him regarding the way a Pope is chosen

    This person is so full of himself that soon he will be harping that he can solve any crisis.

    Another thing that people don’t know is that he speaks only from bits he gathers from here and there. He has never undertaken formal training in music nor in art. Kenneth Zammit Tabona begs to be recognised as a connoisseur of these but in reality he is jack of all trades.

    • Lilla says:

      In other words, an amateur.

    • Jozef says:

      ‘He has never undertaken formal training in music nor in art.’

      Does it show.

      He managed to ridicule his own work by relegating experiment with technique to a corner of the exhibition space.

      Knights and pussycats sell, exposing the soul doesn’t.

      That insolent.

      He created his entourage attending those ridiculous quiznights. The place where JPO made his first strides into the radical chic.

      Meantime Marsa underground was on the rise.

  8. jojo says:

    I wonder how many times times Karmenu Vella, an avid collector of fine things I hear, has been honoured to be seated at the Zammit Tabona dinner or lunch table.

    I have one message for him – he is always promoting himself in his articles. Self AGGRANDIZEMENT is no recommendation. I hope they find some one much more qualified than Kenneth for music and museums.

    Some one who doesn’t have to live for a month at the Phoenicia Hotel to run the baroque festival.

    • Jozef says:

      What’s this about the Phoenicia Hotel?

      [Daphne – Kenneth Zammit Tabona stayed at the Phoenicia Hotel, at the project’s expense, while the Baroque festival was on, so as not to have to travel by car or bus between Valletta and St Julian’s.]

  9. Steve says:

    Wax your chest or button up. What a bunch of idiots.

  10. Tac-Coff says:

    So, rumour has it that Kenneth Zammit Tabona, OM, philosopher, historian, art critic and part-time artist, is planning to magnanimously donate his masterpieces to the nation in exchange of a government apartment in St John’s Square. I would really have thought that a communal bathroom in the Manderaggio area would make a fairer bargain.

    • xdcc says:

      You forget to mention that he is a leading light of the Maltese intelligentsia.

    • Jozef says:

      Oh really, is he providing them framed, because in that case, better do it ourselves.

      The latest exhibition resulted in the host having to accept Kenneth’s choice, the cheapest.

      When all those invited passed the same comment, they were gracious enough to remain silent.

      Ma jmurx jispicca b’xi frame jiswa aktar mill-‘woterkaler’.

  11. mattie says:

    Malta’s cultural spokesman, will have quite a lot of convincing to do.

    Dr Herrera is a very good lawyer. I can’t see how someone like Kenneth can work with a lawyer representing culture.

    Even writing this, looks weird.

  12. carlos says:

    Dr. Herrera’s appointment is just a joke and humiliating.

  13. Higgins says:

    Jose Herrera merited to be Justice Minister – he has been a Labour stalwart since his younger days. He really has been hard done by.

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