How on earth is Anglu Farrugia’s tangled mind going to find its way through this?

Published: March 28, 2013 at 9:57am

Erskine May

If you have ever seen anything the new Speaker of the House has written, if you have ever heard him argue or debate, you will know that this is going to be impossible.

There’s a link below to a short BBC video you might like to watch.

58 Comments Comment

    • ciccio says:

      Finding one’s way through 1,000 pages of an essay-like book.

      This is going to be an elephant, err, mammoth tuks for Mr. Skipper.

      • clifton says:

        Maybe he will be wired and receive instructions like the Super One journalists who attended the PN press conferences.

      • Fermina Daza says:

        You’re wicked, ciccio!

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ordure! Ordure!

      • Erskine il-baruni says:

        U le ciccio, tghid mhux ser joqghod iqalleb il-pagni. Daz-zmien kollox elektronik u facli. Tittajpja l-kelma u taghfas is-serc. Jekk ma tinqediex hemm l-F1 ghall-ajjut. Or just toss a bloody coin. L-importanti li kollox ikun on the rekord.

      • Len says:

        Come on Ciccio, we don’t have to quote Erkjin Mej. At least not under the new goverment, not anymore.

        If he can speak he can make a good speaker, that how it works. The speaker speaks and all goes on the recort.

        Erskine May for next month’s parliament is like quoting the bible to gympanzees.

      • ciccio says:

        Actually, there are some good ideas in the comments above. might provide (former?) Inspector Gadget with a tablet and an electronic version of the ‘May’. After all his level of political articulation is on a par with a year 4 student (this probably being the real reason he was kicked out of the Labour party in December 2012)

    • Rover says:

      Bazwar wahda hawn, bazwar wahda hemm.

      U iva mhux xorta.

  1. botom says:

    Unfortunately a lot of people are taking this appointment lightly. The real problem is not that Joseph Muscat chose one of his cronies as Speaker. That was expected. The real problem is that this guy is incompetent for the post.

    Being a speaker is a very high profile position. I just cannot imagine him meeting foreign dignitaries with his terrible English pronunciation and his difficulty to construct a simple sentence. This is serious business; he will be representing our Parliament abroad. What a humiliation.

    • La Redoute says:

      Humiliation is the least of our problems. A speaker’s job is to maintain order in the house. But first he has to understand it.

  2. ciccio says:

    While Anglu Farrugia finds his way around the Skinny May (which, at 1000 pages, is not so ‘skinny’), I recommend that your readers should read your article in today’s The Malta Independent, which is an excellent piece of clear and logical thinking.

  3. frank says:

    It was managed by a plasterer why can’t it be managed by an eks kop? Give him a thumbs up and let him sort it out. And prepare to be bemused.

  4. E-gi says:

    He will solve the problem and communicate all to the MPs by asking them to look into his eyes.

  5. Vanni says:

    We can all get an answer to that question, if someone manages to trace a clip of Kalcidon Agius’s “Order, Order …… Iwa h… ghal m…., Order!”

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Mind, he was top notch at laying out drains or unclogging them. Just not fit to be speaker. But this is Malta, where kullhadd ghandu l-valur tieghu, ma narmu lil hadd, kullhadd ghandu dritt isemma’ lehnu bla bla bladibla xarabank oeo.

  6. paleblue my foot! says:

    Anglu is greatly underestimating what he`s getting into. His befuddled mind thinks it`s a cushy walk in the park, consisting of posing and seeing whose turn it is to speak, having a chauffeur and turning up at state functions (where he will most certainly make a fool of himself). He`s got a big shock coming.

  7. Min Jaf says:

    Not to worry. No ploblem. Mhux ktieb. It’s all on-the-rekort.

  8. Felicity says:

    Erskine May

    like Erskine, Anglu MAY try
    but, alas, he can not go beyond.

  9. Manuel says:

    And still no reaction from the PN. Wake up PN and challenge this “appointment”. Article 59 (1) of the Constitution of Malta states:

    “When the House of Representatives first meets after
    any general election and before it proceeds to the despatch of any other business, it shall elect a person to be the Speaker of the House; and if the office of Speaker falls vacant at any time before the next dissolution of Parliament, the House shall, as soon as
    practicable, elect another person to that office.

    (2) The Speaker may be elected either –
    (a) from among persons who are members of the House of
    Representatives, but are not Ministers or
    Parliamentary Secretaries, or
    (b) from among persons who are not members of the
    House of Representatives and are qualified for election
    as members thereof.”

    It clearly states that Parliament shall elect the Speaker and not the PM. This implies that The PM proposes a person after consulting with the Leader of the Opposition.

    The PN is still under shock and this dictatorial decision made by a PM who only knows school-class politics should bring the PN to its senses! Challenge it, for crying out loud!!

  10. Karl Flores says:

    Fih stampi dak, Daphne, please?

  11. matt says:

    With 9-seat majority, and an Opposition in shambles a highly qualified Speaker is hardly needed in parliament now.

  12. Allo Allo says:

    Probably like many others in senior positions – by relying on their technical staff.

  13. Ramona says:

    No, you have it all wrong Daphne. Haven’t you noticex that their modus operandi is to disregard and rewrite any conventions/codes of ethics they don’t like? Farrugia will simply make up new parliamentary practice as he goes along.

    We’ll be the pride of parliamentary democracy worldwide.

    Erskine May zurilna min-nofs.

  14. edgar says:

    If you have ever heard Anglu Farrugia argue or debate, you will know that it is going to be impossible.

    These are not only your words Daphne, but Joseph’s too when everyone knows that was the reason why he was shot in the head six times and then kicked out from the Deputy Leader position.

  15. Mallia says:

    Daphne, I’m surprised you asked this question when the answer is so bloody obvious! He’ll do an Herrera and form some sort of committee to see him through.

  16. Zunzana says:

    @ 03.57 ‘lawyers like Erskine May and they get to know it quite well’. Anglu has his LLD so he should be well acquainted with May.

    Anyway, Erskine May parliamentary procedures will soon be replaced by Franco Debono, so what the…hack.

  17. canon says:

    Perhaps the new Speaker will discard Erskine May and will introduce Anglu Farrugia Parliamentary Practice.

  18. Joseph Muscat's Meritocracy says:

    Poor Anglu. He’s just returned from the Fuckland Islands and now he has to deal with the Eksrine May.

  19. etil says:

    Read: shut up the PN supporters.

  20. Nighthawk says:

    Applying Labour’s pre-election virgin white standards, shouldn’t he now be resigning his post?

  21. Liberal says:

    I think he’s more familiar with this green book:

  22. Makjavel says:

    Spin the bottle, maybe.

  23. silverbug says:

    no, no, no…it’s the turnip!

  24. Wilson says:


  25. Natalie Mallett says:

    He will not need to learn from Erskine May. Mein Kampf is going to be the book to follow.

  26. anon says:

    Are Court Appointed Architects considered to be ‘positions of trust’ as I heard that they were asked to resign as well.

  27. Last Post says:

    Listening to the news about the new ministers, PS, and other government officials’ visits and speeches I can’t help thinking what a bunch of amateurs, fools and charlatans most of them are.

    Hearing them sounds like they’re rebuilding Malta from scratch. JM is another kettle of fish: he says one thing today and surely he’ll mean and do the opposite tomorrow. Talk of the evil clique.

  28. Alf says:

    The original title is “Erskine May’s Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament”. Quite a mouthful (or a handful) for l-ex Spettur Anglu tat-Tuks Fors.

  29. Zeppi says:

    A classical case of fools rushing in, where angels fear to tread.

  30. Censu says:

    Oh! Come on, Daph! Give us Laburisti a break! Anglu can always ask for help from the one who helped him with his doctorate thesis!

  31. maltawarrior says:

    On another debt being paid:

    Why aren’t I surprised?

  32. Helen says:

    There Daphne, your wish list is complete: Joe Debono Grech, Lucky Luciano and the rest. God help us.

  33. Adam says:

    They are employing incompetent people in top government posts and then paying consultants to do the job for them. Hopefully someone will publish the consultancy fees being paid.

  34. anthony says:

    Anglu will be fine.

    After all the semi-literate ‘haqq al marija madonna’ plasterer managed.

    Anyone who thinks that our house is anything like the Commons is dreaming. A few visits to that august institution when sitting will suffice to show that really and honestly we are very much a third world country.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Absolutely. Including the horrible architecture, the ghastly suits, the terrible body postures, the abysmal language skills, the haircuts, the PQs, everything.

      Please, Britain, take us back. We don’t deserve independence.

  35. bob-a-job says:

    A link you may like – Malta’s Erskine May

    Meanwhile Shitty Shitty Bang Bang is now our new speaker…..nice!

  36. Majsi says:

    Ghal Anglu l-aqwa li diehla r-renta mill-paga ta’ Speaker. U forsi ghall-‘mummy’ tieghu, almenu qed jiehu xi haga lura wara dawk is-snin kollha fil-politika (… u jdahhak in-nies bih)

  37. freefalling says:

    The man can barely speak English let alone read the language – a clumsy, jealous and spiteful individual with a carer of mishaps throughout his political career.

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