Joseph Muscat told the press in Brussels that his government is “staunchly pro-European”. What a liar.
Aside from the fact that they ALL voted against EU membership and most of them were around at the time to campaign against it, with a campaign led by Prime Minister Muscat himself as Alfred Sant’s bridesmaid, here’s a timely reminder of what our new Foreign Minister’s views truly are.
Remember that he is now 71, which means that he was already a grand old 61, and set in his views, when this newspaper report was written.
The Times, Thursday, March 13, 2003
by Fiona Galea Debono
MLP spokesman for foreign affairs George Vella yesterday insisted the government was “inventing” that the yes camp had won the referendum.
Despite the 53.6 per cent majority of yes votes, Dr Vella told a crowd during a Labour Party activity in Zejtun that “as we won the first campaign, we will win the second because the people are not idiots”.
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The expression WTF springs to mind:
Staunchly pro-European Government? Nothing could be further from the truth.
Well at least I’m proud to say that I did not vote for these idiots.
Same here
I make will make it a point that if ever the day Schulz visits Malta arrives, I will personally hand him a copy of Joseph Muscat’s ‘ivvota le’ advert.
Email Martin Schulz at:
Not fit for purpose.
We got our change, all right. And how.
So much so, that George Vella was not trusted with the EU dossier!
bi rispett kollhu ta hallu naqra zmien jaddi qabel tibdew tpallaw intom lanqas intom kapaci titkelmu bil malti u sejhu lilkom infuskom maltin allura x il labour party dak iz zmien kellhu il fema li l ewropa mhux tajba alina gara xi haga bdaqsekk daqs kemm kien hemm decisjonijiet ferm ghar min hekk u kienu mehudin min prim ministri nazzjonalisti ha namel bhalkom u nitfa tnejn blingliz jew ahjar arroganti bhalkom GO FUCK YOURSELVES
Mur tghallem ikteb il-Malti l-ewwel, labour and proud.
Naf nitkellem u nikteb bil-Malti hafna iktar minnek. Naghzel li nikteb bl-Ingliz ghal privilegg tal-qarrejja barranin. Nahseb li qabel titkellem ahjar tmur tiehu naqra lezzjonijiet ta kif tispelli.
Tghid trid tkun taf tghid ‘tpallaw’ biex tkun tista tikkummenta? Nahseb ahjar tghid ‘what the heck’ ta ghax aktar timpressjona.
Keep it up Daphne, lest we forget. Let them know that treachery would not be forgotten.
At the expense of the taxpayer, Joseph had to appoint a Minister for the EU because he couldn’t send George Vella.
What is the latter going to do? Negotiate with China and the Middle East? Our bulk of foreign policy is done with the EU.
His salary should be commensurate with his duties.
A “staunchly pro-European” government — when JM himself had fought so heartily against Malta’s EU membership. What a hypocrite! Does he want to take the credit for the work of the Nationalist Party?
ehm … of course. And he’ll be blaming PN for anything that goes wrong. That’s the normal Labour modus operandi.
As if we needed any more proof of the man’s ability to lie through his teeth, this is it.
Ara vera ma jisthix.
“Staunchly pro-European” – hekk sew eh. Sab kollox lest. Min jaf kemm jghid grazzi Gonzi qabel ma jorqod.