From our new health minister’s website

Published: March 14, 2013 at 12:34pm
Godfrey Farrugia, the new health minister and the man who cuckolded Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and stole his wife away (which means, of course, a bit of a problem waiting to happen, given that he never got over it)

Godfrey Farrugia, the new health minister and the man who cuckolded Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and stole his wife away (which means, of course, a bit of a problem waiting to happen, given that he never got over it)

I thought the whole idea of this revolutionary movement was to make our government more European and contemporary, not tar-rahal.

Now we have a licensed pyrotechnician as health minister (that means somebody who is licensed to make fireworks). Yes, he is also a doctor, but come on, look at this:

1999 Żebbug Civic Sense Award
2007 Certificate of merit Haż-Żebbug local council
2008 Thanks Badge presented by Malta Scouts Association
2012 Certificate of Honoured Merit from Ing. Gaetano Giunta, Mayor of Agira Sicily

40 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    His last ten years of public service:

    2004-2012 President of St. Philip’s Band Club AD 1851
    2004 Medical doctor of the Haż-Żebbug Rangers F.C football club.
    2009- Founder and President of Ghaqda Nazzjonali Armar tal-Festi fit-Toroq.
    2010- Representative of a steering committee : The future of feasts.
    2012- Secretary of ‘Ghaqda Piroteknika Maltija’
    2012- Honorary President of the St. Philip’s Band Club
    2012- Official launch: PL representative for general election (7th district)
    2012- 13th International symposium Fireworks. Host committee member, chairperson in the symposium.

    • The chemist says:

      I’m breathless….

      • Beppe Grillo says:

        Let us not rush into judgements. Most of PN member of parliament are also Honorary Presidents of Band Clubs. What wrong about that? Even Eddie is.

        Moreover Joe Saliba the most successful general secretary ever for many years manufactured fireworks for De Rohan Band Club who organises Saint Joseph’s feast in Zebbug. Saliba’s BA Hons thesis is in fact about fireworks.

        Daphne, jekk joghgbok taghmilx DELETE ta’ dil-post u gibha shiha.

      • La Redoute says:

        This man is Minister for Health, or hadn’t you noticed?

    • Jooo says:


  2. La Redoute says:

    This is unedited.

    Milestones Projects during Mayor ship (1990 – 1999)

    Rekindling of patriotically zeal in Haż-Żebbug by resurgence of cultural activities and reanctments of historical events
    Conservation of De Rohan’s Arch (1798)
    Conservation and restoration of Żebbug Village Core (17th Century) and embellishment of Antonio Sciortino Square
    Re-generation and Conservation of Wied Qirda
    Establishment of Żebbug Day and recognition of outstanding contributors to the betterment of the locality
    Initiation of Day Centre Projects
    Promotion of Maltese products and traditions abroad
    Organizer of Multiple Cultural Events
    Town Twinning : Żebbug with Agira Sicily
    Participation in “Gioci Senza Frontieri”
    Amelioration of Sports facilities in Haż-Żebbug

  3. TROY says:

    Hu go fik JPO.

  4. old-timer says:

    2013 – in charge and in command of Mater Dei Hospital – gee how nice (As Onslow would say)

  5. Mark Demicoli says:

    He is also a Medical Doctor – meaning he went to university for 5 years studying (and succesfully finalizing a doctoral degree in Medicine)

    ….can you let us know your academic achievements Daphne so we can compare and contrast?

    [Daphne – People my age don’t talk about academic achievements, Mark, because what happens since over the intervening two decades and more is supposed to eclipse one’s university degree. I too spent five years at university, but I don’t discuss it. Godfrey Farrugia is in his 50s – to be defining him by five years spent at university is utterly farcical. I hope you realise this.]

    • Bubu says:

      Pfff Mark. Useless unless he publishes his form 2 certificate, don’t you think?

      • mattie says:

        It is Maltese Socialist mentality at its best for one to think that a university degree makes one the equivalent in power to a king or queen.

        And then at the same time shout: Malta Taghna Lkoll, Il-gid jinqasam fost il-hafna u mhux il-ftit, Nemmen fil-Meritokrazija, Ghalina kulhadd indaqs, Malta Tieghi, Malta Tieghek, Taghna Lkoll, Taghna Lkoll.

        If we take Malta’s population, we will find a good section of illiterate people, a section of graduates, a section of secondary school leavers (who stopped studying), a section of nuns and priests, some who are theologists and some who are not and all sections are necessary in society and can not be separate from each other. If they are, we’d be left with a Malta that’s not Taghna Lkoll.

        So it is totally unfair to mention A has a degree whilst B does not, and A deserves a certain position whilst B doesn’t as this just justifies a contradiction that has been bothering me since the start of the electoral campaign.

    • mattie says:

      Personally I liked this guy when I saw him on TV talking about some accident he had.

      I admired the way he said he handled the situation. If everyone behaved his way – I’m glad he got the Mater Dei job, maybe some good will come out with him at the helm.

      [Daphne – Yes, I know the accident. It was some years ago and quite horrible. I think he may have lost an eye.]

    • Herman says:

      Mark. I have no university degree. I left school at 16, as many students of my time did. My wife has a university degree.

      People who know us very well have no idea who, of the two of us, has a degree or if we have any, in the first place. Unlike many of our age (I am 52 and my wife 49) we are now grown-ups.

      • mattie says:

        A university degree qualifies your knowledge in the subject that interests you.

        It doesn’t make a Mini Minor look like a Jaguar.

    • Mike says:

      Can I point out, Mr Demicoli, that he does not have a doctoral degree in Medicine, he has a undergraduate degree making him a doctor of Medicine, there is a fundamental difference.

      Also just because he is a doctor this does not make him automatically suited for the role of health minister. The health ministry requires good managerial skills not good diagnostic ones.

      I cannot comment about the Minister, as I am not familiar with him or his work, but all I can say is – I sure hope he does.

  6. Gakku says:

    I work in the field of public health, so I looked him up yesterday. His only experience is as a GP, almost no publications. Not very excited about him to be honest.

  7. Paul says:

    His greatest award – JPO’s wife.

  8. Paul says:

    Lets come together right now in Sweet Harmony !

    X’tahseb sur ministru ?

  9. ghadni nazjunalist u kburiii says:

    FAQALOM Daph :)))

  10. Lord Lucan says:

    Just read your newspaper article and I must say your humour is back in fine fashion.

    I am looking forward to your future articles since I feel they will be your best ever, and might I suggest a small book to be published in say 4 years’ time, crystalizing your most poignant thoughts about Malta’s new dream team.

    [Daphne – To quote our new prime minister, ‘been there, done that’. I wrote a newspaper column throughout Sant’s 22 months of power, remember. This is all a bit deja-vu for me, including people’s reactions.]

  11. Wilson says:

    So Muscat’s father sold him some chemicals at some point?

  12. ken il malti says:

    Didn’t he play the part of one of the Three Musketeers once?

  13. Edmond Cauchi says:

    Ms Caruana Galizia,

    I thank our new PM for this appointment. Dr Godfrey Farrugia is by far worthy and certainly deserves this position. Proof of this is Joseph Muscat’s judgement and of course last but not least .. the history of your mud-slinging writeups.

    Thank you
    Edmond Cauchi

    • zz says:

      ” Proof of this (is by far worthy and certainly deserves this position) is Joseph Muscat’s judgement”

      since when one’s judgment is proof of another’s competence? … unless one is god

    • La Redoute says:

      Joseph Muscat’s judgement has to be the most dubious of all qualifications.

  14. Makak says:

    Hello Witch you back again after going on hoding in Siberia

  15. caflisa says:

    Why wasn’t Marlene Farrugia given a cabinet post instead of this former PN mayor? She was elected first (amongst the two), got more votes (4933 vs 3987), was Labour for longer…

    I’m not sure what is the message here in a unique situation where both husband and wife are MPs; it’s either “tell the woman to step aside ‘cos cabinet posts are ultimately reserved for husbands”, or “dear JPO, ex PN can be made into Labour Ministers, but not you. Thanks for your contribution, but you don’t stand a chance any farther than MCSD. Labour beatifies whoever has cuckolded you”.

    Wasn’t this supposed to be a pro-female govt, as promised? Or was the roadmap pointing towards Jurassic Park?

    Habemum gvernasaurus xovenistikum.

  16. lilly says:

    daphne ahjar tolli naqra idejk u xomm l-intina li ghandek ghax ma nafx minn hu tajjeb ghalik donnok fuq kullhadd trid tpeclaq.

  17. Mark Pace says:

    I also went to his website….

    1978-1979 Student Representative at Higher Secondary, St Aloysius College
    1982-1984 University Student Representative at Medical Student Association
    1983-1984 University Student Representative at the Faculty Board of Medicine and Surgery
    1985-1986 Member of an Action Committee on local Doctors’ Foreign Recognitionn
    1987-1988 Founder & Council member of the Government Medical Doctors’ Union!!!
    1989-1991 Doctor Representative for the Steering Committee: National Health Scheme for Malta
    1990-1993 Council Member of the Malta College of Family Doctors
    1990-1999 Mayor of Zebbug (Independent candidate)
    1994- Appointed by the Prime Minister on an ad doc committee for the establishment of a Code of Ethics for Local Councillors
    1995-1997 Representative of the Local Council’s Association for Government’s Budget Special Funds elocated to Local Councils
    1994-2001 Honorary President: St Philip’s Band Club, 12th May Band & Social Club, Kumpanija Teatrali Talent Żebbugi.
    1994- Honorary President : Żebbug Rangers Football Club
    1995-1998 President of Atletika Virens Żebbug
    1997-1997 Founder and Committee Member of Kummissjoni Speranza, a philanthropic NGO
    1999-2012 Co-founder and President of e Scouts Group
    1999 Voluntary Mission Work in Kenya
    1999 Medical Representative in the Steering Committee against the building of a cement factory in Malta
    2004-2012 President of St. Philip’s Band Club AD 1851
    2004 Medical doctor of the Haż-Żebbug Rangers F.C football club.
    2009- Founder and President of Ghaqda Nazzjonali Armar tal-Festi fit-Toroq.
    2010- Representative of a steering committee : The future of feasts.
    2012- Secretary of ‘Ghaqda Piroteknika Maltija’
    2012- Honorary President of the St. Philip’s Band Club
    2012- Official launch: PL representative for general election (7th district)
    2012- 13th International symposium Fireworks. Host committee member, chairperson in the symposium.…. check the rest…

  18. Clyde says:

    I am sory to say but this man Dr. Farrugia is one of the most respected man in my village. He not only is ambitious but also very humble which makes me feel very proud to call him my doctor, yes MY DOCTOR and not my minister since he told me personally the other day (after being elected) that he will still be available as a doctor just in case I am need of any help. One word-respect. Also I don’t care about his personal life-and no one should do since one has the right and liberty to do what he/she wants as long as they don’t break the law.

    • M says:

      Is this true? Will ministers continue with their private practise? Is their day longer than mere mortals’ 24hrs?

      • Clyde says:

        Yes M he is. in fact only up untill yesterday did my mother called him. Guess what? 30 minutes later the door bell rang, and guess what-there he was with his friendly smile serving as a doctor.

        [Daphne – You’ve just nailed him, Clyde. Ministers are not allowed to have private practice.]

  19. Natalie Mallett says:

    I don’t agree on your judgement regarding Dr. Godfrey Farrugia. He is well respected here in Zebbug and rightly so. He was the best mayor we ever had. I disagree with his current political view but glad he got the ministry.

  20. Phyllis says:

    Dr Godfrey is a really good person.He will make a very good
    Minister because he is Really a Very good doctor.Why are you calling him tar rahal. we are all proud of him and he is respected everywhere he goes.What has his private life got to do with anybody especially you.Why call him tar Rahal , we are proud to be from Haz Zebbug (Citta de Rohan) .and at least he is not a SNOB. He treats people gently, not like some persons I hear about.We are not tal PEPE people, but some Very Intellectual people come from our Rahal,or you must have Forgotten , your History Lessons.Read them again to enlighten yourself PLEASE before writing about people.

  21. Joseph F Cutajar says:

    I don’t why you have blocked me. Whenever I sent you a comment an red information strip pop ups indicating that my comment is awaiting moderation. I think i a democratic national where anyone can express this ideas or comments should not be discriminated. You made this notice for at least two or three times as I have filed these on my PC. The thing is that I cannot sent an attachment with the comments.


    [Daphne – ‘Comment awaiting moderation’ means exactly that. This is not blocking. It means that your comment hasn’t been read or checked before upload yet. Comments do not go straight up. If I were to allow that, it would be a libellous and vulgar free for all.]

  22. Matthias Rene says:

    just go on his website and check the whole profile out…
    Pretty decent according to me…
    I see no connection between medicine and fireworks… Whats your point?

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