Well in that case, Mr Malta Today Editor, how about making this your front page story for 10 weeks running?

Published: April 9, 2013 at 1:30am

They’re still banging on about Tonio Fenech’s clock and Enemalta, reluctant to accept that the Nationalists are now in Opposition.

Malta Today is like an Inquisition torturer still mourning the death of his favourite victim and, in denial, singeing the corpse with red-hot irons.

Matthew Vella

9 Comments Comment

  1. old-timer says:

    People should avoid reading Malta Today.

  2. Jar Jar says:

    Are the PN going to let the ‘blokka bajda’ episode just fade away? It if was bad during the campaign, it must still be so.

  3. mario galea says:

    It comes in handy to wrap fish and chips. Pity its not the UK. But than pity its not good enough to wipe our **s with it.

  4. Gary Jameson says:


    Is it ?






    I have heard all of these figures over the past week. Can Daphne please start an online game of ‘guess the deficit’ and we can come up with our own figures. Suitable soundtrack would be the Benny Hill theme.

  5. Meta sejjer jiehu sehemu Saviour Balzan?

    Nahseb ma ndumux ma narawh bhal Bondi Plus fuq il-PBS.

    Toghm palata lil PL mhux hazin fil-kampanja elettorali.

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