
Published: March 16, 2013 at 1:51am

I never thought I’d actually want to promote a Eurovision Song Contest entry, but this is different.

56 Comments Comment

  1. The Phoenix says:

    Never cared much for Eurovision, but this song and video are so innocent and pure that they brought a tear to my eye.

    If it makes it or not is not so important. This song is just great

  2. Gordon says:

    Always liked it, catchy tune. Tal-widna

  3. Christian says:

    Loved it too. We just might have a winner on our hands this time round.

  4. manum says:

    A very sweet young refreshing song and an equally sweet romantic film. I love it .

  5. Ivan Attard says:

    Yep, the future IS in our hands. It is a matter of not letting it slip away.

  6. Helena Denaro says:

    Let s promote xx

  7. Patricia says:

    I never thought I would either. But there’s something about Gianluca that is truly captivating. And this video is fantastic. I’m actually looking forward to watching the concert this year!

  8. ron says:

    When I first saw it I thought it was some kind of butter advert.

  9. Artemis says:

    I agree with you Daphne. This is surprisingly very good. It’s fresh and modern and if it doesn’t win then there is no justice in the world.

  10. ian ciappara says:

    Totally agree – breath of fresh air – fantastic production – this guy is going places! I’m hooked on the tune.

  11. Taghna biss says:

    Go for it, Gianluca. You’ve got what it takes to make us proud. Thanks to you I’ve stopped humming Taghna lkoll, thank goodness.

  12. M. says:

    It’s a really sweet, catchy tune, with a very charismatic singer.

  13. anon says:

    Put up a picture of JPO in theorange trousers and one of Gianluca wearing a similar pair in the beginning thvis video and let us vote for who we think wears them best.

  14. Natalie Mallett says:

    Excellent. Thank you Daphne.

  15. Prue Freeder says:

    It’s such an irrepressibly catchy song, it’s difficult not to like, and this video really catches its spirit. It’s fantastic, although I really liked the interim one too, the one with the lyrics. Both very imaginatively done.

  16. Mary Anne says:

    Really fresh. I like it. Good luck Gianluca.

  17. Alex23 says:

    This is definitely different! It just puts a smile on your face.

    I love the video.

  18. pip says:

    I love it!!

  19. Ibs says:

    Heard of “soul sisters” by the group “train”?

    • David Thake says:

      Just because there is the same ukulele instrument in both songs does NOT make them similar.

      Have you heard them both side by side?

  20. Stingray says:

    The battle hymn of the Nationalist nerds.

    [Daphne – Well, it’s been years of Labour hamallagni, so you know what they say: TIME FOR A CHANGE.]

    • Stingray says:

      Does that include Claudette’s “Desire”?

    • Natalie says:

      We quite understand why you don’t like this song.

      As I’ve realised over the last year or so, Labour is not a political choice, it’s a culture.

    • Ian says:

      Shut up, Stingray – it’s a national entry for the European Song Contest. Politics have nothing to do with it.

      Enjoy the song or just ignore it and go listen to whatever you prefer.

      I’d like to see that not everything is brought into a political partisan level.

  21. caflisa says:

    Are those ORANGE TROUSERS? At least they look good on the young singer.

    What a sweet video.

  22. Hannah says:

    good luck, the song is very nice.

  23. Magsie says:

    I totally agree with you. I love this video. One word comes to mind, it is just so ‘sweet’. Its simplicity is such a refreshing contrast to the usual gaudy videos and performances we have had in the past.

  24. Pat says:

    The feeling of almost childlike innocence around this song brings to mind Dana’s song from 1970.

  25. peppi zepp says:

    Ghogbitni u originali … well done. Zomm bilhaqq, il-qalziet ta’ Gianluca jaqaw sellifulu Jeffrey Pullicinu Orlandu?

  26. Nadine Piscopo says:

    Something we agree on :)

  27. Andrea says:

    …and ‘delivered’ in perfect English.

  28. Petrovic says:

    Qisni diga rajtu dak il-jeans!

  29. Ivan Martin says:

    I know many people who work in IT, none of whom look or dress like that. I’m just saying.

  30. Frans Cassar says:

    I never thought I’d actually comment on a Eurovision song, but this is different. Nice and sweet, I like it.

  31. Last gasp says:

    In a perfect world, a potential winner.

  32. A. Muscat says:

    Yes you’re right, this is different!

  33. Matthew S says:

    Note to Jeffrey: THAT is the age when you can get away with wearing red trousers.

    I like this song. I’d never thought I’d say that about a song contesting the Eurovision festival.

    If it weren’t for the professional jury, this song wouldn’t have won. More proof if any were needed that the masses tend to make awful decisions.

  34. sunshine says:

    Absolutely fabulous! Well done to the whole team! and GOOD LUCK!

  35. TinaB says:

    I am not a Eurovision Song Contest fan but this song and video are absolutely fantastic, and yes I agree, for the first time ever Malta competes with something totally different.

    This year’s contestant seems to be such a happy-go-lucky and down to earth young man too.

    Good luck, Gianluca.

  36. pip says:

    Are you going to throw a Eurovision party, Daph?

    [Daphne – Yes, let’s, Pip. Your place or ours? For the first time, I’m interested.]

  37. Helene Asciak says:

    Well done to Gianluca and all the people involved. I like the song a lot and absolutely love the video.

  38. Mango says:

    Great song! Thank you Daphne I don’t usually follow the Eurovsion, but this song will do well.

  39. John Dingli says:

    The singer, song and video aren’t simply good; they’re really VERY good. Brilliant… well, to me, anyway.

  40. Glenda DG says:

    It has a winning tune. Good luck.

  41. Paul Bonnici says:

    I agree with you Daphne, but I doubt this song will be anywhere near the top 5 songs in the Eurovision, it is not tacky (hamalla) enough.

    I love the song though and I am not a music lover.

  42. Peppa says:

    Ara jekk jirbah il-Eurovision Gianluca kemm se jghidu li bis-sahha tal-prim taghna lkoll. What de hack, I’m still watching and wish that gorgeous boy the very best.

  43. AE says:

    Well I hope Gianluca doesn’t let the PL hijack his song too as they did with last year’s Eurovision’s winners.

  44. AE says:

    Daphne – just a thought is it technically possible that if one were to make a comment under one of your posts that your site would then send in further comments made under that same post to that commentator’s email?

    Like that we can follow on posts of particular interest rather than having to go back time and time again to see if there are any other comments. Not sure if this is a valid suggestion but thought I’d mention it.

    [Daphne – Not possible, no.]

  45. Gahan says:

    The singer is a doctor, the lyrics writer has an MA in English from a British university, and Boris is a Serbian musician who has been living in Malta for the last 25 years(?).

    You’re listening to QUALITY.

  46. enzo gusman says:

    Great , catchy , feelgood song ! All the very best wishes Gianluca!

    • Gahan says:

      When Enzo Gusman won the Malta Song Contest, he wasn’t sent to represent us in the Eurovision Song Contest.


      [Daphne – That comment was from the real Enzo Gusman.]

  47. EmmBB says:

    Finally you have a post that I like and agree with!! Lovely song and singer.

  48. Pat Zahra says:

    I loved the contrast between him and the other contestants. A hall full of hysterical, hyperventilating prima donnas – and that’s just the men – and he trots in from his shift at hospital, picks up the mike and wipes the floor with them all. Nice.

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