Land reclamation – and all our environmentalists have disappeared

Published: April 8, 2013 at 9:29pm

Muscat is now banging on about land reclamation for development.

Mrs Vella, now that there are no marches to lead with her FAA in defence of the right of freshwater crabs in Bahrija to protection from the evil excesses of the (former) president of the Nationalist Party, has gone into her own shell.

Now that there is no mosquito-whining to be done in the pouring rain in Valletta against the architectural colonialism of ‘foreigners’ like Renzo Piano, she has laid down her microphone.

And we won’t be tuning in to Super One TV to find her bitching and kvetching about land reclamation, permits, MEPA and the absolutely horrid and mean government, because they won’t be inviting her and she has stopped bothering anyway (job done, time to retire to Gozo).

But where are all the others? I trust they will make the same scenes and circulate the same petitions, about land reclamation for development to keep people like Sandro Chetcuti happy, that they did about far more minor matters in years gone by.

The Ramblers’ Association, always at the forefront of every ‘environment/development’ protest with Astrid Vella and her FAA, are going to be among the first to shut up.

Their president, Alex Vella, who used to lead the charge with Astrid and a shared megaphone, is now on the MEPA board. What are the odds that this dedicated rambler and environmentalist, who sells building supplies for a living and develops property, is suddenly going to discover that pouring huge amounts of alien material onto the seabed to create land on which Sandro Chetcuti and Charles Polidano can build is going to be just, just fine?

27 Comments Comment

  1. TROY says:

    Now Mr. Debono can reclaim the sandy beach in front of the Sea Bank hotel and have his own private beach.

    Why not?

    L-Ghadira taghna lkoll.

    It’s definitely a switchers’ paradise.

  2. ciccio says:

    Where is Marco Cremona, the Secretary General of the Water Association, who was not even consulted about the appointment of Mr. Alex Vella to the MEPA board?

    Is he still up Everest?

  3. Random says:

    Sea reclamation is very dependent on seabed geology.

    Where is the geologist that Astrid Vella and JPO used to parade in the case of the proposed St John’s cathedral excavation?

    Admittedly these are early days for Joseph Muscat’s sea reclamation project, but as more details are revealed we have to expect criticism.

  4. Makjavel says:

    The environmental experts need to state their case, unless they have also been promoted into silence.

  5. Edward says:

    Like I said before. In Malta it’s not the politicians who are hypocritical, it’s the voters. And I think that’s worse.

  6. Jozef says:

    What’s absolutely ludicrous is using the argument to justify demolition, excavation and tipping of inert material.

    As if caissons weren’t something we’ve used already. But then Polidano doesn’t get to exercise his barges.

    Incinerators and ‘waste production’ next.

    As for Mrs.Vella, she’ll see to it that ‘compensation’ is passed on to the neighbours. Clockwork.

    Just like the Camorra.

    • Friend of the Earth says:

      I suppose Ms Vella will speak out against dumping at sea. She is still against that, I believe.

      She made working groups aware of the abuse on the permits which contractors obtained from MEPA.

      Astrid is all out against land reclamation at sea.

  7. Friend of the Earth says:

    “I advise the Prime Minister to seriously rethink his decision, for our sake and for the sake of our children. Let us not burden future generations with yet more debt and the consequences of environmental disasters which they’ll have to clean up.”
    Ing. Marco Cremona

    Can you bring Joseph to his senses like you did to Gonzi, Marco?

  8. Grezz says:

    One wonders whether Edward Mallia will deign himself to object, what with his old buddy Sceberas Trigona still active in the Labour Party.

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    There’s also Vince Attard, President/employee of Nature Trust for the past 20 years (some people never know when to step back and let others have a go).

    He was awarded some Ġieħ ir-Repubblika title by the outgoing PN government and almost immediately went on television to state how “happy” (ferħanin) Nature Trust were with the environmental proposals of the PL.

  10. cesca says:

    I hear that Polidano owns the land touching the Freeport. What a coincidence.

  11. P Shaw says:

    In Malta everyone has a price. Astrid’s silence is obviously noted. given that she mobilized people for a small villa and now she is silent on the huge projects such as the new power station/gas tanks, the cruise terminal and yacht marina in pristine Gozo, and the land reclamation.

    Her silence indicates that an appintment with perks is in the pipeline.

  12. mario galea says:

    Moses Muscat will use his magic wand to part the sea all the way to Sicily. You are all invited to this extraordinary event. Popcorn will be provided. Mr Polidano will drive his chariots.

  13. mario galea says:

    Wanted a king sized bed for Joe, the environmentalists and the big contractors. Let the fun begin.

  14. John says:

    Today, on the 8pm news, PBS, Lino Farrugia of FKNK live in studio saying that ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll kif qal il-Prim Ministru u l-Gvern’; and the PBS newcaster, Keith Demicoli, addressing him as ‘Lin’ – qishom jieklu l-kirxa flimkien.

    Tomorrow more than 9,000 hunters will invade the countryside. 3,000 new hunters have applied for a licence knowing that this time round Mallia’s police force will turn a blind eye. Shame.

  15. Carmelo Micallef says:

    ‘pimps, thieves and scoundrels’

  16. jojo says:

    I am so disappointed by our so called environmentalists.

  17. brains says:

    Land reclamation should start by rehabilitating the countryside and reducing the villas built on virgin land.

  18. infurmat says:

    Illum (22/04/13) Alex Vella, r-raprezentant tal-ambjentalisti fuq il-Bord tal-MEPA, ivvota KONTRA l-impjant li ser idawwar l-iskart kollu, li sal-lum jidhol fil-landfill tal-Ghallis, f’rizorsa (energija nadifa u materjal ghar-riciklagg). Alex ivvota kontra dan l-investiment li Gvern nazzjonalista rrnexxielu jgib 50% tal-investiment mill-Unjoni Ewropea.

    Din ma titwemminx. L-AMBJENTALISTI MALTIN jivvutaw kontra l-aktar progett sostenibbli li Malta kellha sal-lum.

    Imissek tisthi Alex.

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