Comment of the afternoon

Published: March 15, 2013 at 2:09pm

Posted by H. P. Baxxter in response to a photograph of Muscat’s first cabinet meeting:

Jekk nikkolonizzaw lil Mars b’dan ir-racanc, kwazi nkun nixtieq li jkollna riposte à la Iron Sky.

Dak Lowell huwa ghoqda bla tarf u bla sens. Irid aristokrazija biologika, irid l-Ubermann, imbaghad jappogja lil dawn il-qabda subhumans – f’kull sens, u ma naghmel l-ebda apologija.

Nies li bilkemm jafu jitkelmu, jispellu, jimxu, jilbsu, jahsbu, li qishom cross bejn bougnoul, peasant Sqalli u pimp Lebaniz, ghandhom l-appogg tal-Imperium tal-aristokrazija.

first cabinet meeting

14 Comments Comment

  1. Danni_A says:

    ‘Gvern ta Injuranza Assoluta’

  2. Makjavel says:

    The knights of the round table complete with Merlin and the holy energy grail.

  3. Grosvenor says:

    Who’s Lowell ?

  4. Brian says:

    Dawk qeghdin xi elderly home?

  5. B Cool B Lejber says:

    Well, they do have one thing in common: they code-switch (I use the term very loosely) like there’s no tomorrow. Ghax aristokratici u puliti.

  6. Dejjem PN says:

    Irrid ihallas id-dejn tal-kampanja issa.

  7. Muza zghira says:

    Tibkilix, Argentina.
    Nilqghu fostna ‘l Eva Peron.
    Imma l-gdida iktar fina.
    Bl-ikbar hentbeg ta’ Vuitton.

    Kien xtrahula Joseph taghna
    (Maria Santa – kemm hu sabih).
    Kaxkar lil kulhadd ghal maghna
    Mhux ta’ b’xejn – taf x’daqqa fih?

    Ghalhekk Konrad ikun dejjem
    B’dak il-wicc ta’ cuc skantat.
    Tara ragel wiccu mzejjen
    Bil-fors thossok ecitat.

  8. AB says:

    From the looks of it, the new parliament design has to be slightly modified to include a POYC outlet.

    I would also throw in an outpatient ward, on-site GP and some elderly people care workers, it suddenly seems that the national finances are not in bad shape after all.

  9. Peppa says:

    Thank God for your posts and these comments. Ghada jaghlaq gimgha li l-poplu gharef Malti wahhlilna lil dak in-nofs nies. There has to be light at the end of this tunnel.

  10. Marlowe says:

    I think they look miserable because it has just dawned on them that binary opposition won’t get them far now, they actually have to start firing neurons.

  11. MojoMalti says:

    Thanks for that, Baxxter! We may be going down, but at least we’re going down laughing our butts off.

  12. ken il malti says:

    I think Mars had colonies and cities at one time and a big cataclysmic event planet wide seemed to have caused massive destruction and annihilation .

    Probably the Martian “bougnouls” won an election by accident and got to play with cool but dangerous weapons of mass destruction which they did not really understand and the result is what the rovers and satellites see today in Mars archeology, a planet in shambles and ruin.

    Here is a neat video about what looks like a town on Mars.
    The good stuff starts 30 to 33 minutes into the video.

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