Malta becomes even more Taghna Lkoll

Published: March 28, 2013 at 8:21pm
The new chairman of Enemalta, Charles Mangion, with the prime minister's chief of staff, Keith Allen Schembri tal-Kasco

The new chairman of Enemalta, Charles Mangion, with the prime minister’s chief of staff, Keith Allen Schembri tal-Kasco

So more news today from the Malta Taghna Lkoll front.

Charles Mangion is the new Enemalta chairman (because he was cut out of the running in today casual elections, and needed compensating). I have it on good authority that he was offered the chairmanship of Air Malta but turned it down, saying that he didn’t want those sorts of problems and could he have something less taxing, please. Less taxing – Enemalta? Well, maybe he sees opportunities there that might not exist at Air Malta.

And that slimey teachers’ union man, John Bencini, is slated for chairman of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development, replacing Sonny Portelli. The MCESD has an advisory role to the government “on matters of economic and social relevance”, and serves as a catalyst between the government and social partners.

And in other news, today’s casual elections have given us five thrilling Labour MPs: Joe Debono Grech, aged 76 (he will be 81 when this term is up), that cabbage Luciano Busuttil, hunting-and-fireworks man Michael Falzon, Deborah tad-Divorzju, and Chris Agius.

But let us thank the heavens for small mercies: Yana Mintoff didn’t make it. Sometimes, even daddy’s name is not enough. Chris Agius beat her to it.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Frans Cassar says:

    All in all it as just another brick in the wall………..

  2. Gahan says:

    Is-siggu ta’ Debono Grech se jdum mill-Milied sa San Stiefnu ghax tehodulu bi dritt Claudette Buttigieg (Pace) kif x’aktarx se jigrilha l-Ghawdxija .

    Kif appena Bencini jaghmel mossa hazina fl-MCESD jivvutaw li ma’ jriduhx bhala chairman u johrog sparat iktar milli dahal.
    Xi dwejjaq ta’ bniedem!
    Kont hsibt li se jitla’ l-Labour u nehilsu minn hafna b’wicc il-qrusa, imma zbaljajt bl-ikrah.

    Bilhaqq, bilhaqq …rajtuh lil-Owen Bonnici fuq close up jiddibatti ma’ Beppe Fenech Adami? Jaf ma jinterrompix meta jrid!Beppe ikkoregieh xi darbtejn u Owen biddel diskorsu ‘ghax forsi inftiehem hazin’.
    L-interruzzjonijiet waqt il-programmi ta’ diskussjoni kienu intenzjonati biex il-verzjoni tal-PN ma tinstemax . Irnexxielom.

    Waqt li l-ministri jitqatlu fuq xogholhom , il-prim ministru mar ghal-btala l-Italja u behsiebu jigi lura nhar it-Tnejn.

  3. Majsi says:

    And just yesterday or the day before Konrad Mizzi bluffed on TV-AM that he is to assume both the role of minister and as chairman of Enemalta. He is that kind of idiot that persists with his dream of finding some gas plant that will allow lower electricity tariffs.

    With the tariffs they are proposing the gas plant will simply not cater for the daily gas (fuel) expenses which will continue to fluctuate and tend to rise, let alone to cover maintenance costs (rotating machinery will surely have a lot, especially if operating at high temperatures like turbines / boilers), and even less to cover the capital costs, etc.(let alone to pay interests on loans from banks, although curious which banks will be that mad to lend the money to such a project a complete failure from the start)

    • Maria Xriha says:

      Keith’s discussions with Gazprom and Sargas revolved around a plant installation contract similar to the one Kasco has with The Times. “Only” the gas supplied will have to be paid for.

  4. Min Jaf says:

    Yana Mintoff for Air Malta chairman, then?

  5. rjc says:

    Mr DNA himself.

  6. Jozef says:

    John Bencini doesn’t even know what an interface is, let alone what technology can do for this country’s social and economic development.

    These individuals have no place in today’s world. It’s cutting edge out there, and when this idiot resorts to his notorious one-sided perspective, any advantage gained painstakingly over the years is lost.

    What does this man know about post-industrial clustering, research and development? Bencini will be more concerned about ‘his’ public servants than their profit.

    It was bad enough dismantling the ministerial portfolios, which, if I may, was the secret to Malta’s success and Gonzi’s (yes him) vision. With those ministeries and the resulting synergies, Muscat has a tough act to beat.

    Basically, what Tonio Fenech, Austin Gatt and then Jason Azzopardi managed together will have to be bettered by at least six different Labour ministers.

    Getting someone so anodyne, I say slow, to develop Malta’s spinal cord, a role so crucial to develop the knowhow required by those dynamics, is akin to dismantling the architecture that worked so well.

    Imagine Cardona, Scicluna, Bartolo, JPO, Musumeci, Bencini, Zahra of the MHRA and Kenneth Zammit Tabona trying to make Malta work. To each his own, the country left to a slow entropy.

    Or better, it’s up to us to circumvent these idiots, as ever.

    • verita says:

      Tiftakruh lil Bencini fuq il-palk ma’ Tony Zarb bil-folla tghajjat, “Le le le lil Gonzi ma rridux assassin tal-Maltin”?

      Heqq, se jiehu it-thank you issa.

  7. francesco says:

    U n-nies tas-Sawt imsieken ?

  8. M. says:

    Malta Kollha Taghna update:

    Car registration number NZA405 – the large (and ugly) car usually driven by Nikita Zammit Alamango’s father – was this evening parked in a yellow un/loading box in St. Paul’s Street, Valletta, just before the church of St. Paul’s, while the streets were busy with people doing their Maundy Thursday church visits. Taf int, ghax iss’ghandhom il-power.

  9. Harry Purdie says:

    Ending his acceptance speech, Chairmen Mangion asked, ‘Only by working together can we all cover for my absolute lack of ability.’

  10. freefalling says:

    So Joe Muscat thinks he can run the country with a bunch of fools and get away with it.

    He has started to dig his own grave as the results will prove to be mediocre during the honeymoon period and later disastrous with government ministers blaming one another or the previous administration.

  11. Zunzana says:

    @Harry Purdie— which means you do the work, tell me what to do and i shall just sign the papers.

  12. old-timer says:

    Mangion, like his master Joseph is hoping for “FULL” co-operation from the previous administration. Joseph and his crowd are not showing that they are genuinly prepared for cooperation.. Their motto will be You just obey and we will call that cooperation.

  13. old-timer says:

    I am more than sure that they will find jobs for the boys. It is only natural – even if they had to invent a department called” Office of co-operation with the Nationalist Party” – The chief of this office would, of couses, get a salary of say 14,000 Euros yearly. Do not worry, lads, you failed to get elected but you will be rewarded.

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