Who does he think he’s fooling (apart from the bulk of the electorate)?

Published: March 14, 2013 at 9:27pm
Oh look, the evil click: Prime Minister Muscat  with his dog-jocket head of government communications, Kurt Farrugia, and his millionaire chief of staff Keith Schembri, who's got The Times by the balls because they owe him so much money (centre)

Oh look, the evil click: Prime Minister Muscat with his dog-jocket head of government communications, Kurt Farrugia, and his millionaire chief of staff Keith Schembri, who’s got The Times by the balls because they owe him so much money (centre)

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat visited Dar Malta in Brussels today and said that he expects those who work there to be loyal to the government and that those who don’t feel comfortable will have other arrangements made for them.

He also said that he will be keeping on the Perm Rep, Marlene Bonnici.

People said:

1. it’s because he has no options to replace her;

2. wow, how jolly decent of him.

Well, the real reason he’s keeping her on is that she is a staunch, lifelong Labour supporter. The mistake you might have made is in thinking that because she was appointed by the last government, that she is a Nationalist or a ‘blue-eyed girl’.

She’s anything but.

And that shows you how bloody dishonest the Labour Party was in selling the message that Malta belonged to a klikka and that under him it would be Malta taghna lkoll.

The opposite is true.

Apparently the pep-talk he gave them at Dar Malta was a dreadful, mangled mix of Maltese and English. If this man wants to be taken seriously, he has to learn how to speak clearly under pressure in either language while keeping them separate.

If I can do it (vide video of my arrest last Friday night), he can at least give it a bit of an effort himself, given that he is now the prime minister.

Unfortunately, the man is inarticulate in two languages.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Omg says:

    Part of the cabinet on http://m.tvm.com.mt/

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      What we know for sure is that YOU DID NOT MANAGE TO FOOL ANYBODY, except your usual adoring commentators here !

      • TinaB says:

        What are you doing here then, Privitera?

        It is very simple, if you do not like it, do not read – the fact that you and your ilk, do not only read the articles on Daphne’s blog but comment as well goes to show that you actually cannot stay away.

        That makes you an adoring commentator too, Eddy.

      • mattie says:

        Haw Edd,

        Mela ghadek tibbloggja? Mur ifrah ftit, kellkom rebha bhal dik, x’qed taghmel id-dar quddiem il-kompjuter?

        Ara vera Daph tat cans lil kulhadd!

  2. concerned citizen says:

    He’s a foshermocker.

  3. Beingpressed says:

    Just the Times?

    • Matthew S says:

      The Times is becoming increasingly ridiculous.

      This morning Bertrand Borg (who’s he?) described the new cabinet as ‘very fresh-faced’. Then he justified his argument by writing about Leo Brincat, Karmenu Vella, Edward Scicluna, Manuel Mallia, George Vella, Evarist Bartolo and the rest of the merry men.

      I know Manuel Mallia’s face looks a bit like a baby’s bottom but only someone with a severe case of cataracts can call this cabinet fresh faced.

      If this cabinet is fresh faced, then I’m Spider Man.

      P.S People in their 60s becoming cabinet members for the first time don’t count as fresh faced. Rest assured they have been around the political merry-go-round in one way or another more than a couple of times.

      • P Shaw says:

        Bertrand Borg = ex-Orizzont. Enough said

      • B Borg says:

        I’m he.

        Quite a few oldies but also 8 members who have never sat in parliament before. It’s a glass half full/half empty sort of thing, and as you yourself say, I highlighted each of the long-standing PL members in there. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

        [Daphne – I think all this pivots on your erroneous use of the descriptor ‘fresh-faced’, Bertrand. ‘Fresh-faced’ does not mean new faces. It means young faces. The new faces you listed are anything but young. Nor, for that matter, are they new. This is the first time Louis Grech has a seat in our parliament, but that doesn’t make him new. He’s been active in the Labour Party since the 1960s and was handpicked by Mintoff for a job at Air Malta in the early 1970s.]

        And Mr/Ms P Shaw would do well to get their facts straight before carelessly besmirching people’s reputations. I have never had anything to do with L-Orizzont.

        For full disclosure, back when I was 19 or so I wrote a monthly piece for Maltastar about foreign affairs (as did other colleagues at the University paper at the time). I didn’t get paid for it, I was just excited about getting my name into print.

        It was quite difficult, but I remember squeezing rabidly pro-Labour statements into pieces about George Bush, famine in Malawi and papal statements about Islam, among others.

        And perhaps I should make it clear, for the P Shaws of the world, that that last paragraph was sarcastic.

        [Daphne – Well, Bertrand, the problem there is that the medium is the message. The fact that you wrote for Maltastar, even if free of charge, will just keep coming up in your CV, tainting everything that comes afterward, however unfairly, at least for the next few years. But then it will become irrelevant eventually.]

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    With this little piece of shit smarming around Brussels, we are truly and royally fucked, the laughing stock of the EU.

  5. ken il malti says:

    Kurt looks so coconutty !

  6. Peter Grech says:

    And what is with them all wearing blue ties..can’t understand.

    [Daphne – Oh you know, he embraces men with enthusiasm, in that all guys together way, but goes rigid (in the wrong place) when his wife attempts the same thing.]

  7. Dez says:

    Preyed on me, but never succeeded in fooling me. I’m proud to be part of a minority .

  8. philip camilleri says:

    Read The Independent. Forget The Times.

  9. canon says:

    Have you seen the way Joseph Muscat embraced Martin Schutz? Are they blood brothers?

  10. Pitravu says:

    I can’t help feeling that what he actually says in the nice pep talk is that you either you do as you are told or else.

    He’s making it sound like all the government employees are Nationalist and should be warned to do their job.

    I think it’s the excuse in the making that if LP don’t succeed in government guess who would get part of the blame?

  11. VICTOR says:

    We changed a winning horse for a lame donkey.

    • observer says:

      At least real (not metaphorical) lame donkeys do deserve some sympathy – and a rest home.

    • maria says:

      Too late now to be sorry for certain peoples’ actions. it is indeed a shame that there were people who perhaps because didn’t get a promotion, or anything they deemed theirs by right, did not vote PN. See with whom we are lumbered now.

  12. gejnasew says:

    One other shining example of how PN treated hard-line socialists is by promoting a guy to become chief of the army and then when his time in uniform was up they made him chief of the control tower at the airport.

  13. bookworm says:

    He actually told the staff that, ‘it’s bizniss as usual, owkej’.

  14. ghadni nazjunalist u kburiii says:


  15. Ganni Xewki says:

    Why are the two K boys separating Michelle from her Prime Minister husband in that way?

    She does not look very comfortable behind them with one K holding his hand and the other K hugging him whilst giving her his millionaire backside.

  16. Hannah says:

    We stopped buying The Times and have switched to The Malta Independent.

  17. Manuel says:

    And finally, The Times had woken up. It considers this cabinet as the most expensive in parliamentary history. it took it 48 hours to realise this, when the Peppis, the Cikkus and the Gannis on the street had already come to this conclusion.

  18. Pontius the Pilot says:

    @Eddy Privitera

    I now realize to whom Delboy,of ‘Only Fools and Horses’ fame refers when he says “WHAT A PLONKER!”.

    If only you had the IQ required to know what I am talking about.

    What helps me get along in these desperate times is the fact that at your age someone like you wished you had the satisfaction of having the government of your liking much earlier.

    I would have thought that spending almost a quarter of a century in limbo and spewing venom on a daily basis would have softened you, but somehow I was mistaken.

    However with you now, it’s like having the most beautiful woman in the world and realizing that you just replaced her with an old hag.

    However at my age I hope I will be able to see a new NP government in office in the future.

    In footballing terms, it was high time that the NP gave a lower division team a walkover. At least it will give people like you something to smile about before your your candle blows out. Enough said.

  19. Daphneshouldgetherfactsright says:

    Mrs.Caruana Galizia,
    Could it have ever occur to you in that biased mind of yours, that they maybe kept Mrs. Bonnici because of her brilliant brains and great knowledge. After all, Mrs. Bonnici is a career diplomat , and not a politician. You also have no proof as to if she is a stoned supporter of everyone, and, as you and I both know a great writer needs to base his evidence on proof, which, sadly, you are lacking a lot of. Also make sure that what you wright is true next time, and not just something a reader sends in, or something that you happen to find on the internet. It’s also not very catholic (or nice ) to say really bad things about people without them knowing. It only shows that you are a huge cowards, and envy their amazing career , whilst a twelve year old can wright better blogs than you !

    Hope this helps your awful writing next time!

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