I suppose we have to conclude that the government is made in the image of the majority of the electorate. And let’s face it…
March 14, 2013 at 11:04pm
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Irgiel koroh.
Baxxter, dan hu l-iktar gvern femminista ta’ Malta.
Ghalhekk. Qishom nisa butch. Mhemmx nitfa manliness, jew klassi, jew steel. U l-kretini ta’ Lowell, bis-surplus Wehrmacht Feldblusen u l-bagdes ridikoli taghhom, iqimuhom.
Baxxter, nahseb li Lowell id-DNA ta’ dan il-kabinett ser jibghat fuq rocket fl-ispazju bhala wirt universali.
Jekk nikkolonizzaw lil Mars b’dan ir-racanc, kwazi nkun nixtieq li jkollna riposte à la Iron Sky.
Dak Lowell huwa ghoqda bla tarf u bla sens. Irid aristokrazija biologika, irid l-Ubermann, imbaghad jappogja lil dawn il-qabda subhumans – f’kull sens, u ma naghmel l-ebda apologija. Nies li bilkemm jafu jitkelmu, jispellu, jimxu, jilbsu, jahsbu, li qishom cross bejn bougnoul, peasant Sqalli u pimp Lebaniz, ghandhom l-appogg tal-Imperium tal-aristokrazija.
Ma nafx. Ha nhallik, ciccio, ghax hawn zewg tfajliet qed jaghmlu survey u din mhux ta’ min nitlifha.
Where is the Cabinet Secretary?
Probably locked away in the cabinet.
Toni Abela has upgraded: from just two Teletubi puppets to a roomful of them.
EPIC. Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
If only that portrait of The Late Dr Giorgio Borg Olivier could speak, I am sure he is turning in his grave when he sees that lot in that respectable room.
I am tired of reading on Facebook about the 36,000 switchers.
The number of switchers was 18,000 or even less considering those who did not vote and those who voted AD.
If 18,000 people of those who voted PL, had voted PN instead, the 2 parties would have obtained approximately the same number of votes.
Keep harping about “if those 18,000…” and “if those 36,000…”, and Joseph Muscat will win the next election too.
For some reason or another, people were baying for blood. That explains the extent of the landslide… and the obvious pleasure many are deriving from it.
The quicker the Nationalist Party understands it, the better. Its exponents may find it unfair and confusing, which it is, but self-pity never did anyone any good.
The battle-lines are already being drawn and we may very well witnessing the start of a Nationalist fratricide that drags for years. The Party needs a new leader who gives it a more coherent direction and never repeats the mistakes of his predecessor.
The only mistake was reconciliation.
It’s going to be a tough road ahead with Arrigo taking on the JPO role. The party needs a good strategist again and someone who can pull everyone in the same direction.
Gakku, it is easier than that. With a seat difference of 9, who cares if it is 10 instead? Arrigo can sit in the middle.
Spot on, Baxxter. I think Eddie Fenech Adami didn’t realise that it won’t work.
18,000 would have created the same gap in reverse.
Toni Tubi doesn’t look all that happy. No rubber boobs around?
L-importanti li Malta taghna lkoll and the permanent secretaries (note the word permanent) had to resign by Tues, public entity directors by today and the requests were even made before the ministers were appointed !! So they surely won’t miss a day! Incredible!
The funny thing about the cabinet is that the old bunch were hidden throughout the whole campaign and now he popped them out!! Moviment progressiv !!
Gvern tal-biki!!
Can someone compute the cost of maintaining this heavily manned cabinet ?
In peanuts?
Is that an old people’s home?
It’s the cabinet of the Socajalisti Emeriti.
Chris Cardona’s answers regarding FDI, job creation and the economy were terribly lacking.
Not to worry, Joe Mizzi thinks he’ll strike oil. Again.
We did it! Now what?
That’s the 92 million Euro question!
“Now we are IN. Where is the emergency exit?”
They look rather confused and indecisive .