The queue spilling onto the pavement at the Social Policy Minister’s constituency office in Hal Qormi

Published: April 9, 2013 at 1:44am

This is Marie Louise Coleiro Preca’s constituency office in Hal Qormi, on a slow day.

Outside ML Coleiro's constituency office in Qormi

45 Comments Comment

  1. MojoMalti says:

    Is that Antonella tas-Snobbi in blue?

  2. rjc says:

    You ain’t seen nothing yet! You should see the situation in Luqa, absolutely chaotic.

    The Hon madam and the Hon Galdes have offices within fifty metres of each other. Any day they’re there it’s like the ‘marc ta’ filghodu’.

    Some time ago the local council has also obliged by removing all clamping zone signs in this narrowest street of Luqa so that clients can park, leaving just enough for an Arriva bus to scrape through. Anyone walking up that street has to take shelter into someone’s door if a bus comes along as the pavement is less that 2 feet wide, and in some places does not even exist.

  3. Min Jaf says:

    Promise miracles, get devotees.

  4. xdcc says:

    Ara vera pajjiz ta’ tallaba.

  5. gil says:

    Clientelism like only we southern Europeans know it. I’m so sick of being from such a backwards place.

    [Daphne – Console yourself by taking a look at the electoral campaign in Venezuela.]

  6. AG says:

    And that is her Qormi San Gorg office. She has another one for the Bastjanizi.

  7. CIS says:

    What would they want? She is not a doctor or a lawyer and they are not seeking her professional services. She is a Minister – which makes all the difference. She can authorise FAVOURS.

  8. A.Barbara says:

    They are there to obtain a social housing flat or house, an easy job with the government which also allows them to work in the black market, and so on.

  9. G.M. says:

    Fil-kju halli ninqdew :-)

    Ahna ahna jew mahniex :

  10. Not Sandy :P says:

    There’s a similar one outside Jose’ Herrera’s office at the Manoel Theatre.

    And a sign saying ‘no mobile phones allowed’.

  11. kram says:

    A similar situation in St Rocco Street in Birkirkara outside the office of Edward Zammit Lewis. The situation is worse because the road is so narrow that at times cars can hardly go through.

  12. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Is the guy in the beige top (second from left) holding a blue Vascas gift bag?

  13. Paul says:

    Dak li jrid il-poplu… il-bajtra taqa f’halqu !
    Jippreferu jaghmlu hekk milli jmorru jahdmu !

  14. Gorg says:

    Dawk mhuma xejn!! gieli kien hemm izjed minn hekk, hafna izjed, nahseb ha tara min hu l-izjed b’sahhtu biex jibni il-pont tal-bypass, pont li verament ma iwassal imkien u fil-verita ahna ma rriduhx ghax ma rridux li wliedna jaqsmu minn hemm ghac-centru ta’ hal Qormi. U jekk titilghu sat-triq l-ohra (triq Anici) mhux il-boghod issibu kju iehor dak tas-segretarju parlamentari tal-annimali nahseb qed itihom il-fniek b’xejn talli telghu :)

  15. PWG says:

    Lose lose situation for labour. Ignore the die hards and expect trouble. Act partisan and risk losing the Malta Taghna llkoll aficionados.

  16. Edward says:

    What are they waiting for? Why are they there?

  17. Calculator says:

    Another nail in the coffin of the real meritocracy.

    Don’t Labour realise how hypocritical and daft they look when they criticise opponents for clientelism and then it’s what their supporters expect out of them? What a bunch of utter morons.

  18. Gahan says:

    There was also a full waiting room at Karmenu Vella’s office in Zurrieq.

    The Italians say “Ogni promessa e’ un debito.”

  19. The chemist says:

    That used to be Johnny Dalli’s crowd.

  20. pale blue my foot! says:

    This is 1970s politics….the new way under il-Muviment.

  21. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Edwin Zammit Lewis’s Birkirkara office was no better last week. i passed by at 5.30 to see a whopping queue of people waiting for him. 3 hours later the queue had dwindled but people were still there.

    I also heard that Jose was practically in tears with the amount of people queueing outside his offices.

    Probably explains why they’re working from dawn to dusk. To many hours spent granting favours in a bid to ensure re electionand not enough time spent working for Malta.

  22. P Shaw says:

    It appears that now reading an e-book or surfing the web on a tablet is banned while waiting in a queue in a hospital even though wi-fi is available. The paranoid Labour mob are suspicious of it.

  23. pitravu says:

    Remember this one so so long ago.
    Back to those times it seems

  24. Ray Meilak says:

    It’s like a typical Sicilian village, asking for favours from the Godmother?

  25. Allo Allo says:

    Dawk qed jistennew id-doughnuts hergin mill-forn?

  26. Joe says:

    You should go to the ministry-seems an open market with all the shouting for favours

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