Jason wants Anton Attard’s job – ghax issa Malta tal-Laburisti biss
Jason Micallef, who wasn’t elected despite his fantastic video telling us that he is a Laburist ta’ veru, and all those parties riddled with Natius Farrugia and various fey and fussy Eurovision singers, is calling for the heads of PBS’s CEO, Anton Attard, and head of news, Natalino Fenech.
These “ARCH-NATIONALISTS” can’t be allowed to retain their positions at PBS, he said on his – where else? – Facebook wall. They must be got rid of so that “PBS can be returned to the people”.
Nobody who lived through socialist times hears that kind of phrase without a shiver of dread. Returning stuff to the people was always about the socialists seizing it for their own ends.
The last Labour government before Sant’s even had a MINISTER FOR PEOPLE’S INDUSTRIES. The man who held that particular portfolio was Philip Muscat, uncle of the unbiased-and-independent internet commentator Josanne Cassar.
The real reason Jason wants Anton Attard out, of course, is that he wants his job for himself. We’ll just have to see how far he is prepared to go with that notorious leverage of his – whatever he has over Muscat has worked so far – in getting what he wants.
I’m really not surprised he wasn’t elected. Whether accurately or not, he was widely viewed as having helped pile on the pressure to have Anglu Farrugia knifed, given that he was his main contender on the Mosta district. Farrugia’s constituents wouldn’t have taken that kindly, and the last thing they would have done is transfer their support to Jason.
Also, it was quite obvious that Joseph Muscat didn’t want him elected – after all, he didn’t even want him to stand, and had originally secured his agreement on that, which Jason reneged on soon after.
The Labour Party works differently to the Nationalist Party – once you have a whispering campaign against a particular Labour candidate, that the leader doesn’t want him elected or something along those lines, the candidate is finished.
It would have been blackly amusing, though, to see this humourless and vengeful version of Blackadder superimposed on the already tragic constituent parts of the extensive cabinet. I would have paid a lot of money to hide behind the curtains on a Tuesday morning and listen to Jason Micallef run the show, throwing bitchy remarks to rival the prime minister’s at everyone who dares cross him.
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Are the police going to charge the Mayor?
Ibqa ohlom Daphne. Ghandek tal-inqas 10 snin ! Tiftakar meta ktibt dwar Tony Agius Decelis , u kont iddiskrivejtu “rubbish” ? Gieb fuq 3,300 vot fl-ewwl ghadd ! Kemm tahseb li kont iggib int kieku hrigt mal-PN ?
Mela dak li Gonzi kien qal li hu IRRILEVANTI sar aktar rilevanti minn Gonzi stess. Ghax issa gie mahtur KUMMUISSARJU GHAL-LIGIJIET !
Jason is now rabid at not having been elected. So he is starting to throw tantrums and is trying to push his weight around.
The question still remains however, as to what the source of that weight really is.
Will dearest Jason disprove the theories that he will be Joseph’s Achilles’ heel eventually?
Will dearest Jason (once appointed head of PBS) have the scruples to go the full length of ultimately being subservient to the party once more in the form of broadcaster, serving the Labour Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries he so wished to be peers with?
C’e’ qualcosa che mi dice no.
If certain rumours are true, he has quite a lot of pain to get off his chest and get his own back.
U kemm se ddumu ssemmu l-Jason Micallef . Possibbli temmnu li Dr. Muscat se jaghmel zball billi jikkopja x’ghamiltu inthom bil-hatriet POLITICI fil-PBS ?
Banali bhas-soltu Daphne!
Banali? Hekk tahseb, Sur Spiteri? Issa naraw u iz-zmien jaghtina parir.
Banali = bla argument. Spjegalna kif dan huwa argument banali Christian hi? Tipika ta’ injorant Laburist li fejn jara li ma jistax jirbah jibda jghajjar.
I know of quite a number of PN police officers who said they were voting Labour to finally see a new chief. It was the only way to achieve that, they argued. Jahasra.
I wonder what’s taking Joseph so long to appoint whoever he wants to appoint wherever. Didn’t he say he was hitting the ground running as soon as he got into his Castille office?
He’s still trying to remember what he promised to whom and what positions to invent to keep vying contestants for the same posts happy.
He hasn’t even sorted out his office-spaces woes at Castille yet! So much for hitting the ground running.
The PL and Jason Micallef are following the example of their great friend Muammar Gaddafi who also gave Libya back to the Libyan people in 1969 and named it Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
That was back in 1977 and not 1969. In any case you made a good point here! Prosit
I wasn’t surprised at all that Jason wasn’t elected, in Mosta he’s only really popular with his family and, maybe, his wife’s family.
Minn Super One ghall-istazzjon nazzjonali? Porkerija.
Nice close – “Dan hu Jason Micallef”
Who talks of himself in the third person?
He who would pronounce the above as “turd person”, I would guess
This is a switchers NIGHTMARE.
And here is the Pl’s Golden Boy: I told you a couple of days ago that he is waiting for his “promotion”. Here it is
Jason Micallef must be thinking that, if James Piscopo, who served as CEO of the Malta Labour Party – a position created to replace the post of Secretary General which was lost occupied by Jason himself – has now been politically appointed as CEO of Transport Malta, then there is no reason why he should not be politically appointed as CEO of PBS.
Joseph Muscat must be scared shitless every time Jason throws a tantrum. Muscat will have to invent a position for Jason if he doesn’t have one.
Looks like we have five years of mob rule ahead of us. I’m praying they fuck up so badly it won’t last longer than necessary for people to wake up from their sleep.
Ghalxejn dak il-biki, ghax HALLEWK l-art, silga.
Bqajt l-art Jason. Iva possibbli qatt ma ndunajt li kien hemm klikka minn ta’ gewwa tahdem kontra tieghek.
Jason nesa li issa ma hemx zijuh (ministru) biex jimbuttah