Cyrus gets another iced bun
Things are getting cosier by the day in the land of Malta Taghna Lkoll. Now Cyrus Engerer has been selected to head the government’s consultative committee on LGBT matters.
How is he qualified to do this – by being homosexual? That’s like saying I’m qualified to chair a committee on women’s issues by dint of being a woman.
No, the real qualification is that he gave public witness for the Cult of Joseph, and made a real meal of it.
So that’s wonderful, isn’t it. The government’s consultative committee on LGBT matters is headed by a man who, when his boyfriend broke up with him, broke into his flat, broke into his computer hard-drive, lifted compromising homo-erotic pictures featuring his ex, and emailed them to his ex’s employers and colleagues.
If a woman had done that to her boyfriend, there is no way she’d have been considered suitable to chair a consultative committee of any sort, let alone one on women’s issues. And if she had, there’d have been an outcry.
The fact that there hasn’t been such an outcry about his appointment shouldn’t please Cyrus, but worry him. It means that people in their prejudice take it for granted that gay men are going to behave like bunny-boiling bitches and take it in their stride, seeing Cyrus and his behaviour as the homosexual norm, rather than the outrageous exception.
In other words, Cyrus Engerer is the confirmation of the very prejudice he has been appointed to consult on eliminating.
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His qualification and meritocracy must be based on his sense of discretion.
Of course he’s full of energy, he’s going to have the pick of the litter for his next distribution.
I suggest their members to use , unless they’re into that kind of thing.
On another note, presently watching the segment of ‘Game of Thrones’, where they fucked up one of our beaches.
But, no worry, little Joey will reclaim new land, dumping crap into the sea, therebye allowing new fuckups, this time by the development ghouls.
Jeez, five years of this shit? is ending up with more chiefs than Indians.
Given the circumstances the ‘mimli energija biex….’ post requires nothing more (and nothing less) than a caption competition bla rigal.
One cigarette burn too many.
“He admitted that the doctor had found a slight bruise on Mr Pace’s back and “small cigarette burn” on his arm but denied any involvement in mistreatment of suspects.”…/commissioner-denies-involvement-in-198...
Strangely enough, however, the Court documents do not show anywhere that the then Inspector Zammit had actually denied the sworn evidence given by the late Pace. Still less that Zammit had brought witnesses to support such denial.
One would reasonably presume that he could have done that there and then – had Pace’s witness been false.
It is bewildering that Zammit is only now denying the alleged beatings and torture – several years after Pace’s demise – and when Pace is certainly no longer around to confront Zammit and rebut the denial in the appropriate forum.
That makes two buns for Cyrus. Now a kannoll, and he’s done.
I cannot imagine anybody that is heterosexual heading the government’s consultative committee on LGBT matters. Regards his qualifications to head this committee, well that’s another matter altogether.
[Daphne – Excuse me, Joe, but why not? Cyrus Engerer is not transgender, he is not a lesbian, and he is not bisexual. He is a homosexual man – not even a homosexual woman. I’d have been more impressed if they had kept to their word about putting more women in key roles and had Gabi Calleja do the job instead of yet another man. It’s really incredible the way how, in Malta, even minority issues like gay rights are dominated by men. Truly incredible. Chauvinism and male-centric behaviour exists even in the consultative committee on LGBT issues.]
A perfect answer, as usual, but many are too blind to notice that male dominance is everywhere here in Malta.
M’hemmx x’ taghmel.Riedu wiehed in charge, li hu ragel fuq l-irgiel.
I think Gabi Calleja would do a much better job than Cyrus Engerer.
A perfectly reasoned answer!
The choice of appointee is an equally perfect and shining example of Labour’s myopic hypocrisy. Gabi Calleja was a strong choice for such an appointment (in terms of intellectual and moral integrity as well as on grounds of gender opportunity).
But in Labour’s blatantly partisan and myopic view, party allegiance and commitment is paramount over all other considerations.
This blog’s consistent unmasking of Labour’s true colours is unparalleled.
So it’s as if anyone that flies a plane can be the mechanic?
Your impeccable logic will, alas, be beyond the understanding of most of those who were conned by the Malta Taghna Lkoll slogan.
No, Rumplestiltskin I disagree.
Precisely because her logic is impeccable and transparent I’m sure it will be understood by anyone whose mind is not blinded by party allegiance. I consider many (if not all) of the so-called switchers are in such a category.
To them I can add a number of ‘traditional’ Labour voters. The problem now is whether all these people will admit to themselves (if not to others) that Labour was not the better choice.
I think they will continue to give them ‘another try’ until they themselves (or those close to them) eventually get the sting of (the consequences) of the bad decisions and policies being adopted.
The position given to him is because he defected to the Labour Party before he was pushed out by the PN because of his actions. Otherwise he would not be there.
a person committing a crime against his partner (sic) leading a government consultative council; an alleged fraudster (Claudette Baldacchino) vying for a post at the European Parliament as an MEP; an ex police superintendent who is well known for his partisan views and for his heavy handed attitude vis a vis suspects under police custody appointed as a Police COmmissioner … what’s next?
Hehe I like your coining the “Cult of Joseph” and hope it glues – because it is so true! It should remind switchers of their (un)reasoned decision to vote Labour. Many people may claim (or boast) to have dropped their traditional religion in the name of ‘liberal and progressive’ thinking but they have not shed their ingrained belief in snake-oil superstitions.
…….and yet the man Cyrus was selected by a woman Parliamentary Secretary to sit on the consultative committee.
Patience – there may be an arseteroid coming his way.
[Daphne – Tsk tsk.]
Did I miss something or is Cyrus’ case still pending?
‘In other words, Cyrus Engerer is the confirmation of the very prejudice he has been appointed to consult on eliminating’.
I will be honest and say that after a long day of work I needed to read this three times to understand it, but when I did, my word is it thought-provoking.
The same applies to many heads of NGO’s such as those whose stated aim is to tackle racism when they themselves, and their very appointment is racist.