“Easter with my Chief of Staff”

Published: March 29, 2013 at 7:46pm


So it turns out that the prime minister’s Easter holiday is a repeat of the one that made the news some months ago. Full marks for being adventurous, unless somebody keeps lending them a house and they’re staying for free, which would figure.

Ara dan mhux high-flyer bhal Tony Blair, ghax dak mar joqghod ghand Robin Gibb u l-missus. U Sarkozy (but we don’t like him, do we, because he’s not Labour like Tone) did the Monsieur Bling thing on a gadzillionaire’s yacht.

The Prime Minister and Mrs Muscat flew to Milan yesterday with his Chief of Staff, Keith Allen Schembri, and with Josette, Mrs Chief of Staff, and with the Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Economic Growth, and Mrs Edward Zammit Lewis.

No copies of Fifty Shades of Grey were noted in Club Class, as they were last time.

Which is just as well, really, because you don’t want to even think about who in that cosy sixsome is going to be tying whom to the bedposts.

Not that it’s any of our business, but shouldn’t the PM and his missus be taking this first holiday since the Big Win alone for a little private celebration?

Do they have to drag their friends along too?

Or are they the sort of couple who just have to do everything in a clique so that they don’t have to talk to each other more than is strictly necessary and be reminded that you can’t keep up an act in private but only when others are watching?

33 Comments Comment

  1. dorian says:

    You’d think that if you saw somebody in the office every single day, you wouldn’t want to take him on holiday with you as well.

    • Min Jaf says:

      So one could conclude that he cannot tear himself away from his workmates. One wonders why.

    • ciccio says:

      Looks like it’s a working holiday.

    • George Busuttil says:

      Nice people have friends others, whose insides haven’t settled yet, have only envy.

      [Daphne – Maltese doesn’t distinguish between friends, users, acquaintances and hangers-on, George. And Maltese people can’t distinguish between friends and the group with which they move. The reality is that most people have no more than five friends, if that, though they might have dozens of acquaintances and pack-members. As for the people under discussion, what we are looking at here is a user-user relationship, another verbal shortcoming in Maltese, the language of a culture in which the concept of true friendship is alien.]

  2. La Redoute says:

    Who’s running the country in the meantime?

    • observer says:

      Correction: Who is RUINING the country in the meantime?

    • ciccio says:

      Maybe we should give Louis Grech a call.

    • Giovanni says:

      I hope not Konrad Mizzi.

      • Energy Mix says:

        No Konrad Mizzi is busy thinking how to ruin Malta with the power station and as part time he is thinking how the interconnector must NOT ruin his power station.

      • Grace says:

        We are spoiled for choice this time!

      • Jozef says:

        Energy Mix, you couldn’t put it better. Konrad’s must be the greatest conflict of interest.

        Let’s see, 200 clean Megawatts staright from a cable, about to be installed, or a 200 megawatt c’rrect power unit designed for some City broker in London?

        Do both and switch off the cable sounds most inclusive prgressive and taghna lkoll.

        As long as it’s GonziPN money, it must be badly spent.

        He will then resign blaming Gonzi for having an energy strategy in place.

        Government by knee-jerk reaction, counter statements, monthly reshuffles, and a 75% capital expenditure risk figure, (their reasoning, you never know, msieken ghadhom friski, heqq u) it is.

    • TROY says:

      It’s on auto pilot

  3. Tinnat says:

    Who’s paying? Is that why his most trusted ones are holidaying with him? Where is the money coming from?

    • Monka says:

      No that is a very important and clever question … most probably without an answer.

    • Jozef says:

      Zammit Lewis is the one he would have loved to see replace Jason Micallef, when he declined, Muscat abolished the post.

      I take it he relies on his advice, and gave him the most crucial portfolio if he intends re-election. How Zammit Lewis can manage when his ‘clients’ require intricate networking with another two ministries remains to be seen.

      Just hope he won’t fall for the ones who’ll be most vociferous, namely those whose activity requires internal demand. If so, we face recession. And I’m not being dramatic.

      We’ll see how serious they are about long-term growth and development. To date, every decision and appointment made, points to the inverse.

      One doesn’t separate industry from finance from technology from services. Keith Allen Schembri won’t help.

    • ciccio says:

      For the time being we know where the money is going. Somewhere in the North of Italy.

  4. Gahan says:

    Mhux se jaghmlu bhal Sarkozy u Carla Bruni u jigu b’xi tewmin ghal-ahhar tas-sena hux?

  5. Snoopy says:

    I would bet 36000 Euros that he went to watch Inter and Juventus game.

  6. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    It would be interesting to know if they were staying at someone’s house for free, and whose that house is.

  7. Harry Purdie says:

    Little Joey fiddles, while Malta burns.

  8. maryanne says:

    Joseph Muscat has inherited a ‘pajjiz u finanzi fis-sod’. So much so, that he felt comfortable to go on a short holiday afer only two weeks in government.

    Other heads of government return and cut short their holidays when faced with real problems.

    However, I have to add that there are no demarcation lines where Labour is concerned. Personal friends, Labour government and Labour Party, all rolled into one.

  9. Attent01 says:

    Pope goes about in a VW Passat, Gozo Bishop crams into a small Subaru whilst the Gozo Minister leaves with his family and driver in a luxury Mercedes.

  10. When Mintoff used to go on his annual summer boat trip on the yacht of a businessman friend of his, he always insisted on friends for company. Once they faced a minefield off Albania, and on another occasion a storm that forced the boat to return via Gozo, with one companion deciding that he would never join the group again since, he claimed, “he had seen death”.

    De gustibus!

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