The DOI’s website has become rather a lot of fun these days
March 25, 2013 at 5:51pm
Oh, look – here’s the regatta team sponsored by the prime minister’s chief of staff, Keith Allen Schembri. Cute.
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The rower with the tattoo is not much of an athlete.
Why don’t you come and try it out Mr.Attard? The next race is in 5 months time. You’ll have a lot of time to practice, or you shouldn’t, cause you’ll an ‘athlete’ already!!
Maltese to the last: Oxford crews on Cambridge boats.
Fader Christmas Herrera’s giving out gifts.
‘He said he hoped the change would be introduced into law by November 20 as the administration’s gift to local councils on the 20th anniversary of their founding.’
Fir-regatta ta’ jum Il-helsien kien hemm iktar qaddiefa milli spettaturi.
Fic-cerimonja ta’ quddiem il-presepju bil-latrina tahtu kien hemm iktar pulizija u suldati jimmarcjaw milli nies iharsu.
Veru kaz ta’ ” Viva l-Vakanza ta’ Jum Il-Helsien” tintona fuq l-innu ta’ Mikis Theodorakis hymn for Malta!
Tant kemm inhobbu din il-festa li kulhadd jaf dan l-innu!
Ma baqalkomx fuq xiex tikkumentaw hux? Mela lanqas sponsor lil klabb tar-regatta ta pajjizu Keith Schembri ma jista jaghti, Defni. Kif spiccajt wahdek, lill kullhadd dejjaqt bi kliemek, regghu arrestawk minn wara l-elezzjoni?
Mur inheba ghax m inti’x ta quddiem in-nies.
Hahahahaahha Irangak Ignatius, stiednek biex tmur fuq programm ta, jmissek tmur, imma lilek hadd mhu se jintriga bik fuq programm tat-T.V
Iktar int, qieghed hawn. Mur oqghod aqra t-Times u l-MaltaToday. Tiehu iktar gost.
U l-blog ta’ Franco?
Xi wiehed bhalek imma. Ahna li ghandna ftit intelligenza niehdu gost nagraw dak li tikteb Daphne ghax taf xi tghid. U bhal l-injoranti kollha tahseb li ghax tiktbu isimha hazin se tnaqsilha xi haga. Ahjar tmur tinheba int.
jew tmur x`imkien iehor billi tbiddel ix-x mal-b .
Ramon, ma tantx spiccat wahedha Daphne..
Ahna fuq kollox nikkummentaw, Ramon, ghax ahna inteligenti. Ejja int ukoll fis-salon ta’ Madame Daphné u hoss l-IQ tiela’.
Kemm inti tan-nejk, Ramon.
Can’t find it. Have they taken it down already?
Perhaps they should be reading the newspapers rather than watching the races. Unless Muscat still thinks we should follow Cyprus.
“It means deal with it before you get in trouble. Strengthen your banks, fix your balance sheets and realise that if a bank gets in trouble, the response will no longer automatically be that we’ll come and take away your problem. We’re going to push them back. That’s the first response we need. Push them back. You deal with them.”
Nixtieq nigbed attenzjoni li KASCO sar parti mill-hafna sponsors tal-klabb taghna REGATTA BORMLA, min qabel l-elezzjoni generali, tant li l-ftehim sar qabel dicembru u fil-website tal-klabb thabbar fit-12 ta’ Dicembru 2012.
Dan jista jarah kullhadd fuq – jien bhala sapporters nghid grazzi lill-isponsors kollha li jaghtu ghajnuna lill-klabb regatta bormla