It’s noon, so pour yourself a nice big G & T before you read this one (or some black coffee if you’re at work)

Published: March 14, 2013 at 11:56am
This is Muscat excitedly sitting in the PM's chair on Day One. Somebody took a picture and put a copy of the Economist to decorate the desk, and uploaded it to the DOI site. The photo was immediately removed when they realised what the cover was.

This is Muscat excitedly sitting in the PM’s chair on Day One. Somebody took a picture and put a copy of the Economist to decorate the desk, and uploaded it to the DOI site. The photo was immediately removed when they realised what the cover was.

Edward Scicluna, the Minister of Finance, quoted in The Malta Independent this morning:

“We have talked to rating agencies and assured them that we have a long term plan. By virtue of our roadmap we are confident that the markets will be calmed, just as they were when Mario Monti was elected instead of former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.”

Imagine going to the rating agencies and telling them ‘we have a roadmap’. Did they mention, incidentally, that it is ‘kostid’ and ‘konkret’?

I’m left with that sinking feeling that the brain drain over the next five years is going to be massive. Meritocracy, my eye – the only movement we are going to see is a movement away from these shores.


The Labour Party’s communications Bugs Bunny, Randolph Debattista, has been appointed to Minister Louis Grech’s secretariat, while his boyfriend, Cyrus Engerer, has been appointed to the secretariat of PS Ian Borg (EU Presidency 2017 and EU Funds) within the same ministry.

How meritocratically cosy. Their colleagues would be well advised to knock on the stationery cupboard door before opening it. And the rest of us need to know whether a firewall is going to be put up around Cyrus to bar him access to citizens’ private information through government, given his less than impressive record with raiding hard drives to blackmail others.

31 Comments Comment

  1. mattie says:

    Kien hemm xi hadd fl-ispots li qal li jemmen fil-meritokrazija.

    Insejt minn kien.

  2. Corinne Vella says:

    We need a data protection firewall to shield us from the Minister for the Economy and Investment:

  3. A culture of fakes says:

    I believe what we have is a kitsch government.

    Instead of voting for a real response (if it really existed on the ballot sheet is another issue) to some of the problems of the past 5, 10 years, we now have a fabrication that was acurately designed to replace it.

    Labour was good at creating a culture of fakes. Together with the floaters or switchers they conspired together to believe what they don’t believe and to feel what they are incapable of feeling and in the end persuaded each other that a Labour government will be a good response, fresh, great, important and of value.

    But a kitsch Government is all we ended up with.

    For many it will take time to recognise a fake but it will happen.

  4. Simon Bonello says:

    Please do let us know when you will be moving away. The earlier the better.

    Malta will surely rejoice.

    [Daphne – Simon, I was away from Malta for three months in total last year, but did you even notice? No. This is the age of the internet, remember. As for my physical presence, I don’t think I actually know who you are, so it’s not as though you actually see me.]

    • S Bonello says:

      I should have guessed you were you away. How silly of me!
      You were attending a REFINING YOUR INSULTS course in journalism !!

      Or maybe on a HOW TO HELP THE PN LOSE AN ELECTION? course.

      Well 5 stars for the latter that’s for sure.

      BTW, the G & T choice was a great idea !!

  5. rc says:

    What happened with Cyrus’ case? Is he still facing prosecution?

  6. vanni says:

    Couple of things here:

    Was Scicluna in any way implying that Gonzi was another Berlusconi?

    Cyrus, as far as I know, has, if not a criminal, certainly an unsavoury record. Does the MLP want to have the Maltese Government associated with such people?

  7. toni says:

    issa oqghod spettatura la ma kontx protagonista . malta taghna ilkoll.

    [Daphne – The one thing you can’t accuse me of, my dear, is not being a protagonist. I am the archetypal protagonist, which is why your lot hate my guts. Voting doesn’t make you a ‘protagonist’ – don’t be so bloody pathetic. Everyone votes, or almost everyone.]

    • mattie says:

      Daphne ilha protagonista. Kieku il-PL ma semmewhix daqshekk

      Ghala le? Tatkom spazju ukoll.

    • rc says:

      Government by slogans.

      At least this campaign has taught me a couple of things – I used to overestimate the importance of a good product and of facts and figures, and I underestimated the importance of packaging and slogans and sound bites.

    • Aa Kohl says:

      X’kuntradizzjoni fit-terminologija. Jaqaw gew “mind controlled” kollha b’dil-frazi?

    • Head Boy says:

      Spettatrici; jekk ha tikteb bil-Malti ikteb Malti tajjeb.

  8. Data Protection says:

    Cyrus Engerer, a man who stole naked sex pictures from his ex lover and emailed them to that ex lover’s friends and employers, now given access to citizen’s private data through his job in the office of the deputy prime minister.

    You have got to be Labour to like this.

  9. L.Gatt says:

    Speaking of immaturity and arrested development. What a nonsensical statement for a minister to make! Also, does the Minister know that Monti ruined the little left following Berlusconi? God help Malta.

  10. Manuel says:

    Where is the defender of the principle of meritocracy? Still dreaming about the Change.

    I bet my bottom euro that soon we will see JPO and Diva Debono climbing up the ladder of meritocracy under Joseph’s leadership, taf int, ma’ Joseph nahdmu.

    And what about that Arrigo? He is using the JPO’s syndrome: jikxef sormu fuq Facebook instead of doing it properly within the confines of the PN’s executive meetings.

    • mattie says:

      Ma kontx taf li l-Facebook ghall-Maltin, sar qisu harga ghand tal-growser, meta taqbez ftit il-kju, jaqbzu fuqek?

      l-Istess hemmhekk – Min l-aktar ha jsabbat saqajh.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Arrigo is always ready to point fingers.

      Perhaps reporters should really become investigative.

      Perhaps they may discover whether someone obtained a tender while his wife was Mayor.

  11. old-timer says:

    All I can picture at present, is that before long we will see all these appointees climbing Castile stairs to ask Joseph to sort them out. I do not think they are able to deliver.

  12. Manuel says:

    Ara fejnhom il-hbieb. I am really under the impression that while Schulz blocked the EU budget yesterday, he will open a little window for his baby Joseph so that he can secure the money due to Malta.

    Then Joseph will be hailed as the saviour and Gonzi will be considered as a failure. The socialists principle, rub my back and I rub yours.

  13. taxxu says:

    ‘dan il-gvern ser ikun wiehed li jhaddan il-metrokrazzija’

    Just jekk tkun Labour u taf lil ministru ikollok puzizzjoni ahjar.

  14. asdasd says:

    Ejja ha norik min hu bugs bunny

  15. L. G says:

    The goings on in the Nationalist Party are quite interesting at the moment.

    There’s a notable internal struggle with some also playing dirty and trying desperately (with no success) to distance themselves from their recent dismal failure.

    In my opinion, using Facebook “childlishly” is a national epidemic and not limited to the Labour Party. A Facebook page is up “Mario DeMarco for Leader”.

    Another post is going round to support Anne Fenech for Deputy Leader and so on.

    It looks to me like Facebook users are keen to “fix” the party while the key players are taking advantage of the situation. None of it augurs well for the Nationalist Party.

  16. Edgar Gatt says:

    Anne Fenech for Deputy Leader. You must be joking. Anne Fenech for Leader. Definitely the best person for the PN.

  17. Ooooops says:

    What has happened to Joseph’s face since he became prime minister? He looks like a dead person.

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