“Jiena nemmen f’Joseph ghax Joseph jemmen fija”
Madonna, xi dwejjaq. When are we going to be shot of the bearded 1970s commie reject pseudo-progressive stuck-in-the-Vietnam-War-era tilting at windmills which no longer exist self-dramatising circle-w**k fake intellectuals who have long since collected their bus pass and who were always outdated pseuds anyway?
If this government is guilty of anything at all besides a giant con trick to get there in the first place, it’s consummate lack of imagination. I mean, look at the way it’s predictably installing its fossils and lackeys all over the place – the fossils, especially, get me.
Surely, if being Labour to the bone is the main qualification for being made PBS chairman, for instance, the prime minister can seek and find somebody much younger and more in tune with contemporary television than bloody old Albert Marshall, who was already out of date when he made Il-Madonna tac-Coqqa in the 1970s.
Alfred Sant – another one who thinks ‘intellectual’ is a synonym for ‘interest in obscure literature’ – made this tedious old fart chief executive of PBS in 1996. Seventeen years later, his successor Joseph Muscat comes along and thinks he is being incredibly progressive and fresh by making the same tedious old fart, now almost two decades older than he was and even more outdated and out of touch, chairman of PBS.
It’s not about the age, though, is it. It’s about the fact that individuals like Albert Marshall and his fellow socialist 1970s beards Mario Azzopardi and Mario Vella are stuck in a time warp. Apocalyse Now is still playing on their internal sound system.
For heaven’s sake, look at Albert Marshall here, and more to the point, listen to his introspective, soul-searching, personal identity crap that’s just missing the LSD, the psychedelic-print cushions, the girls in the kaftans and the Jimi Hendrix look-alike throwing up in the corner.
They even filmed each other for the famous Malta Taghna Lkoll video: Mario Philip Azzopardi filming Mrs Albert Marshall saying that she believes in Joseph.
“I believe in Joseph because he’ll make my husband chairman of PBS and give meaning to his pointless life.”
Well, not quite – but almost.
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I knew the Marshalls in Oz some thirty-odd years ago.
Albert was an old fart even then.
Can anyone update us on any recent career moves for Lino Briguglio?
Beards of a feather…
Ya gotta laugh, ya really gotta laugh.
Albert Marshall is taking a course in the Life Long Learning Programme – he is studying Latin. What for, if I may ask?
[Daphne – He’ll find it a real struggle. You need a logical mind for Latin, and even then it’s like pushing an elephant uphill in monsoon rain. It’s not as though you can go out and practise your conversational Latin.]
Shit I hope he never finds out I have an ‘O’-level in Latin.
What was it, er, “Dux ubi Albertus Marshall, Alfredi Sant clara propago, iam fastidiret nomen habere ducis, altius aspirat. “
More like:Docens asinus quam ad spirant.
How did he make it to Uni when I was there (that’s a long time ago)? Latin was compulsory for the BA course at the time.
So many blunders happening daily. At this rate, you’ll be spending 20 hours a day writing blogs.
Right. And that was instead of attending Margaret Thatcher’s funeral rather than sending Leo tar-recycling.
…’jirrakkonta meta nesa l-flokk ta’ taht…’ OMG, please, please help us.
At least we get some real satisfaction. Now buzz off
That is because, as the last election has shown, more than half the voters are similarly fossilized.
130,000 voters did not give them the power alas.
Just goes to show that we Maltese love our antiques – but sometimes we just get a little bit confused.
He was quoted as saying that PBS was not impartial. Now with him at the helm, the problem would be solved. PBS will be as impartial as Super One or L-Orizzont are! Halluna.
I liked his ‘Lenti’ shows. Apart from this one above shown, wasting time, interviewing people who went to Brussels, like they’ve made it big when they’re actually still very much Maltese and the same. Where I find them to be more Maltese than I am, even though Brussels should have smartened them up.
Uff xi dwejjaq ta’ nies! X’hela ta’ hin.
U mnalla li kien Brussel ghalihom, hadd ma jghidha.
All I could think watching Alex Vella Gera speak in the interview is: “X’buzz ikrah ta’ bniedem.”
Fkn parasites.
And following Malta’s membership in the EU, he got on the EU bandwagon and worked for a few years as a translator. The old boy doesn’t miss a single opportunity even one his beloved party tried to deny others!
Kemm ghandek ragun Daph. Iva m’hawnx xi monument ghalik!
I’d have given him a Santa Claus outfit, he’s a perfect Daddy Xmas figure, fits the role
Henry VIII actually.
Spot ye difference:
Jiena nemmen f’Joseph ghax Joseph jaghti spazju lil dal-imbarazz ta’ kittieba fis-socjeta Maltija ghax, hi, Malta u Brussell taghna lkoll.
Agreed. Imbarazz li hasbu li lahqu l-Alla ghax hazzu l-imbarazz mill-kunfuzjoni li jiddettalhom mohhhom.
These people make mental asylums look heavenly.
Ma Toghgbux Malta imma mohhu f’Malta Vella Gera. Taf int biex idawwar lira tajba mill-imbarazz u peress illi jikteb bil-Malti, minn xi cuc Malti irid biex jitwekka u jixtri dak iz-zibel.
Ara vera m’ghandekx x’taghmel, sur Marshall! Ma ke’imkien iehor xorta.
Ma kellekx biex tarma biex armajt b’dal imbarazz sfaccat Malti. Opportunisti tat-tip li jappella ghal wiehed bhal Franco Debono – Vella Gera bniedem wiccu u ximkien iehor – xorta.
Jekk ippruvajt issib refugju ghax ghaddejt minn esperjenzi simili u qarsa fis-70ijiet, ninfurmak li l-esperjena tieghek ma kienet xejn hlief trawma li sfortunatamet trawwmet mill-mohh maghluq u sfaccat li kebbes fil-Maltin siehbek Duminku Mintoff u int kont vittma tac-cirkostanzi qoros li ghamel il-Perit Mintoff lil poplu Malti, dak iz-zmien.
Il-kaz ta’Vella Gera, ma kien assocjat jew simili xejn ghal l-esperjenza tieghek.
Dal-parassita hallewh jahdem in-Nazzjonalisti anzi bis-sahha tas-shubija ta’ Malta fl-Ewropa, ma telifx opportunita wahda u ma sab ruhu ippapiha minn fuq dar il-poplu Malti u minn fuq ikebbes u jmaqdar dak kollu li hu Malti u f’Malta biex minn ghalih li ha jigbor ftit simpatija minn dal-gens li kellu ic cans li jsir nies imma sahha ghal nies bhalkom li qlajtu fuq wicckom, irridu nissaportu z-zibel li intom stess qed iggibu b’idejkom.
Jaqq, x’imbarazz. Brussell taghkom ukoll? Tant ahjar, forsi Malta titnaddaf sew.
Il-hmieg mhux fit-toroq qieghda ghax il-kenniesa jaghmlu xogholhom tajjeb.