Bored with, the elves move to Sky News

Published: June 9, 2009 at 2:27pm
I think we should go global

I think we should go global

National embarrassment of the day (but then we all know that in some people’s minds, the election of five MEPs in Malta is on a par with a decisive general election in the United Kingdom): Eric from Malta emailed Sky News to suggest that Gordon Brown emulates Joseph Muscat so as to win the upcoming election “by a landslide victory”.

The Sky News newscaster read it out (“Eric from Malta sent us this message”), while the text was shown on screen.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Ishmael Dalli says:

    I am curious to know this wise suggestion.

  2. John Vella Pace says:

    I actually saw this on Sky News this morning.

    Pity that Eric probably still hasn’t realised that Gordon Brown is in government in the UK and thus has to face the music, while Joseph Muscat can be just an armchair critic in opposition.

    The only thing they have in common is the name of their party.

  3. Isa says:

    I guess this comes after Obama ‘wrote’ to Muscat to congratulate him on his election as leader of the opposition.

  4. mat555 says:

    Daphne et al,

    Could you kindly explain to me the strategy of the parties fielding 12 vs 10 candidates. I did not get the reasoning behind this. At first I thought that the party with the 12 candidates strategy is better positioned. On the other hand I read that the party with the 10 candidates had the better strategy and now this. I would be very appreciative if someone could explain this to me

    I just need the reasoning behind the strategy and not why party ‘A’ got more votes than party ‘B’.

    [Daphne – Parties are free to field as many candidates as they please. There’s no strategy to it.]

    • mat555 says:

      Grazzi tal-kumment imma difficli biex nifhimha din! forsi iblah – ma nafx. imma zgur li kien hemm xi tip ta ragunament wara dan kollu.

  5. Rita Camilleri says:

    U ejja, vera? Ara vera m’ghandhom x’jaghmlu dawn in-nies.

  6. Jo says:

    Hi, nothing to do with the elections. At the moment RAI 3 is broadcasting a programme for children titled “Il Gran Concerto”. Its aim is to make children appreciate classical music. Just watch and enjoy.


    • john says:

      Quick – tell Lou Bondi – he might just learn something, even though I suspect it’s beyond him.

  7. eric says:

    Just a note to tell you that this Eric is not me!

  8. jomar42 says:

    I don’t think that mathematically it makes much difference how many candidates run for the same party.

    What counts is the number of votes for that particular party and even at that ,one has to consider some cross-party voting.

    But assuming there was no cross voting, our system in any case allows for excess (over the quota) votes to cascade on to the next (#2 preference) and so on and so forth.

    Strategy has very little if at all, to do with the number of contestants.

  9. Mandy Mallia says:

    X’misthija ta’ nies!

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    How many viewers must have wondered who on earth is Joseph Muscat?

  11. kev says:

    Leave the elves in peace, Daphne. They’re still recuperating from the tremendous task of having to phone thousands of voters telling them who to give the 1, 2 and 3, interchanging A, B, C and D until they were so dizzy they sometimes forgot to tell them that F and O should be given the 11 and the 12. A great feat to say the least. GonziPN has never been so smart.

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