The Culture Secretary who hasn’t got a clue (what was that Kenneth told us about Labour being better informed?)

Published: March 27, 2013 at 6:39pm
The parliamentary secretary for culture, Jose Herrera

The parliamentary secretary for culture, Jose Herrera reports:

Advisory group to review cultural sector

The government is to set up a cultural policy advisory group to review the cultural sector, Parliamentary Secretary Jose Herrera said.


This would take place in the warm-up to Malta’s cultural capital title in 2018. Dr Herrera said he had just been informed that the cultural capital title did not encompass just Valletta, but other localities.

For crying out loud, even I knew that.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel says:

    Here’s Kenneth’s chance, at last. Probably he will be invited to form part of this board. Kenneth is in, for sure.

    He will illuminitate the board with his pseudo ideas on art, roofed theatres and with other such crap. This is his chance to get promoted by the Gvern tal-Labour without him being labelled as being a Laburist.

  2. rowena smith says:

    Cultural my foot!

  3. maryanne says:

    It’s all Manuel’s fault.

  4. maws says:

    this photo calls for a competition …

  5. N.L. says:

    Kieku tkun taf x`inhu xogholu, dak li ghandu il-flokk ta` cingi, ibqa zgur li ma giebx aktar dak ir-ritratt. X`biza ! It-tpingija taghti ndikazzjoni ghax il-fjuri u s-slaleb huma parti ntegrali mix-xoghol tieghu gewwa Rahal il-Gdid.

  6. observer says:

    Qishom xi tnejn fis-sakra jiggieldu waqt il-marc ta’ filghodu f’xi festa.

  7. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Who’ll take bets that this will be Kenneth’s and Frederick’s compensation?

  8. Mallia says:

    Any bets Zammit Tabona’s payday is around the corner?

    • maryanne says:

      Joseph’s headache is not yet over. This morning Michael Falzon was elected to parliament.

      Joseph has found himself in the same place like Lawrence Gonzi. He will have problems with the back-benchers unless he continues to invent commissions and commissioners to keep them quiet.

  9. Calculator says:

    I can only imagine what sort of culture Labour wants to promote. I suppose, knowing them, it will be nothing which is European.

  10. L.G says:

    U le. That’s KZT’s second cousin once removed. He’s telling the Minister “tinsiex il-Kugin gbin”.

  11. Gahan says:

    Meta Jose’ se jaghmlilna kompetizzjoni tal-isbah bicca tpingija?Kullhadd herqan jistenna dan l-avveniment uniku.

    Kieku naghmel hafna kategoriji:

    Dawk tal-intimu ( xi zewg zringijiet jaqbzu ghal go xi toqba)

    Tal-ispalla ( Xi serp ma kuruna tar-ruzarju)

    Tad-dirghajn (Mara tal-hawaj li tizfen mac-caqliq tal-id) )

    U ta’ fuq id-dahar (Xi ajkla ‘Amerikuna’)

    Sub -Kategoriji:

    Religjuzi (xi wicc tar-redentur)

    Navali (m’ghandiex x’taqsam maz-zokkra)

    Kitba Asjatika (li hadd ma jaf ezatt xi tfisser)

    Politici (Xi wicc tal-Perit jew it-torca)

    Erotici (mara b’sidirha barra)

    Ismijiet ( l-isem tat-tfajla miktub fuq l-isem tal-eks-mara)

    Premju jinghata laser treatment biex titnehha xi bicca li m’ghadiex tintoghgob. Eh kif qal Dr Herrera ; il-kultura m’hix dik biss tat-tejatru izda hemm kultura popolari li ghadna ma’ skoprejniex.

  12. old-timer says:

    Zammit Tabona, now does not need to worry about the sale of his so-called paintings. The place he will be given by Joseph will cover quite a bit of what he is wishing for. To hell with art and culture. A Mercedes and a good salary will be in order

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