While MEPA falls apart and plans are made for land reclamation and a power station without an EIA…

Published: April 18, 2013 at 3:10am

…the saviour of the Maltese landscape, who is virtually invisible already, is on deal.com.mt worrying about whether she can fit a 10-week abs programme into seven weeks in time for Tigne beach.

I’m not really into popping anything at all, but is there a patience pill I could swallow? I might otherwise be sorely tempted to stamp on this total pseud the next time I see her.

Next up: a baroque house in Gzira, perhaps.

flat stomach

15 Comments Comment

    • The Shadow says:

      Many years ago, when TVM was in its infancy, the late Armando Urso used to present a show called Il Musichiere, blatantly copied name and all from a show presented by Mario Riva on RAI.

      Norman Hamilton then fancied himself as a singer. His chosen stage name was Clive Waters. When Urso invited him to appear on the show, we convinced him to give us a preview of his performance at the public convenience (now gone) at Ghar id-Dud on the right hand side of the Sliema Pitch.

      He sang his heart out and we gave him the only round of applause appropriate to the surroundings – a golden shower.

  1. trapezoid says:

    Malta’s environment and planning: the pendulum swings back with a vengeance.

  2. Gahan says:

    She was present on that bloke’s whatshisname discussion program on TVM talking against land reclamation and the waiving of MEPA permit fees.

  3. bye bye says:

    Astrid Vella was on Net TV on Tuesday for an hour

  4. manum says:

    I once confronted her with a very hot development in Naxxar Rd Birkirkara, and she slipped off by accusing the local council of not lobbying enough. Clearly this prat has been the empty vessel that made a lot of sound.

  5. ciccio says:

    “Build Rock hard ABS and be ready for the summer” – says the advert.

    Quick, Astrid, they are going to build another Armier before the Summer.

  6. Jozef says:

    She has to complain.

  7. Min Jaf says:

    Probably thinks that if she can produce enough rock hard ABS, they could be used in the land reclamation project, thereby avoiding any unsightly scars on the mainland.

  8. Marcus says:

    Astrid Vella should be worried about the number of birds being blown out of the sky from fishing-boats below the cliffs off Birzebbugia. Perhaps when land reclamation is completed they could walk under the cliff and Astrid can sunbathe freely.

  9. Marcus says:

    A good walk tomorrow afternoon from near Ghar Hassan along the cliff-edge, armed with a pair of binoculars and the law enforcement mobile squad number, can save some birds.

  10. Jesper says:

    Ara veru li din il-mara hija l-ikbar ruffjana li qatt rajt f’pajjizna. Fi zmien in-Nazzjonalisti bil-megafone f’halqa u tittrakkek ma’ irgiel koroh, u issa mohha fil-hmerijiet. Din hija s-serjeta’?

  11. kram says:

    Is it true that the MEPA fees reduction will be backdated to 2010?

    If yes, is it being done to please someone who helped in the electoral campaign?

    And all the whining about the deficit, isn’t this going to increase our deficit?

  12. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Hmm. I think I have a new chat-up line.

    Hey baby, my abs are so rock-hard I had to get a permit from MEPA to build them.

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