‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ was a fraudulent slogan. Labour’s real slogan is ‘Hekk, Hu Go Fik’.
Members of my international worldwide network of spies with links to the Ministry for Justice, the Police, the Army and Broadcasting confirm that the Law Commissioner, Franco Debono, has been given a chauffeur-driven car for his use round-the-clock, seven-days-a-week, for work and play, starting today.
The car is the very same one used by Carm Mifsud Bonnici when he was Minister of Justice and the Police (a double ministry which provoked Debono’s ire in a way that Manuel Mallia’s even more complicated status does not). It’s the one Debono wanted specifically.
This is in addition to the Law Commissioner receiving receiving a salary while being permitted to work ‘part-time’ on what should be – because of the nature of the workload – a full-time commitment, while also keeping up with his private office and work at court.
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No wonder he celebrated Labour’s victory so hard.
What a costly exercise in spite from an evil, incompetent government.
U jekk xi hadd jghid li dan l-ispeci mhux mikdud bil-genn tal-mibgheda, tal-ghira u tal-hazen, sinjal biss li huwa bhalu.
Ahseb u ara Joseph l-Imperatur! Jien nghid li dan iktar perikoluz minn Mintoff. Veru bniedem jaf jinki u kattiv waqt li jitfa l-iktar tbissima wiesgha fuq wiccu.
Trid tkun veru tasal biex tibdel il-pjanijiet tal-parlament il-gdid. Metu se naghmlu xi protesta fuq din? Iva, ninzlu fit-toroq ha nsalvaw dan il-progett u jsir kif originarjament mahsub.
Don’t waste your time, maryanne. Leave the protests to those switchers who now want “to bite minkbejhom’ for voting Labour, and are afraid to admit it in public.
Billi fieh xi gara hej mhux bizejjed li irvina l-entratura ghal Belt
maryanne, it’s a “Parliament on stilts” – remember?
We can tie ourselves to the vertical beams as a sign of protest.
Ah, so maybe it was not Carm Mifsud Bonnici’s job as Minister he wanted, but his car.
Have they changed his number plate to HGF 001 as yet?
The decision to appoint Debono was a bad one. Joseph Muscat is about to take another very bad decision; this time on the City Gate project.
I have a suggestion for Joseph Muscat. Now that he indicated his intention to retain parliament at the Presidents Palace, I suggest that the new building on City Gate is changed to a supermarket.
The building as conceived by Piano will be a symbol of Malta’s democracy. It will be a symbol that this country is an independent, proud nation with a positive outlook for the future.
By changing it to a supermarket, it will become a symbol of profit and greed … and stupidity.
Instead of showing pride in our nation, Joseph Muscat is intent on shooting this country in the foot.
The project has an international profile because it is designed by an international architect and also because of its location and intended use. By changing it to anything other than a parliament building, Joseph Muscat will make us the laughing stock of Europe. But the core PL sympathisers are far too stupid to realise.
Can’t Franco use his own car and be paid for it, like the PM?
Mela hekk sew – jien immur ix-xoghol bil-mixi u nhallas it-taxxa biex dak il-kornut ta’ Franku Debono ghandu karozza ministerjali bix-chauffeur b’kollox 24 siegha kulljum. MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL.
Qered tant fil-Parlament dwar l-Arriva l-Onor Cikku Debono – issa ghandu jmur ghax-xoghol bl-Arriva, bhal Cikku l-Poplu.
Kollox jista’ jkollu Franco minbarra ministeru, ghal-dik il-kariga trid tkun membru parlamentari lejali lejn min tellak u jaghzlek il-Prim Ministru.
Rajtu fuq TV Hemm u tghidx kemm dhaqt f’qalbi , ghax hu u jitkellem kellu jidher bhala moderatur mhux ta’ wiehed li jrid jimponi l-opinjoni tieghu fuq kullhadd. Meta beda jinterrompi lil Dr Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici , iz-ziju ta’ Carm beda jikkontrollah b’harsa li ccanfar, u l-kelb bis-sarima imxidda jerga’ jdahhal denbu bejn saqajh u jibla’ ftit milli jkun qal u JISKUZA ruhu ma’ KMB.Mank Gonzi kien bhal-KMB f’din il-haga!
Ikolli nghid li t-trobbija harget fid-deher f’dan il-programm.
Ghal gwadan u l-ghira personali li ghandu Franco Debono irrovina pajjiz. Imma l-poplu malajr jinduna li ghamel zball.
Ma’ nohodix bi kbira li din tal-Parlament il-gdid jerga jbidel fhemtu. Dawn anwas beniethom m’hu qed jaqblu. Per ezempju anke ta’ l-iskejjel godda, Evarist Bartolo, li mhux xi ministru gdid, l-ewwel qal li m’hemmx flus biex jibni skola gdida kull sena u wara gara xi haga u rega dawwarha. Donnu Joseoh gibidlu widnejh. Imhawwad ex Ministru ahseb u ara Konrad Mizzi x’tahwid ghandu go mohhu. Minn fuq il-bank ta’ l-iskola issib ruhek ministru ghal energija b’responsabbilta’ li trid tibni power station f’sentejn. Miskin.
“Imma l-poplu malajr jinduna li ghamel zball.”
How long have you been in Malta?
Disgusting, but don’t worry because what goes around comes around. How very spiteful of Debono and Joseph Muscat.